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KCAR Launch Report: Sport Launch — November 2003

Launch date and time: 11:00AM, Saturday, November 22, 2003
Launch location: Case Farm, Kansas City, MO
Launch wind and weather: Chilly! Approx. 10mph winds

All the usual suspects . . er . . participants.
Photo by Christian Bruggeman

The weather didn’t appear to be too cooperative at first, with a high overcast and a bit of mist and cool temperatures. The wind, however, wasn’t too bad and we had pretty good luck recovering most of the rockets near the pads. There were a few exceptions to this, however, with a couple actually making it to the trees, and one lost in the tall grass.

We also had some problems with the waiver, and because of that a couple of fliers only launched one or two and left the field. We did’t collect launch fees due to the limited flying.

At about 1:00PM we shut down the range to have an on-field meeting. This was the one meeting of the year that we had to have. The club voted to recharter, selected officers for next year, and set a schedule of dates and events. We managed to do all of that in less than an hour and a half!

Jacob, Randall, and Taylor (left to right)
Photo by Christian Bruggeman
With the business out of the way we were able to get to the flying. There were several interesting rockets, and all the usual suspects turned out. Randall and Taylor Jessee were there with a friend, Jacob, and their usual interesting collection of rockets. Bob Wingate displayed and flew an unusual ring rocket. Martin Dana:Hudecek-Ashwill and Dave B. are building an impressive collection of Estes classics from a line of kits being worked up by Martin’s Custom Cones. Dave is a very skilled builder and is quite good at getting a perfectly smooth finish. George and Christian also had some gliders that they flew with some success.

Christian is working on his NARTREK silver and flew his Estes Ranger knock-off that he kit-bashed from a Big Bertha. He also flew an Estes BLU 97B for the scale rocket flight. I think he has all of the requirements for silver at this point — congratulations Christian!

To the statistics, then! We flew 55 flights total, burning 60 motors. There were two cluster flights (42 and 49), and one staged flight (11). We burned a total of 949.48N; that’s about a “J.”

Thanks, James & Trisha, for hosting yet another launch!

Launch Report
Launch Flier’s Name Rocket Name(s) Motor Comments
1 George Scheil Heli-X4 B6-4
2 Christian Bruggeman Fiesta B6-4
3 Taylor Jessee Aspire E9-8
4 George Scheil Heli-X4 C6-3
5 Darwin May Skywinder B4-2 First flight
6 Randall Jessee Shuttle Express B6-4
7 Taylor Jessee Airspike E9-4
8 Courtney Greathouse Mean Machine E9-4
9 Bob Wingate Flying One Ring of Power C11-0
10 Mark Bazinet Fat Boy D12-3
11 Taylor Jessee Big Blue B6-0 to C6-5 Back to top
12 Taylor Jessee V2 D12-3 Drag race with next
13 Jacob Hogle V2 D12-3 Drag race with previous
14 Darwin May Mean Machine D12-5
15 Taylor Jessee Airspike E9-4
16 Mark Bazinet Initiator F23-4
17 Randall Jessee Blu 97B B6-2 Drag race with next
18 Christian Bruggeman Blu 97B B6-2 Drag race with previous
19 Ian Desselle Viking C6-5
20 Taylor Jessee Mercury Redstone C5-3
21 Christian Bruggeman Zenith B6-4
22 Randall Jessee Screamin' Mimi D12-5
23 Mark Bazinet Initiator G35-4
24 George Scheil DSP-2 C5-3
25 Ian Desselle Gnome A8-3
26 Jacob Hogle Yellow Bird B6-4
27 Taylor Jessee Tiny Pterodactyl G35-7
28 Randall Jessee Hot Tamale C11-5
29 George Scheil Tornado A8-3
30 Ian Desselle Gnome A8-3
31 Tim Burger Maxi-Alpha D15-4
32 Mark Bazinet Big Daddy E9-8
33 Mark Bazinet Big Bertha B6-6
34 Dave Bucher Patriot D12-5 (Scratch made)
35 Dave Bucher Cherokee D C11-5
36 Christian Bruggeman Flying Jenny B6-4
37 George Scheil Interdictor C6-5
38 Ian Desselle Baby Bertha C6-5
39 Dave Bucher Extreme Drifter D12-5
40 Darwin May Mean Machine D12-5
41 Taylor Jessee Airspike E9-4
42 Christian Bruggeman Bertha Bash 3 X B6-4 All lit — good flight — for NARTREK Back to top
43 Jacob Hogle Yellow Bird C6-5
44 Dave Bucher Sprint B4-6 lost
45 Dave Bucher Drifter B6-4 Drag race with next
46 Martin Dana:Hudecek-Ashwill Drifter B6-4 Drag race with previous
47 Ian Desselle Patriot D12-4 Cato!
48 Darwin May Mean Machine D12-5
49 Taylor Jessee 318 3 X C6-3 Back to top
50 James & Paul Case Mirage -1 G35-4
51 George Scheil Nightwing C6-3
52 Jacob Hogle Blu 97B C6-3
53 Dave Bucher Starlight C6-5
54 Ian Desselle Viking B6-4
55 Taylor Jessee Patriot B6-4

Bob and his “Flying One Ring of Power”
Photo by Christian Bruggeman
Flights by Rocketeers
Flights Rocketeer(s)
Taylor Jessee
Dave Bucher
Ian Desselle
George Scheil
Mark Bazinet
Christian Bruggeman
Jacob Hogle
Randall Jessee
Darwin May
Martin Dana:Hudecek-Ashwill
James & Paul Case
Tim Burger
Courtney Greathouse
Bob Wingate

Mark and his Initiator
Photo by Christian Bruggeman
Rockets Making Multiple Flights:
Flights Rocket Rocketeer
3 Airspike Taylor Jessee
Mean Machine Darwin May
2 Initiator Mark Bazinet
Gnome Ian Desselle
Yellow Bird Jacob Hogle
Heli-X4 George Scheil

Mark’s Initiator goes for a stroll.
Photo by Christian Bruggeman
Totals by motor:
Motor Number
A8 3 6.96
B4 2 8.58
B6 17 73.61
C11 3 26.40
C5 2 18.20
C6 12 105.84
D12 10 168.40
D15 1 18.96
E9 6 167.22
F23 1 52.85
G35 3 302.46
Total: 60 949.48 (J)

Taylor’s Airspike returns
Photo by Christian Bruggeman

Photo by Christian Bruggeman

Submitted by Tim Burger; NAR78486 L1

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