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The Good Ship York

Copied from actual documents from England. Submitted by Geneva Grooms Evans.
      Blackwall  March 22 1739

A list of 115 felons & convicts shipped from Newgate by Andrew Reid Esq. on
Board the York. Capt Anthony Bacon Commander bound for Maryland.

 1  Ja's Wood                                                                               75 Henry Chapman
 2  Rich Merring                       41 Jarvis Hare                               76 Ja's Downes
 3 Myers Samuel                      42 Sarah Kingman                         77 Isaac Gayles
 4  Eliz'a Ward                         43 James Went                              78 Arnold Reynolds
 5  Mary Wood                       44 Sarah Summers                         79 Rebecca Peake
 6 Dan'l Sullivan                       45 Marg't Betts                              80 John Smith
 7  Ja's Evans                           46 Wm Birch otherw'                     81 John Mitchell
 8  Ann otherwise                         Burchman/Burchmore                 82 Ja's Anderson
     Sarah __Johanan Price        47 John Hastings otherw'                83 Hanah Thompson
 9  Tho's Watson                         Lord Hastings                             84 Wm Graves
 10 Rich'd Land                        48 Wm Green                                85 Wm Brown
 11 Ja's Meredith                      49 John Matthews                          86 Ann Wells otherw'
 12 Ja's Stuart                           50 Sarah Withers                                the wife of Tho's Wilson
 13 Eliz'a Jackson                     51 John Morgan                            87 Tho's Davis
 14 Rich'd Mackloud                52 Mary the wife of                       88 Ja's Stiles
 15 Benj'm Dunkersly                 John Hardcastle                           89 John Patterson
 16 John Clummer                    55 Sarah Jones                              90 Wm Berry
 17 Tho's Ward                        56 Sam'l Powell                            91 John Claxton
 18 Tho's Dean                         57 Wm Stewart                            92 Cha's Groom
 19 Ephrain Hubbard                58 Mary Castle                             93 Eleanor Bolton
 20 John Cooke                       59 John Duggen                            94 Eliz'a Smith
 21 Sarah Fanley                      60 Ann wife of                              95 Martha Abbot
 22 Wm Turner                            John Groom                              96 Marg't Ellis
 23 Rich'd Underwood             61 Francis Brookes otherw'          97 Tho's Winter
 24 Wm Maxwell                         Smith                                        98 John Wickes
 25 John Anderson                   62 Eliz' Price otherw'                    99 Edw'd Groves
 26 Casar Franklin                        Davis                                       100 Wm Pecke
 27 John Brown                        63 Diana Cole                             101 John Blake
 28 Ja's Eakins                          64 Eliz Holme  otherw'                102 Marmad' Bignole
 29 John Warren                           wife of John Towle                  103 Richard Ford
 30 John Myers                         65 Ja's Brockwell                        104 Ann Williams
 31 Mary  the wife of                66 John Tizzard                            105 Wm Seale
 32 Sam'l Peartree                    67 Eliz' Green                               106 Tho's Street
 33 Lucy Hewes                       68 Alice Jones otherw'                  107 Francis Flack
 34 John Irving                             Faulkner                                    108 Mary Heckman
 35 Jacob Edmonds                 69 John Patterson                          109 Benj' Belgrove Dec'd
 36 Ja's Bartley                        70 Moses Beirely                          110 John  ___uer
 37 Michael Smith                    71 Ann Shinger (?)                        111 Wm Kepps
 38 Wm Jones                          72 Wm Shaw                               112 Mary Elliot
 39 Tho's Henning                    73 Sarah Li_dard                          113 Geo Downes
 40 Wm Cardell                       74 Joshua Blacket                            otherw' Vaughan
                                                                                                    114 Wm Snowd
                                                                                                    115 Joseph Wells

Blackwall March 22d 1739/40

I Anthony Bacon Master of the Ship York now lying in the River of Thames and
bound for Maryland in America do hereby humbly certify that the above named
persons being in number 115 were this day all reced on board my ship (except
Benj'm Bellgrove who dyed in Newgate) by the order of Andrew Reid Esq. to be
imediately & effectually transported to Maryland one of his Ma's plantations in
America persuant to the acts of Parliament for that purpose made & provided.
Antho Bacon

witness Jn' Nicholls  John Davis

London   I do hereby humbly certify that Andrew Reid of London Merch't
hath  given security for the effectual transportation of the 43 felons first above
named persuant to the order of the court of Goal Delivery of Newgate  holden for
the City of London at Justice Hall in the Old Bailey in the suburbs of the same
city on Wednesday the 16th day of Jan & Wednesday the 27th day of Febr last
 part which security remains now in my hands.  Dated the 3rd day of April

Middsx.  I do hereby humbly certify that Andrew Reid of London Merch't
hath given security for the affectual transportation of the within last named 72
felons persuant to the order of the Court of Goal Delivery of Newgate Holden for
the county of Middsx. at Justice Hall in the Old Bailey in the suburbs of the city of
London on Wednesday the 16th day of Jan & Wednesday the 27th day of Feb'r
last past which security remains now in my hands and that the within named
Benjamin Bellgrove died in Newgate since the giving the said security.  Dated
the 3d day of April 1740.   John Matthew Clerk of the Goal Delivery of Newgate
for the County of Middsx

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