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Articles: Visual Arts - Library - Music - Movies - Darklore - Goth Culture Timeline
Creative Exercises: Image Gallery - Stories & Poems  - Newsletter Archive
Our Link Directory: Recommended Links
Communication: Guestbook - Ecards
About Us & Contact: Meet The Gang - Privacy Policy


Visual Arts (biographies of painters, illustrators, graphic artists):

» Sandman - 04/04 Issue
Luis Royo - 03/04 Issue
» Edvard Munch - 02/04 Issue
George Watts - 01/04 Issue
Hieronymus Bosch - 12/03 Issue
» Frank Frazetta - 11/03 Issue
» Gustave Doré - 10/03 Issue
» Henry Fuseli - 09/03 Issue
Dante Gabriel Rossetti - 08/03 Issue
» Aubrey Beardsley - 07/03 Issue
» HR Giger - 06/03 Issue


Library (biographies of writers and poets, plus texts for download):

» Laurell K. Hamilton - 04/04 Issue
Percy B. Shelley - 03/04 Issue
» William Blake - 02/04 Issue
Emily Dickinson - 01/04 Issue
Ambrose Bierce - 12/03 Issue
» Elaine Corvidae - 11/03 Issue
» Anne Rice - 10/03 Issue
» H.P. Lovecraft - 09/03 Issue
» Bram Stoker - 08/03 Issue
» Edgar Allan Poe - 07/03 Issue
» W. B. Yeats - 06/03 Issue

» Special Book Review: Hellcop by David C. Burton

Music (biographies of bands and singers):

» Bauhaus - 04/04 Issue
Cradle Of Filth - 03/04 Issue
» Velvet Underground - 02/04 Issue
Switchblade Symphony - 01/04 Issue
Type O' Negative - 12/03 Issue
» The Gathering - 11/03 Issue
H.I.M. & DoZEN DoSES - 10/03 Issue
» Inkubus Sukkubus - 09/03 Issue
» Sisters Of Mercy - 08/03 Issue
» Siouxsie & The Banshees - 07/03 Issue
» Marianne Faithful - 06/03 Issue


Movies (movies' stories):

» The Haunting - 04/04 Issue
The Seventh Seal - 03/04 Issue
» The Abominable Dr. Phibes - 02/04 Issue
Dead Poets Society - 01/04 Issue
» The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari - 12/03 Issue
» The Hunger - 11/03 Issue
» Wolf - 10/03 Issue
» Brotherhood Of The Wolf - 09/03 Issue
» Sleepy Hollow - 08/03 Issue
» Ladyhawke - 07/03 issue
» Dementia 13 - 06/03 issue


Darklore (articles on paranormal and mysterious matters):

» The History of Alchemy - 04/04 Issue
Illuminati & NWO - 03/04 Issue
» Crop Circles - 02/04 Issue
Egyptian Mummies - 01/04 Issue
Ghosts & Spirits - 12/03 Issue
» Indigo Children - 11/03 Issue
Incubus and Succubus Legends - 10/03 Issue
» Greek Gods Of the Underworld - 09/03 Issue
» Werewolves - 08/03 Issue
» Vampires - 07/03 Issue
» Telekinesis - 06/03 Issue


Goth Culture Timeline

On this page you can find the summary of the history of goth culture. How it developed from the name of some European tribes of the Ancient Times to the art we have nowadays.

Creative Exercises

Image Gallery (illustrations with dark themes):

it has more than 50 gothic illustrations. It's also one of our sections open to visitor's contribution.

» Special Gallery: Dennis Thomsen

Stories & Poems (horror and dark short stories and poems, another place open to visitor's contribution):


» new! The Dark Lady by Herbert Jerry Baker
The Coven Part One - Part Two by Andrew Wooldridge
Eternity Part One - Part Two - Part Three by Moonlight
» Love From Beyond by Andrew Wooldridge

» The Vampyre's Kiss Part One - Part Two - Part Three by Moonlight
» When The Lion And The Lamb Met by Susan Belmont
» The Tattoo by The Old Wife
» The Tale by Liberty Lloyd
» From Fiction To Reality Part One  - Part Two by Marion Phillips
» Extreme Beliefs, Extreme Acts by Susan Belmont
» What The Darkness Hides by Susan Belmont


» new! Poems by Frederick Mayer (a collection of 6 poems)
» new! Poems by Lianna Draven (a collection of 4 poems)
» new! Poems by Herbert Jerry Baker (a collection of 6 poems)
» new! Poems by Stuart Howson (a collection of 3 poems)
»  Poems by Devilish Angel Of The 666 (a collection of 3 poems)
»  Poems by Lara Siliotto (a collection of 7 poems)
»  Poems by Lanaia Lee (a collection of 3 poems)
» Poems by Rosalyn Rice (a collection of 2 poems)
» Poems by Ashleigh Holland (a collection of 2 poems)
» Beauty House by Liberty Lloyd
» Poems by Marion Phillips (a collection of 4 poems)

Newsletter Archive (the book reviews featured on our newsletter and samples of its HTML and text versions)

Our newsletter is in its 10th issue and is sent every month

Our Link Directory

Recommended Links - find links to some of the best Sites, Directories, Top Lists, Banner & Button Exchanges, Online Stores, Webrings, Ezines, Newsgroups, Forums and Fan Lists that there are


Guestbook - Leave your opinions, suggestions and critics here. All comments may be answered.

Ecards - send exclusive and free gothic ecards to your friends. Several themes available.

About Us

Meet The Gang - learn about those who give life to this site

Privacy Policy  
if you have any doubts about the use we make of your personal information and other matters, you may find your answers here

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Copyright © 2003-2004 Marion Phillips