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Name: I use the name SSaturn on the net, so I guess you could call me that


Age: 17

Education: The second year of high school

Favorite actors and actresses: Rachel Weisz, Brendan Fraser, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Hayden Christensen and Elijah Wood

Favorite movies: The Mummy 1&2, The Scorpion King, Sleepy Hollow

Favorite animes: Sailormoon, Fushigi Yuugi, Magic Knight Rayearth, Candy Candy

Favorite anime characters: Sailor Neptune, Sailor Aluminum Siren (Sailormoon), Amiboshi, Suboshi, Nuriko (Fushigi Yuugi), Anthony (Candy Candy), Fuu, Ferio, Presea (Magic Knight Rayearth)

Favorite characters in Sailormoon: Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Saturn, Sailor Aluminum Siren, Nephrite, Yuuichirou, Helios... There are so many of them!! ^.^

Favorite couples in animes: Haruka and Michiru, Yuuichirou and Rei, Nephrite and Naru, Seiya and Usagi, Saffir and Petz, Helios and Chibi-Usa (Sailormoon), Suboshi and Yui, Tamahome and Miaka, Hotohori and Nuriko (Fushigi Yuugi), Anthony and Candy (Candy Candy), Clef and Presea, Ferio and Fuu (Magic Knight Rayearth), Minoru and Yuzuki (Chobits), Chiaki and Maron (Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne)

Favorite colour: Purple

Likes: Surfing on the net, watching tv, drawing

Favorite subjects: English, art

My other sites: Sailor Soldiers Palace

How I started to like Nephrite and Naru

I knew about Nephrite and Naru long before I saw the episodes of them. I had their pictures and I knew that Nephrite died. But I really started to like them when I saw the episodes 19,22-24. Even I knew what was going to happen but still I wanted to see with my own eyes. I started to make this homepage on Monday and the date was 25.11.2002 and I just watched the episode 24 the day before Monday and I was so touched by their love and I thought that the sweet couple like this should have a page dedicated to them, so I had to make a homepage to them on a next day.

After seeing episode 24, my sisters were so shocked when Nephrite died. They didn't want him to die because they wanted him to end up with Naru. They thought episode 24 was good but they just weren't happy with the ending because Nephrite died. So was I too! I was so sad after I saw this episode but I liked this episode very much and I've watched over and over again. I've been wondering that why all the bad guys that fall in love with the good girl will always die in the end? The ending is always very tragic. And I've noticed that it's always a guy that dies. Why?!! Why can't they just have a hapy life together?! It's always a tragic ending and I still can't think of any couple like this that has had a happy ending. :(

Did Nephrite love Naru?

This of course depends on people's point of views but in my opinion, I think that he did. Even if he didn't love her, he still cared about her. He saved her many times and he died by saving her. If he didn't care about her then he wouldn't have risk his life to save her. Even when Nephrite started to have feelings for Naru, he never wanted to admit it to himself. But still he thought about Naru smiling and that showed that he cared about her and was always thinking about her. When I asked my sisters that did they think Nephrite loved Naru or not and my sisters were so sure that he did. She said that it was obvious. I agree with them because I think that Nephrite loves Naru and that is why I made this homepage! ^_^


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