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AWDA logo, with letters A (large, italic, upper case, in white that merges into white page background, with ared shadow, over green circle), w (lower case in green with shadow over a large, green circle with Artists with Disabilities Alliance in white italic text at circle top), d (in white lower case, with shadow, over wwwhite triangle, and a (blue lower case in blue with shadowover blue rectangle)
AWDA Meetings - 2004 | Meetings 2005
January - The Artists With Disabilities Alliance (AWDA) will not meet in January.
The Artists With Disabilities Alliance meetings in 2004 will be from 6:00 - 8:15 PM, as follows:

February - date: on Tuesday, February 10
time: 6:00 - 8:15 PM
located at:
Minnesota State Arts Board
400 Sibley St. #200, St. Paul

Click here to: Get Map and Directions

  • MariJayn Duchene will demonstrate how to use our website
    ( to best advantage. For details, contact her at
    651-457-4376 or
  • Deb Costandine will also talk about a
    possible Penny Pour.

March - Tuesday, March 16
time: 6:00 - 8:15 PM
located at:
Springboard for the Arts
at: Nautilus Music-Theater Studio
        (right next door [on the same floor] to
        Springboard for the Arts - in Suite 250
        at 308 Prince St., St. Paul)

308 Prince Street, Suite 270, St. Paul

Click here to: Get Map and Directions

Main Business:

Denise Martineau will give us a preview of her upcoming workshops on Careers in the Arts for People with Disabilities, which she will be presenting around Minnesota. She will be seeking feedback from us.

Other Business:

  • Laurie McKiernan must postpone her presentation on setting up a peer-based critique structure.
  • So Suzanne Byrne and Terry Mayer will lead a group happening that they promise will be fun. We can also set tentative agendas for future meetings, schedule artists, writers & performers to present their art, read or perform for 10 to 15 minutes at each meeting, and accept offers by individuals to coordinate each meeting.
  • Networking Announcements: Artist News, Events, Workshops, Resources, Grants, etc. If you have printed material to share, please e-mail or fax it in advance so that we can try to make it accessible to all participants. E-mail:; Fax: 612-305-0132

8:15 Adjourn

Go to Agendas Page for downloads.

April - Tuesday, April 20
time: 6:00 - 8:15 PM
located at:
Magic Carpet Cafe
509 Sibley St. (between 9th and 10th) just off I-94 in Lowertown
Click here to: Get Map and Directions

  • A German club meets at 5:00 if you wish to come early und sprechen ein
    bischen Deutsch.
  • The Renaissance Box building also houses Starting Gate Theater, a new
    Margaux's Restaurant, Ma Barker's Bazaar, Sibley Bike Depot, a Lounge Club
    and rental areas for artist studios, writers' cubicles, offices, retail and
  • Program:


    • Facilitator Tara Arlene Innmon will revisit the mission statement for proposed support group co-counseling.
    • Terry Mayer & Suzanne Byrne will lead a "happening."
    • Artists Kathie Foslien and Denise Martineau will present their visual art, and poet Doug Courts will read.
    • We will discuss the Saint Paul Art Crawl, groups for critiques, mentoring, and visual artists/performers/writers. We will choose our next facilitator, meeting sites & dates.

    6:00-6:15: Arrive, chat, look at the artwork, get beverages
    6:15-6:25: Tour of Building by Martin or conversation for those not interested.
    6:25-6:40: Introductions: Facilitator Tara Arlene Innmon.
    6:40-6:50: Read over & adjust agenda, set up note taker, decide next meeting facilitator.
    6:50-7:20: Presentations by three of our own: Doug Courts will read and discuss his poetry, Denise Martineau and Kathie Foslien will show us their art.
    7:20-7:30: Old Business: What items have we dropped that we need to pick up?
    7:30-7:40: New Business: Locations for next couple of meetings. Support group mission statement.
    7:40-8:00: Terry Mayer and Suzanne Byrne will surprise us with an activity. They promise it will be fun.
    8:00-8:10: Closing Review minutes

    If you need accommodations (ASL interpreter), please contact Jon Skaalen or Denise Martineau at V S A arts of Minnesota, Phone: 612-332-3888 voice/tty. We request that AWDA meetings be fragrance-free.

    For other updates, see this Artists with Disabilities Alliance website ( or see the Artists with Disabilities Alliance message board where you can create your own notices, and create your artist's profile (Artist Profile, or (

May - Wednesday, May12, 2004
time: 6:00 - 8:15 PM

located at:
Pillsbury House (Davis Lounge, 2nd floor)
3501 Chicago Avenue S., Minneapolis

Program Description:

• Facilitator is Terry Mayer.

• Rachel Parker will offer a short presentation on civil & employment rights
as seen in the Rehab Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, and Social
Security Work Incentives. Bring your questions or call Rachel at

• Musicians Doug Courts and Glenda Rittenour will perform, Tara Innmon will
read poetry and Janet Winckler will show more of her greeting cards.

We will choose our next meeting sites/dates, facilitator, artist
presenters and offer announcements. All meetings are fragrance-free. If you
need an interpreter, contact VSA arts of Minnesota: 612-332-3888 or
800-801-3883, v/tty. For updates, check:

.8:00-8:10: Closing Review minutes

If you need accommodations (ASL interpreter), please contact Jon Skaalen or Denise Martineau at V S A arts of Minnesota, Phone: 612-332-3888 voice/tty. We request that AWDA meetings be fragrance-free.

For other updates, see this Artists with Disabilities Alliance website ( or see the Artists with Disabilities Alliance message board where you can create your own notices, and create your artist's profile (Artist Profile, or (

June - Wednesday, June 30, 2004
time: 6:00 - 8:15 PM

The Artists With Disabilities Alliance invites you to a
Summer Artists' Potluck Picnic! - Photos

located at:
Minnehaha Park Picnic Shelter (near the Falls)
4825 Minnehaha Avenue S., Minneapolis
Click here to: Get Map and Directions

Event Description:

Join fellow visual artists, writers and performers at a potluck
get-together, celebrating our selves. Bring food or beverages to share,
photos of your work, greeting cards, CDs, instruments, poems,
announcements – or just come!

Tables are first-come, so can someone arrive early and hold a few tables
for us? RSVP to Rachel Parker, 612-722-4646, so we'll know how many tables
to save.

We will choose our next meeting site/date, facilitator, and artist

Please wear no fragrances.

If you need accommodations (ASL interpreter), please contact Jon Skaalen or Denise Martineau at V S A arts of Minnesota, Phone: 612-332-3888 voice/tty. We request that AWDA meetings be fragrance-free.

For other updates, see this Artists with Disabilities Alliance website ( or see the Artists with Disabilities Alliance message board where you can create your own notices, and create your artist's profile (Artist Profile, or (

September - Tuesday, September 14, 2004
time: 6:00 - 8:15 PM

You are invited to attend the first autumn meeting of the Artists With
Disabilities Alliance:

located at:
Renaissance Box Bldg. main floor next to the Magic Carpet Cafe
509 Sibley St., St. Paul
(between 9th & 10th) off I-94
Click here to: Get Map and Directions

Event Description:

• The main topic will be to organize AWDA group participation in the St.
Paul (Lowertown) Art Crawl on Fri.-Sat., October 8-9. We have paid the
registration fee and must decide who wishes to show and sell art, how to
arrange tables in this space, schedule volunteers and other aspects of this
opportunity. If you have experience in art shows, join us to help out!

• Facilitator Tara Arlene Innmon & Suzanne Byrne will read excerpts from
their writings.

• Our recent survey of preferred meeting days, times and places indicated a
close split between Tuesdays and Wednesdays, generally 6:00 to 8:00, and
anyplace where parking is free. Even if you haven't attended before, you are

• New Business:

* Discuss how we participate in the Saint Paul Art Crawl, Oct. 8-9 at the Renaissance Box. Thanks to a donation, our participation is paid for. We can look at the space, discuss with a building representative what will be available to us, see which artists are interested in selling and showing work, determine a plan for set-up, cashiering, sharing hours, clean-up, how to get the word out (a limited number of postcards may be available) and other details.
* Rachel Parker will report that KFAI-FM "Disabled & Proud" (Sam Jasmine, 612-341-3144x817 or wants to interview AWDA.
* Plan next meeting: location, date, facilitator, topics, refreshments (our recent survey determined the most preferred meeting nights are Tuesday & Wednesday)
* Is anyone available to help Suzanne Byrne move: with a truck, labor, etc.?

• 8: 00 Adjourn

Refreshments are available in the cafe.

Please wear no fragrances.

If you need accommodations (ASL interpreter), please contact Jon Skaalen or Denise Martineau at V S A arts of Minnesota, Phone: 612-332-3888 voice/tty. We request that AWDA meetings be fragrance-free.

For other updates, see this Artists with Disabilities Alliance website ( or see the Artists with Disabilities Alliance message board where you can create your own notices, and create your artist's profile (Artist Profile, or (

Directions: Located in the Wacouta Commons section of downtown St. Paul, the
building sits kitty-corner to Embassy Suites on 10th Street.
From Minneapolis: Take 94 east past the Saint Paul "5th & 10th" Street
exits. Don't take the "35E north" exit, stay on 94 East, and take the next
right on the "7th St" Exit Take a right on 7th, and then a right on Wacouta,
you're real close, take a left on 9th, and one more block and you're at
Sibley Street where you will see the Renaissance Box, the Loading Dock
Theater and the Magic Carpet Café to your right. Park anywhere around there.
The lot next to the Magic Carpet Café is not monitored evenings, but you can
also park on the street if you find a space.

From Wisconsin: Take 94 west to 12th St./Capitol exit, then a left on
Jackson and then a left on 9th Street. Drive half a block, and the
Renaissance Box will be located on your left.
From north 35E: Take 35E south into downtown St. Paul. Exit at Wacouta/10th,
take a right onto 10th Street, drive a block, the Renaissance Box will be
located on your left. or

Art Crawl Featuring AWDA members

October - Wednesday, October 27, 2004
time: 6:00 - 8:15 PM

You are invited to attend the October meeting of the Artists With
Disabilities Alliance, hosted by Yuri Arajs at Outsiders & Others,:

located at:
Outsiders & Others, 1010 Park Ave. S., Minneapolis
Directions: 612/338-3435 or
Political art will be on exhibit.

Of Interest:
The annual Artability at Apollo exhibit, featuring works by artists with mental illness, will be held Oct. 7-9 at:
Apollo Resource Center, 313 N. Dale St., St. Paul.
The show is free and open to the public:
Thurs. Oct. 7, 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. (opening reception at 7:00)
Fri. Oct. 8, 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Sat. Oct. 9, noon to 5:00 p.m.


December - Tuesday the 14th, 2004
time: 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Artists With Disabilities Alliance Meeting

located at:
3121 Pillsbury Ave. S., Minneapolis

(just south of Lake Street near K-Mart)

  • This is an informal monthly gathering of writers, visual artists, performers, composers and other artists with a variety of disabilities. We welcome all to share your interests and talents, support one another's work, and advocate for increased opportunities for all.
  • Suzanne Byrne will host an AWDA holiday potluck in her apartment building's meeting room. Bring food or beverages to pass and, if you'd like, something artistic with which to celebrate the season (a song, photo, poem, short story, decoration, whatever).


    * If you have an idea for an arts-related workshop you would like to present or take in 2005, bring a summary along. Two people have already begun planning workshops in Feb.-March.
    * Set sites for early 2005 meetings & workshops.
    * Circulate thank-you card to Jaime Becker for paying our St. Paul Art Crawl fee.
    Park on the street (not in the residents' lot) or carpool from K-Mart. The security entrance is near Pillsbury. For more information, call Suzanne at 612-721-2615.
    * Please attend fragrance-free so that everyone can come.
    * If you have printed material to share, please e-mail or fax it in advance so that we can try to make it accessible to all participants. E-mail:; Fax: 612-305-0132
    * If you need an ASL interpreter or other accommodations, contact Jon at VSA arts of Minnesota: 612-332-3888 or 800-801-3883, v/tty, ext. 2, or
    * For updates or directions, check the AWDA website: or the VSA arts of Minnesota website, under "What's New."
    * To publicize Arts News, Events, Workshops, Resources, Grants, etc., send information to:
    • AWDA website: MariJayn Duchene, or call 612- 338-3435
    • VSA arts of Minnesota Artists' Pipelin

    Refreshments are available in the cafe.

    Please wear no fragrances.

    If you need accommodations (ASL interpreter), please contact Jon Skaalen or Denise Martineau at V S A arts of Minnesota, Phone: 612-332-3888 voice/tty. We request that AWDA meetings be fragrance-free.

    For other updates, see this Artists with Disabilities Alliance website ( or see the Artists with Disabilities Alliance message board where you can create your own notices, and create your artist's profile (Artist Profile, or (

All meetings are fragrance-free. If you need an ASL interpreter
contact Jon at VSA arts of Minnesota:
612-332-3888 v/tty or:

Special Cafe AWDA workshops/meetings, for individual AWDA member skills development regarding use of AWDA website and individual web portfolio development 2004:

If you are interested in attending these meetings/workshops please confirm by e-mail to MariJayn, by e-mail only please, at:
OpusArts LLC. (formerly Metamorphosis PR and Design, UK)
1144 Ottawa Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55118 - USA
V and Fax: 651 457 4376

  • Meetings in St. Paul will be available by advance appointment only in the afternoon from 2-4 PM, on Wednesdays, at the Dunn Bros. Cafe, location details below.

  • Meetings in Minneapolis will be available by advance appointment only either in the afternoon from 2-4 PM or evening from 7-9 PM, on Thursdays, at the Expresso Royal Cafe, location details below.

  • Advance confirmation and reservation, by e-mail, to MariJayn, at:,
    is required and very important.

  • These will also be on a first come first served basis and limited to about four people per meeting.

  • Sign up sheets will be available at AWDA meetings for these workshops.

St. Paul Location:
Dunn Bros. Cafe
367 N. Wabasha
(5th and Wabasha)
Tel: 651 767 0567
Click here to: Get Map and Directions

TIME: by appointment
DATE: by appointment

Dunn Bros. Cafe has two on site MAC computers for customers, plus wireless Internet connection for laptop computers with wireless cards.
This location closes at 6:30 PM
There is no charge for use of the computers only purchase of a beverage.

Minneapolis Location:
Expresso Royal Cafe

1229 Hennepin
Tel: 612 333 8882
Click here to: Get Map and Directions

TIME: by appointment
DATE: by appointment

Expresso Royal Cafe has two on site computers for customers, and is open in the evening.
This location closes
at 11 PM
There is no charge for use of the computers only purchase of a beverage.

Completing this: easy, quick, E-form details what you want your
individual profile/portfolio page to say about you and your art work or interest:


We aim to create:

  • a supportive environment for all Artists with Disabilities;
  • opportunities for artists to give and receive feedback, critique and support;
  • mentorship opportunities to allow artists to share and/or increase their skills;
  • connections with the broader community through our artistic expression.
All meetings are fragrance-free, to the degree possible in a public location.

temporary web address:

red and black neon image for LINKS

VSA arts of Minnesota contact Jon:
612-332-3888 v/tty

Webmaster: MariJayn at:
OpusArts LLC. 
E-mail Webmaster
Phone: 651 457 4376 - for web site related matters only.