Questions and Answers

The following are answers to questions many people have asked at one time or another. If you have a question you would like a solid biblical answer to, please E-mail me at the address below.

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What is Hell?
Does the soul live on after you die?
Why did Christ come?
Hypnotism: Is it ever good?
What is speaking in tongues?
The Great Controversy between Christ and Satan: What's this all about?
Who are in God's true church?
Is the Ouija Board a toy?
Are the 10 Commandments still true?
Is there really a devil?
How divine is Jesus Christ?
What will the end-times be like?
Does it matter how we pray?
Is the book -Left Behind-fact or fiction? (this is a link to another website-you will have to use the back button to get back here)
Can someone please explain this 'secret rapture' theory?(this is a link to another website-you will have to use the back button to get back here)
Can you sin in your dreams?
Martin Luther's Disputation-Oct.31,1517
Is it O.K. for Christians to celebrate Halloween?
