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Convicts & Felons?

Could our illustrious ancestors have come to America this way?  A list of Felons & Convicts from Newgate the Home Circuit & Bucks shipped by Andrew Reid of London Esq, on board the Speedwell.  Captain Wm Camplin & the Mediterranean Capt. George Harriot both bound from Palapsco in Maryland.

Nathan Norgate                        Wm Cole                                 Isiah Olloway
 Rich'd Marriot                          Francis Blenheim                      Wm Burling
 William Wheatley                      John Hooper                           Wm Skegg (Shegg?)
 Dan Mackintosh                       Tho's Wild                               George Skegg (Shegg?)
 JOhn Chilcot                             James White                            Ja's Countrell
 Rich'd Laycock                         Rob't Arbaldston (?)                Rob't Reve
 Ann Edwin alias Jones               Tho Moring                             Rob't Gurling
 Rob't Day                                 Wm Archdeacon                      Tho's Boxteed (?)
 Mary Billingham                         John Beale                              Dan'l Foe
 James Hubbard                          Bridget wife of John Beale       John Prue
 John Watkins                             Sam'l Cornish                          John Brown
 Ann James                                 Hanah Courtney al's Oliver      Tho's Renalls
 Lucretia Linsay al's Miller           Ann Jones                               Wm Gooderham
 Ann Howard                              Ann Weyland al's  Glickson     Owen Paulsen
 Tho's Duchet                              Edw'd Bosman                        John Bragg
 Rob't Farnham                           Edw'd Lane                             Susan Lasker
 Mary wife of Rich'd Evans         John Burdus                             Wm Scott
 John Johnson                             James Pratt                              Mary Curtis
 Ann Robinson                           Eliz Hurt                                   Susan Frenching
 John Jones                                Eliz Williams                             Jacob Holme (?)
 John Pennington                        John Draper                             John Cooper
 John Collins                              Nicholas Hagen al's Eagen        Ja's Mudwell
 Morgan Griffith                         Wm Hone                                Wm Burton
 Tho's Kingsland                        Wm Elton                                 Rich'd Trump
 Wm Perry                                 Tho's Boywell                          Mary Rolfe
 George Letherland                    Wm Duell                                Wm Penfold
 Eliz Wilmore                             Rich'd Budd                            Wm Read
 George Panter                          Penelope Coleman                  Isaac Linguard
 Emanuel Estell                          Eliz Clay Al's Johnson             Wm Porter
 Cha's Woodford                      Hester Miller                           Rich'd Hogg
 Rich'd Turner                           Mary Provost                          John Wood
 John Wilkinson                        Anne Shute                             Cha's Green
 Edw'd Madder                        Eliz Davis                                Geo Medcalf
 Ann King                                Mary Woodward                     Tho's Clark
 Elizab. Arm                             Mary Groom                            John Ware
 John Conway                          Mary Tate                               Mary Salmon
 Tho's Handfield                       Ann Chamberlain                    Wm Nicholson
 Andrew Rugby                       Marg't Mullins                         Wm Dunn
 Ann Abraham                          Eliz Chance Al's Godfrey        George Glover (Gloven?)
 Tho's Crawford                       Ann Jewers                            Catherine Smith
 Jane Jennings                           Sarah Brown                          John Wilson
 Ann wife of Cha's Smith           Mary Barron                          Edm'd Channell
 Edw'd Tayler                           Sarah Murrell                         Jho Foster
 Marg't Copeland                      Ann Greenhales                     Martha Webster
 Sarah wife of Wm Palion           Hanah Robinson                   Wm Etherington
 John Addleton                           Mary Nath al's Goulding       Tho's Chambers
 Edw'd Browne                           Mary Newell                       Thos Wingrove
 Joseph Wills                               George Hyan                       Ja's (?) De Frayne
 Marg't Lawler al's Butler             Tho's Eoy                           Tho's Crater
 Ann Eades                                  Jasper Crain                       Tho's Cater
 Tho's Tanner                               Edw'd Horwood                 John Busby
 Peter Mason                               Ezekiel C. Nanes                Tho's Smith
 Mary wife of Wm Jackson           Sarah Gilbert                      Tho's Sharp
 Wm Clever

London & Middx.  These are to certify that at the Session (?) of goal delivery of Newgate holden for the City of Lond'n & County of Middx at Justice Hall i the Old Bayley on Wednesday this 8th day of Apr instant (?) the first hundred persons inserted in this list were by this court ordered to be transported for that purpose were transferred to Andrew Reid of London Msrch't who with his sureties hath entered into such bond as were directed byt his court for this effectual transportacion of such persons accordingly dated 27 April 1741.  J Ford Clk of the Arraign for the City of London
John Mathews Clk of the Arraign for the County of Middx.

These are to certify that Andrew Reid of London Merch't hath contracted & given security for the effectual transportation of the several felons within M'd who were ordered to be transpoprted out of the sev'l county of Hertford Essex Sussex & Surry amounting to the number of 51 & that these securities are now in my hands dated the 20 April 1741
Jt. Chambre Vernon Dept to Ad'm Pierce Esq.
Clk of arraigns for the several counties.

These are to certify that Andrew Reid of London Merch't hath contracted & given security for the effectual transportation fo the nine several felons within m'd who were ordered to be transported out of this county of Buckingham pursuant to the Act of Parl'mt that Case made and provided.
G. D. Fleetwood Ct. of ----- for the Norfolk Circuit
London & Middx transports in Newgate

1. Timothy Burn                      2.  Tho's Barton             3.  Joseph Bale (?)
4.  Cha's Shooter                    5.  Tho's Taylor              6.  John Storer
7.  Benj'n Kirby                      8.  Cha's Bird                 9.  Rich'd Lesborough
10. Dan'l Mackenny              11. Je--(?)Leveret          12. John Toms
13. Sam'l Ellard                     14. Wm Hale                  15. Wm. Bowers
16. Tho's Hayes                    17. Tho's Lowin              18.  John Wallis Al's Black John
19.  George Reeves               20. Thomas Pooley         21. Wm Astrow
22. Mathias Denison              23. John Ramsbury(g)

I do humbly certify that the above named prisoners were ship'd this 9 of May 1741 by directoin of Andrew Reid Esp on board the Catherine & Elizabeth in order to their being effectually & immediately transported to Maryland being one of His Ma'js Colonies in America by me.   Wm. Chapman

We do humbly certify that Andrew Reid of London Esp. hath given security for the effectual transportation of 23 persons attained & convicted of sev'l felonies & larcenaries in London & Middx & whose several names are inserted in this certificate above written & which Bonds are now remaining in the hands of the clerks of the peace for the City of London & County of Middx.
Witness our hand this 8 day of May 1741
J. Ford Ch of the arraigns for the City of London
Jno Matthews
Clk of the Arraign for the County of Mddx.

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