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"Purple" Sweetpotato

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"Purple" sweetpotatoes have a dense slightly-sweet purple flesh with purple skin and a leaf shaped like a shield. Certain conditions can frequently cause large roots to develop cracks.

The variety name "Purple" is as much as I can find out. I am not sure of the source. If anyone has more information on it, please let me know.

I received the following note from a reader of my web page, regarding the Purple sweetpotato.

I was looking at sweet potato varieties on your site and ran into the "purple", which in Palawan, Philippines is called camote. In case you didn't know, the tops are quite good to eat and are included in a Filipino traditional dish called sinagang, a soup with ginger, garlic, onions, and fish, chicken or beef or pork (or any combination) as well as other veggies like bitter melon and okra. I even like the camote tops boiled alone, though with just ginger and garlic. The Palawan Filipinos use the purple camote a lot in desert cakes, etc., and in camote-que which is sugared and fried camote on a bamboo stick. Thanks for the site. I just got back to the states from Palawan where I was eating camote and camote tops as well as all kinds of other things I had never tried before. I hate to think people are throwing away the tasty camote tops instead of eating them.

Top of Purple Leaf

Bottom of Purple Leaf



Last Modified
Sat Apr 17 2010 at 9:40:59am