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Apprentice Manual


Dragonlovers Guide to Pern





The Unoffical Apprentice Manual of The SmithCraft Hall

Ethelwyn somehow got bored at 3 am on a friday night and emailed this to Margret (the token rider-babe) and between the two of them, managed to make something workable with it.



The following document may contain information with which you are already familiar. HOWEVER, please remember, we were all new once. With that in mind, basic instructions have been provided if PernMUSH is your first MUSH (and lucky you, to be new to our world). Let it also be noted, that we all assume that you have /some/ knowledge of Anne McCaffery's world of Pern. More specifically, knowledge of the Smithcraft Hall. There are no books specific to the Smiths ... well, you can't expect Anne to do /everything/, now can you?

Also, this page is not sactioned or approved in any way, shape or form by the current CraftMaster or CraftSecond of the Hall. However, the current Apprentice Master does use this as pretty much gospel, so take your best shot in who to listen to (someone who says nothing, and someone who says this...)


Table Of Contents

Part I
About Becoming an Apprentice

Part IIa
All About Promotions

Part IIb
Even More About Promotions (Cont.)
