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KCAR Launch Report: April 13th, 2002 Sport Launch

Launch date and time: April 13th, 2002, 10:00 AM.
Launch location: Case Farm, Kansas City, MO.

Event: KCAR’s 2002 Spring Contest, D Dual Eggloft and E Streamer Duration.

The overall contest results are:
Competitor Points
Frank McMullen 290
Dan Kirk 210
Tim Burger 180
Bob Wingate 24
Mark Elzinga 0

Tim’s Sprint 24 leaps away on an AT E15
Photo by Tim Burger
Event Weight Factor Age Division Name Score Place NAR Points
Frank McMullen 42.58 sec 1st 270
Dan Kirk 36.14 sec 2nd 162
Tim Burger 33.44 sec 3rd 108
Mark Elzinga DQ Egg broken 4th 0
Frank McMullen 293.16 sec 1st 120
Tim Burger 66.5 sec 2nd 72
Dan Kirk 48.74 sec 3rd 48
Bob Wingate 47.5 sec 4th 24

The day started out with a low overcast and light winds. The ceiling rose through the day with the sun peaking through at times in the early afternoon. After some delays discussing some changes with the owner (a new fence, and a new house to the South) we finally managed to get the equipment set up and tested. In the mean time the contest directors completed their preparations. The first launch of the day was a sport flight by Barry Skelton at about 11:30AM - just a tad behind schedule.

Ian Jessee with one of his Grandfather’s many designs
Photo by Isobel Ross
Frank McMullen, in from Southern Missouri, started the competition off several flights later by launching an E-streamer duration model on an Estes E9-8. The model flirted with the low cloud cover, briefly fading out of sight but was spotted again just after the ejection. It managed a very respectable 106 second flight.

In the meantime Barry Skelton and his friends began burning motors making several great flights. Andrew Waltz and his friend also put in a good number of flights, and a new family, the Bazinets, joined the club and showed us they know how to build and fly rockets.

Dan Kirk began flying his NARTREK Gold level rocket, enlisting helpers to time the duration of a falling streamer deployed at apogee. The object is to derive the altitude from this time. Dan will have to fill you in the details. The NARTREK director, George, mentioned during a conversation later that few people use this method of altitude calculation, altimeters and theodolites being far more common. Good luck, Dan, please keep us posted on your progress towards Gold.

In the meantime, Wichitan Mark Elzinga attempted to qualify in the dual eggloft event with a D21-4T in his Scrambler. Alas, the flight was disqualified because of separation.

Frank returned to the rangehead to sew up the E streamer duration event by putting in a 3 minute, 40 second flight. It finally flew off and the timers simply stopped the watches and reported the times. Pretty good flying!

Philip redies one of his rockets for flight
Photo by Isobel Ross
Tim Burger’s first attempt at streamer duration using a custom made rocket and an Aerotech E15-7W went completely out of sight. The rocket was not seen again until much later in the day when it was returned to the launch table by a youngster who claimed to have found it “two fields over near the road.” Tim was happy to have the rocket back, but had already made a return flight with the back up rocket, getting an OK time of just a tad over a minute.

Bob Wingate gave E streamer a try with an Estes Eliminator on E9-8s.

At this point, no one had been able to qualify in the dual eggloft event. Frank once again showed us how it’s done and qualified with a respectable time. He did it again a few minutes later, followed by Dan Kirk who also managed to recover successfully. Tim got a decent time using a D12-5 and a nylon ’chute.

While all that was going on, Blair Clark made a few impressive launches with a SA-14 Archer, and a rocket he calls Significant Mojo. Taylor and Ian Jessee made some impressive flights, including a drag race of two Maxi-Alpha IIIs on E9-6 motors. The Jesse family always has some very fun and interesting rockets. Dave Lucas also arrived and impressed everyone with his unique fleet of gliders and rockets. Bill Hensley made some good flights, debuting a new 1.6-inch Lockheed X7 and flying it on an F20. David Messerschmidt also made some good flights with his own designs.

Dave shows off his ATOM-X
Photo by Isobel Ross
We really had a good attendance for the first successful launch of the year. In total there were 104 flights, with lots of young people and visitors launching a wide variety of rockets and motors.

A flight log is listed below.

Our thanks to Bob Wingate and George Scheil for taking the time and putting in the hard work to make the contest possible. Also, thanks are due to John Skelton who spent a great deal of time doing data entry on his laptop in order to have the standings ready at the end of the launch. Thanks is also due to Pat Nelson who pulled a double duty as LCO.

Total impulse expended: 2,770.0 Newton-seconds, like a partial L motor. There were nine clustered flights (#15, #27, #54, #69, #77, #78, #82, #90, #104). and three multi-stage flights (#64, #91, #100). There were 23 rocketeers.

If you have pictures taken during this launch please let us know so that they can be posted on the web site. If you can scan them and save them as GIFs or JPGs that would be great. If not, a few of the club members have scanners and can get the pictures into digital format. Send e-mail for details.

Please send e-mail if any corrections need to be made to this launch report.

Launch Flyer’s Name Rocket Name Motor(s) Notes
1 Barry Skelton Quest Falcon B6-4 Nice flight
2 Nathan Bazinet Estes Phoenix D12-3 Cruise missile flight profile — recovered OK.
3 Andrew Waltz Quest Falcon D12-7 Out of site!
4 Mark Bazinet Big Daddy D12-3 Chute deployed but it didn’t open
5 Dan Kirk Upscale Streak 1/2A3-4T
6 Rick Thompson Scratch 3-legged Dog D12-5 Nice high flight
7 Chris Olson Quest Falcon B6-4
8 Nathan Bazinet Alpha A8-3 Nathan’s sister made this rocket in shop class
9 Frank McMullen E-Streamer E9-8 Competition flight — 69.15 seconds
10 Dan Kirk VB Buzzard A8-3 Nice glide!
11 Andrew Waltz Quest Falcon D12-7
12 Dan Kirk Goldie A8-3 NARTREK Gold flight
13 Dave Lucas Zephyr A8-3 “OK glide, needs a touch of trimming”
14 Chris Olsen EZ-Payloader B6-4 Grasshopper astronaut — didn’t survive
15 Dan Kirk Fat Boy 7 C6-5x3 D Dual Eggloft — DQ: separation
16 Mark Elzinga Scrambler D21-4 D Dual Eggloft — DQ: separation
17 Dave Lucas Red Bird A3-4T “Sliding wing glider, augured in”
18 Rick Thompson 3 Wing Circus E9-8
19 Jason Spain Quest Falcon B6-4
20 Chris Olsen EZ-Payloader C6-5 Grasshopper astronaut — he’s alive
21 Nathan Bazinet Alpha A8-3
22 Zoron Hensley Alpha III B6-4
23 Bill Hensley Lockheed X7 C6-5
24 Frank McMullen Old Yeller E9-8 Competition flight - 3:44
25 Tracy Bazinet Initiator E15-4 Chuffed and puffed; finally made a slow arc into a tree
26 Jason Spain Quest Falcon C6-5
27 Dan Kirk D-Eggloft C6-5x2 No time recorded
28 Dave Lucas Mach 12 D21-7T
29 Andy Scheinost Alpha III Bash 1/2A6-2
30 Ian Jessee Copperhead G38-4J First flight for this rocket
31 Zoron Hensley Prowler C11-5
32 Barry Skelton Exterminator C6-3 “Teddy Gram Express”
33 Rick Thompson The Uninvited F23-7FJ
34 Tim Burger Sprint 24C E15-7W Competition flight: Lost track, 5s
35 Mark Wilson Patriot G35-4 Nice flight
36 Jason Spain Quest Falcon C6-5
37 Blair Clark SA-14 Archer G64-4 Nice!
38 Tim Burger Sprint 24S C11-5
39 Dave Lucas Black Super Sonic F72-10 Supersonic flight attempt
40 Ian Jessee Maxi-Alpha III E9-6 Drag race with flight 41
41 Ian Jessee Maxi-Alpha III E9-6 Drag race with flight 40
42 Frank McMullen Frank's Egger D12-3 Competition: DQ-egg broken
43 Tim Burger Sprint 24S D12-7
44 Dan Kirk Edmund's CeCe B4-2
45 Mark Wilson Frankenstein E15-7W Chuffed a few times
46 Blair Clark Significant Mojo F40-4W Nice flight
47 Jason Spain Exterminator 2 C6-5
48 Mark Elzinga Big Slim E15-7W Chuffed
49 Dave Lucas Atom-X F23-4FJ Excellent — very large rear deploying crowd pleasure
50 Ian Jessee Mustang F23-7FJ First flight for this rocket
51 Tim Burger Sprint 24S E9-8 E-streamer: 62.5s
52 Bob Wingate Eliminator E9-6 E-streamer: 47.15s lost in tree
53 David Messerschmidt Red Dog E11-3J
54 Taylor Jessee Navaho G80,A8-3x3 Unstable — very tail heavy
55 Dan Kirk Goldie A8-3 NARTREK Gold flight
56 Frank McMullen V2 round 37 D12-7
57 Dave Lucas Atom-X G35-4 late ’chute deployment
58 Philip Zuniga ISQY Tomahawk E15-7W
59 Mark Elzinga Tracer C6-7
60 Jason Spain Quest Falcon B4-4
61 Dan Kirk Goldie A8-3 NARTREK Gold flight
62 David Messerschmidt Intruder C6-7
63 Tim Burger Egger D12-3 Contest: DQ — stripped ’chute shrouds
64 Philip Zuniga Echostar C6-0,C6-7 First flight for this rocket
65 Taylor Jessee Phantom 4000 G80-?
66 Zoron Hensley Big Dawg A8-3
67 Bill Hensley Big Daddy D12-5
68 Dave Lucas Starship Excilon F23-4FJ Heads-up flight
69 Ian Jessee Hornet's Wrath C6-3x3 First flight for this rocket
70 Mark Elzinga Fat Boy D21-7 Retry
71 Frank McMullen Frank's Egger D12-5 Contest: 42.57s
72 Zoron Hensley White Lightning A8-3
73 Tim Burger Egger D12-5 Contest: 33.44s
74 David Messerschmidt Monarch C6-7
75 Taylor Jessee Initiator F23-?
76 Philip Zuniga Skywinder B6-2
77 Dan Kirk D-Eggloft C6-5x2 36.14s
78 Tim Burger Ranger A8-5x3 Tad long on delay
79 Zoron Hensley Alpha III A8-3
80 Philip Zuniga Barracuda F52-6T Very fast
81 Bill Hensley Big Daddy E11-3J Good black smoke
82 Dave Lucas Awesome E9-6x4
83 Taylor Jessee Mirage G38-4J
84 Jason Spain Quest Falcon C6-5
85 Tim Burger Big Bertha C6-5
86 Ian Jessee Maxi-Alpha III D12-3
87 Bill Hensley Big Brute G38-4J
88 Philip Zuniga Maniac D12-5
89 Tim Burger Gecko SA-8 D15-4T
90 Dan Kirk Fat Boy 7 C6-5x3
91 Tim Burger Mongoose B6-0,B6-6
92 Zoron Hensley Pathfinder C11-5
93 Taylor Jessee Mirage G35-4
94 Philip Zuniga LSX C6-3
95 Dan Kirk VB Buzzard B6-4
96 David Messerschmidt Red Dog E9-4
97 Bill Hensley Lockheed X7 1.6" F20-4
98 Philip Zuniga Skywinder B6-2
99 Tim Burger Sprint Magnum E23-5
100 Bill Hensley Magnum D12-0,C6-5
101 Tim Burger Super Bertha E18-4W
102 Dan Kirk VB Buzzard D12-5
103 Taylor Jessee Birthday Rocket C6-5x3
104 Tim Burger Super Ranger D12-5x2

Dave’s Atom-X deploys twin ’chutes from the rear
Photo by Tim Burger
Total engines by class:
Type Qty. Notes
MM 0
1/4A 0
1/2A 2
A 17
B 12
C 34
D 22
E 21
F 9
G 9

Philip Z. and his brother
Photo by Isobel Ross
Rockets making multiple flights:
Flights Rocket Rocketeer
Quest Falcon Jason Spain
Sprint 24S Tim Burger
Maxi-Alpha III Ian Jesse
VB Buzzard Dan Kirk
Alpha Nathan Bazinet
Egger Tim Burger
Fat Boy 7 Dan Kirk
Big Daddy Bill Hensley
Alpha III Zoron Hensley
Mirage Taylor Jesse
Atom-X Dave Lucas
Frank's Egger Frank McMullen
Red Dog David Messerschmidt
EZ-Payloader Chris Olsen
Quest Falcon Andrew Waltz
Skywinder Philip Zuniga

Photo by Isobel Ross
Number of flights per rocketeer:
Flights Rocketeer(s)
Tim Burger
Dan Kirk
Dave Lucas
Philip Zuniga
Bill Hensley, Zoron Hensley, Ian Jesse, Taylor Jesse, Jason Spain
Frank McMullen
Mark Elzinga, David Messerschmidt
Nathan Bazinet, Chris Olson, Rick Thompson
Blair Clark, Barry Skelton, Andrew Waltz, Mark Wilson
Mark Bazinet, Tracy Bazinet, Andy Scheinost, Bob Wingate

Submitted by Tim Burger, NAR 78486.

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Last updated: February 26, 2004