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So far I only have a few rules, but soon I'll have a lot more stuff on Epic 40k.


Destroying Buildings: Rule 1   Destroying Buildings: Rule 2

Destroying Buildings: Rule 1

Even though I'm new at this game, I totally agree with the discussion on the dangers of allowing buildings to be destroyed in Epic 40,000. In the days of Epic 2nd Edition the buildings were dangerous places to be. We would stay out of them at all costs ! Not only is this annoying, but also very unrealistic. During WWII it was next to impossible to root out infantry that were in a building, short of sending in troops to combat them hand to hand. Buildings are very strong, and even when they collapse, they tend to leave all kinds of pockets in them. Indiviual troops may die, but units seldom do. Here are some possible house rules for buildings that will not have an unrealistic inpact on the game.

1) Assign a damage capacity to the buildings:

          Small(small ork buildings for 2nd Ed.)
          Medium (small buildings from 2nd Ed.)
          Large (ramparted buildings from 2nd Ed. )
          Huge (buildings from Titan Legions)

Note: this are just guide lines, you may have to experiment with this.

2) Assign an armour value to the buildings:

             Small(small ork buildings for 2nd Ed.)
             Medium (small buildings from 2nd Ed.)
             Large (ramparted buildings from 2nd Ed. )
             Huge (buildings from Titan Legions)

Now the buildings can be destoryed just like any thing else.

Destroying Buildings: Rule 2

When a building has been destroyed what happens to the troops. Well in the old system, they were killed. This is harse an unrealistic. Instead when a unit is in a building and that building is destoryed, every unit in the building takes a hit. So roll a die for each unit in the building against that units armour value if that die is equal to or greater than that unit then the unit is removed as a casuality. Ignore the terrain modifers. So gretchin in a building that is destroyed will fair less than terminators.

If you have any questions or comments, please email me.