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Why racism is illogical
Any sane person would agree that racism is an outdated and foolish idea fueled by paranoia, ignorance and low-self-esteem. It has done nothing good for the world and has killed millions of people. Many racisms would deny the number of people it has killed and dismiss it as a "Jewish conspiracy"(of which there are apparently trillions. You can find many of them at, but beware, those guys are insane). These guys define "stupid" as not agreeing with them. They say things like "I stubbed my toe. Those jews did it." or "Yt-Ppull 0nZ U!!!!!!!! 14/88!!!".

Problems with stormfront

The whole mindset of the stormfront nazis is flawed. They say that affimative action is bad because it hurts them and is racist, but have no problem with being racist themselves. They of course claim they are protecting their race and claim that every other race does the same, justifying their actions. They apparently think that includes making claims of racial inferiority. They deny the holocaust since that is something even they cannot completely justify. They don't deny completely that Jewish people were killed, but pretend that 300,000 deaths is not important. They blame almost everything they can on imaginary Jewish conspirators. They probably blame their colds on Jewish conspirators, too. If you want to debate them, go ahead and try. I wish you luck, but I should point out that nothing I've said has had any effect on them.
Some questions for racists:

There are languages spoken in Africa that have nearly 150 distinct sounds. English only has about 35. Some of these languages have 4 different ways of making vowels. English has only 1 way. How could an inferior race have languages like that?

If the Jews are such a threat despite having far fewer numbers than white people, why aren't they superior? Why is any race a threat to the "White Race" despite it's supposed inferiority?
Stupid quotes