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KCAR Launch Report: June 8th, 2002 HPR Sport Launch

Launch date and time: June 8th, 2002, 11:00 AM.
Launch location: Tickwood Ranch, Drexel, MO.

Total impulse expended: 5,135.5 Newton-seconds, just barely into the 'M' impulse range. There were four clustered flights (#16, #22, #54, #55), and two multi-stage flight (#11, #23). There were 16 rocketeers.

If you have pictures taken during this launch please let us know so that they can be posted on the web site. If you can scan them and save them as GIFs or JPGs that would be great. If not, a few of the club members have scanners and can get the pictures into digital format. Send e-mail for details.

Please send e-mail if any corrections need to be made to this launch report.

Launch Flyer’s Name Rocket Name Motor(s) Notes
1 Tim Burger Sprint 24S D12-7
2 Paul Woods Binder Design Thug G35-4J
3 Marty Cox Estes Big Daddy E30
4 Paul Woods Mystic Buzz G80-7T
5 Nick Stich Red Rage H73P Not enough power to get it high enough to arm the altimeter. Nose cone smashed, but the rocket came out OK.
6 Madison Adler Estes Fat Boy C6-3
7 Frank McMullen Patriot H242T
8 Tim Burger Super Big Bertha E11-3J Core sample.
9 Tim Navickas Aerotech Airspike F20-7W
10 Sidney Adler Estes Fat Boy C5-3
11 Mark Grant WAC Corporal D12-0, C6-7
12 Paul Woods Smoochy I357
13 Tim Burger Sprint Magnum E28-4T
14 Jerome Tonneson Machbuster G55-10W Lost it out of sight.
15 Frank McMullen V2 I205 Nice Pro-38 motor.
16 Marty Cox Big, Big Bertha E30 x3 Great cluster!
17 Madison Adler Pink & Black Panther F12-5J
18 Paul Woods Soulfly G35-7J
19 Dan Kirk Spin Fin B6-4
20 Marc Schroeder Estes Yankee A8-3
21 Marc Schroeder Estes Heatseeker B4-4
22 Tin Navickas LOC IV D12-7 x4 Another great cluster!
23 Marty Cox Upscale Commanche-3 D12-0, D12-0, D12-7 Slow, majestic lift off with beautiful staging. All stages eventually found.
24 Dan Kirk Edmonds CiCi C6-5
25 Larry Mills AMRAAM J420R
26 Marc Schroeder Blue Ninja D12-5
27 Dan Kirk Aerotech Airspike F20-7W
28 Marc Schroeder Estes Sting Ray B6-4
29 Sidney Adler Black & White Crusader F12-5J
30 Mark Grant EZI 65 I154J Dual Deployment.
31 Frank McMullen Warthog F20-4W
32 Paul Woods NCR Phantom G80
33 Roger Schroeder Lil’ Nuke E9-4 Cruise mode!
34 David Lucas AtomX G35-4
35 Marc Schroeder Estes Banshee B6-4
36 Roger Schroeder Lil’ Nuke E9-4
37 Steve Adler Scratch Maverick F12-5J
38 Paul Woods PML Small Endeavour G38-7
39 Marty Cox Quantum Leap I435
40 David Lucas Nemesis F40-7W
41 Marc Schroeder Estes Wildfire A8-3
42 Nick Stich Oatburner G64-4W
43 Roger Schroeder Lil’ Nuke E9-4
44 Frank McMullen Phantom 4000 G80-7T
45 Marc Schroeder Estes Fire Flash C6-3
46 Dan Kirk Aerotech Airspike G33-7J
47 Marc Schroeder Estes Code Red C6-3
48 Sidney Adler Custom Razor A8-3
49 Madison Adler Custom Razor A8-3
50 Marty Cox Let-me-go F50
51 Tim Burger Launch Pad Gecko D12-5
52 Sidney Adler Estes Yankee A8-3
53 Madison Adler Custom Venture A8-3
54 Tim Burger Super Ranger E9-6 x2
55 David Lucas Thrustar C6-5 x3
56 Madison Adler Estes Gemini DC B6-4 Both ’chutes deployed nicely.
57 Sidney Adler Custom Fiesta A8-3
58 Madison Adler Lawndart SLATS C6-7
59 Tim Burger Aerotech Airspike F40-10W
60 Sidney Adler Custom Razor A8-3
61 Dan Kirk Spin Fin B6-4
62 Dan Kirk Saturday Morning Special A8-3

Total engines by class:
Type Qty. Notes
MM 0
1/4A 0
1/2A 0
A 9
B 6
C 10
D 11
E 11 Three E30T motors in one cluster.
F 9
G 10
H 2
I 4 First ‘I’ motors at a KCAR launch,
including a Pro-38 motor.
J 1

Rockets making multiple flights:
Flights Rocket Rocketeer
Lil’ Nuke Roger Schroeder
Custom Razor Sidney Adler
Aerotech Airspike Dan Kirk
Spin Fin

Number of flights per rocketeer:
Flights Rocketeer(s)
Marc Schroeder
Madison Adler
Sidney Adler
Tim Burger
Dan Kirk
Paul Woods
Marty Cox
Frank McMullen
David Lucas
Roger Schroeder
Mark Grant
Tim Navickas
Nick Stich
Steve Adler
Larry Mills
Jerome Tonneson

Submitted by Jerome Tonneson, NAR 76200.

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