Monica's Online Journal |
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This is my online journal. I try to put up lots of photos to show what I've been up to. The page was getting quite long, so I decided to make seperate pages for the previous months, they are in a bulleted list on the side. I've also decided to add a new part to my journal. It's basically music quotes that I really like. The page can be found here And finally, I've put on a guest book so family can leave me messages and let me know what's new. I'm sorry it took so long mom, but finally I found out how to do it :-). The links for it can be found in the index on the left, under previous entries. Thursday/Friday, November 10/11th 2005:Ok, so I've started a new livejournal. The old one I had was a constant reminder of old things that I want to put behind me so I created a new one. I've been doing so much thinking lately and have come to quite a few realizations. I'm working really hard on getting my life on track (I won't say BACK on track cause I don't think it ever was on track lol). So anyway, I'm going through a lot of changes right now and this point is kind of a significant point for me. I feel like I'm starting my life over from scratch. This new journal is kind of significant of this new life I want to make for myself. (Myself being the key word). I've also decided that I'm going to rebuild my site. Well I shouldn't say re-build, cause I'm gonna start it over. Hopefully make it into an easier format to deal with than this one. lol. Anyway, once I start onthe new one and get it running, I'll email the new site to all friends and family :-) |
Well it's been almost a month since I've done an update, I've really gotten horrible at this lol.
ok,so I guess I'll start with priority #1, school. (Well, actually my first priority is Gurr :-) but you get the point lol) ANYWAY, school is going better. Still not the greatest, but I'm falling into the period of adjustment. My physics lab this week went HORRIBLY, god I hate that T.A. (teachers assistant) he won't explain anything!! He is the one who corrects the labs so I asked him, what can I do to get a better mark onmy conclusion and discusion and he just said, "I don't know, jsut lookin the back of the book". You're the one that corrects it, tell me what you are looking for!!! Jeez ppl like that piss me off. He just doesn't really care, that's what I think. [just an fyi, the labs are run by T.A.s not teachers. so basically if I have a prob with a TA, I'm screwed]. But, I am however still passing my physics lab course. My marks are soooo messed up. They go as follows all on 10: lab0(intro) 3.55, lab1 6.75, lab2 10 (100%), lab3 7.5, lab4 3.55 (again), so techincally I have an average of just under 70%. As for my chem lab, the last one went quite well. I really haven't been gettingthe greastest marks, but they are getting better. There is an obvious improvement. I think I'm gonna get good on the next one (did the experience yesterday, must hand in the report, next wednesday) So the experience went very well (for a change) and I understand how to do all the calculations so it should be easy to produce the report. I rather work alone. I usually have a lab partner to work with and it always sucks and stuff isn't done right, but this time I was alone (it was an individual lab) and I was much more thorough, the lab was much more enjoyable and I think I'll get a good mark.
As for my other classes, they are going alright, not sure yet what my 1st midterm marks are. but I have my second midterms this friday. I have my Chem midterm at 8:30-10:00 am, then my Physics midterm at 10:00-11:30, oh and in addition to the midterm in physics we also have a quiz. I'm gonna study like crazy today for my physics one, cause my first midterm went terribly, I completely flunked it!!! As for my chem, well the last midterm went alright, not great, but still passed. Computer programing is doing alright too, not sure what I got on the only midterm (some classes have 2 midterms, some have only 1, programing has only one) but hopefully since I have a GNG (programing class) course today at 4, he'll hand out the exams, it's been a week now since we wrote it.
So in a nutshell that's what's up with school. It's hard, but I'm starting to adjust, it takes a lot of studying and focus. Sometimes it's hard to sit there in class, for an hour and a half and listen to the monotonous voice of the prof, and ther's lots of studying to do after, and you don't really get one on one help like you do in highschool, but, eventually you get used to it.
Ok, now onto the next subject in my life: work. Work is going well. Still haven't given my two weeks notice, but Baschir already took me off the schedual so I don't have to work. Which is good, I really should give in the notice today and get it over with, I've been procrastinating for over a month now. The bank is going well. They are very flexible with my school schedual. They don't give me any hassle when I have exams that get re-schedualed for a saturday and they let us know on a wednesday. And now that I don't work doubles on saturdays I'll be able to relax as well. Lots of school and lots of work means no time to myself, which is what I need seeing as how my courses are tough and such. Oooo and I almost forgot, apparetnly this month I might be getting a raise, plus a bonus!! I'm excited, I hope I get both. Apparently the branch did very well in sales this past year so everyone may get a bonus, and everyone may get a raise.
On to my love life, lol. I'm still with Kyle dispite the rough patches we've been going through lately. Since I've moved out on my own things have gotten better. I enjoy my space. :-). And so does he. He doesn't have me hounding hima bout the messes he makes and I don't have to worry about him chatting on the computer (which is in the room) while I'm right beside him trying to sleep. Don't have to complain that he spends too much time on the computer, or playing video games, and so on and so forth. :-). So now, we have a clean appt. Obviously besides the few boxes that still need to be unpacked.
The new place is great. So far the living room is mostly organized I try to keep it as mess free as possible so when I'm sick of seeing boxes, I just go sit there. We have a carpet so it looks good. I've been vaccuuming it ilek every 2nd day to keep it clean (it's black) lol. The dinning room is mostly done as well. My pantry and china cabinet are all set up (they have been for a while) I will take pics to post. Probably today. The view is amazing to say the least. The other day I was out chatting on the balcony with a friend and the sun was setting, it was sooo amazing. My room is a total mess however, still not done organizing it. Mainly I can't find the screws to assemble my futon so it's in a messy pile in the corner and we don't have storage yet so I can't put it there. Anyway, my hoemwork desk all organized however in the entrance/living room, so I don't get distraced by the computer while I do my homework.
I think that's pretty much everything for now. Plus I'm getting sick of typing lol. Hope everything is going well for family up north. You guys get snow yet? I mean I know you've had the first snow fall a while ago, but I mean has it stayed?
OMFG!!! I cannot get over how retarded my roommate is!!! Stupidity knows no bounds, constantly a proven statement. Ok, just now, she came to my room and tried to bitch me out about how I picked up the phone when she was using it. She says "next time don't pick up the phone when I'm using it" I'm so sick of reasoning with her so after the 3rd time she says it I say "Well I'm sorry but I'm not psychic, I can't automatically know when you are on the phone" she turns around and says you don't need to be rude, yeah! So I tell her, that I'm sick of her being rude. How last night at midnight, again, she the phone rings and wakes me up (I have to get up at 6:30 am by the way to get to my classes) and all I can hear through the wall is her talking on the phone. Now it's not the first time this happens, Kyle and I are constantly having to get up at 11-12 and sometimes 2 am to tell her, not Tyson, just Sam, that she is being loud and that we are trying to sleep. WHO THE FUCK DECIDES TO BANG AROUND AND PACK AT 2 IN THE FUCKING MORNING!!!????? We just had a chat about it, were we all sat down and everyone agreed not to have phone calls or make noise between 10pm and 7am, you can see how well that's working out. She has no respect or regard for anyone else!! Tyson is the only curteous one, last night when I went to bitch at Sam Tyson was on the computer and had ear phones in so he wouldn't wake Kyle and I up. But no, Sam instead of having any common sense decides to plan a party for this weekend at midnight!!! So Kyle is drawing up a contract for her to sign tonight, (everyone is gonna sign it) that if any of the rules we've all agreed to gets broken the person is subject to being kicked out of the place.
And I mean it's not just that! She isn't happy with the fact I wash my dishes, instead she is angry because I wash them by hand instead of using the dishwasher, cause we have dishwasher detergent left and she wants it all used before we move into the appartment that doesn't have a dishwasher. Also, Gurr opens the bathroom cupboards and she tried to give me shit, TELLING me to keep them closed, and when I told her the cat opens them she stood there blankly like the dumb cunt that she is and then says well if you see them open, close them.
If hears me in the bathroom putting the shower curtain to the side, she obsessively goes to the bathroom to stretch it out again even after we all agreed it would remain on the side! She gets furious if we don't stretch out the teatowels on the stove handle or the washcloth half on the sink half on the counter, if there's an open can in the fridge.... the list goes on ppl. Even Kyle has given up being polite to her. We've tried talking to her directly, talking to Tyson to talk to her, being polite, being direct.... nothing works. I should record some of the conversation we have with her, she's just plain dumb!
The other day she insisted on having my futon out in the living room because (and I quote) "my christmas themed pillows would match better on your futon than the couch" W.....T....F..???!!?!?!?. I told her in these exact words "I'm not going to put my futon out instead of the couch just because your christmas pillows will match better with it than the couch. "you'd expect that if that's not what she ment that she'd say no that's not what I ment, instead she just stands there, saying nothing, just looking blankly, until I guess her brain processes what I'm just said. Then she says well what if we have lots of ppl over we will need 2 couches. I told her, 1- there may not be room for two couches, 2- I'm not putting my futon out cause it's in rough shape and I don't want ppl to sit hard on it and break the bars. Again, just stands there. I continue my packing, about 2 mins later (I'm not kidding) she's still standing, looking with unfocused eyes so I say "anything else?" no, I'm just standing she replies. I mean, does standing take so much effort that all her brain power is diverted to maintaining balance while at the same time continuing vital functions that she can't process that the conversation is over or that she should go sit down and think of what to do next if she has nothing else to say???
Later she returns and talks about deciding which cutlery to use when I said we should all just use our own stuff that way we can avoid the oh so common problems as "you didn't wash my pot" "This spoon is still dirty" oh and one of sam's favorites "there's rust on my fork" also avoid "who broke my plate, you owe me a new whatever..." you get the point? So she turns around with, dare I say, the most "brilliant" thing she's ever said. I mean she never responds, and I swear (in the words of Brian the dog from family guy) she must of been up all night thinking about it (I have mention the whole not sharing stuff several times before to her and every time we encountered the lag then she walks away), cause there was no processing time this time, she says "so I get it. It's gonna be childish then"... I turn to her and say: "no Sam, YOU and your BEHAVIOR is childish"...... Ooops... blue screen of death. Couple dozen seconds here to reboot..... ok, there we go.. walks away. During the whole conversation when she kept saying about how SHE wanted things to be in the new place, I kept telling her, things won't be perfect, it's not all gonna be the way you want it!! I also tried to do it in the nicest possible way and kept telling her. I've been through this, I know how it is when you get your first appartement, but you gotta learn that living with other ppl means you need to compromise. You have to realize not everyone is gonna live the way you do.
Then at some point she goes on about "Do you know what it's like to live in a house that's so filthy...blah blah blah" I said, yeah, have you seen my old place? Then of course to prove her point, she says "it was worse" so I simply said "then you must be happy that this place isn't like that" She goes on about how it needs to be cleaner... blah blah blah, and again I tell her, I got two jobs and university, I'm not always gonna do my dishes right away, I'll but them out of the way until I do them and make sure the counter is clean when I'm done (if it was clean before I started) but I'm not ALWAYS gonna do my dishes right away.
A really funny one was when we were paying the first month's rent (which is from the 16th to the 31st). She could not understand the concept that we were paying for 16 days. She said "we'll this isn't half of a months rent" so I told her it's calculated by days, and the 16th to the 31st is 16 days, not 15. This concept was apparently completely beyond her. She tried to reason: "well the 15th to the end of the month is 15 so the 16th to the 31st should be 14." So I showed her by counting on my fingers.... 16th = 1 day, 17th = 2 days, 18th = 3days, so on and so forth till 31st, and she still didn't get it. "That doesn't make sense" were her exact words. "It makes perfect sense!" I brought her to a calender, "look!" counted it again in front of her.... still she just stood there blankly,,,, again... I think in all honesty she just lags alot.. then says "it..... just doesn't make sense" so I gave up at that point.
Her stupidity is just never ending. She thinks that everything in the new place has to match and that everything will be the way she wants it. I keep telling her, it's not gonna be the way YOU WANT IT, shit happens, nothing is perfect. But this concept is also apparently beyound her grasp. She approached me yesterday and said: "I don't know if it's a health hazard or anything (I don't even know if she fully understands the meaning of those words, I'm just amazed that it's in her vocabulary (A subject I will tend to in the next few paragraphs) I'm just amazed she was able to pronounce it) to have open cans in the fridge" so I say, "well, if it is, it's my problem, not yours, you don't have to worry about eating MY food" then she proceeds with her point (which she must beleive is valid or else she wouldn't of brought it up, then again..... her mind, if that is indeed what she has, doesn't work at anywhere near half capacity) "I don't like looking at it".... O.....K.... then I suggest you not pull up a chair and stair in the fridge for entertainment! WTF?? I didn't even bother putting effort into saying anything except a response that if I'm lucky won't cause "the blue screen of death*(see below)" (as my computer programming professor would say) in the processing system that is her "mind": "get used to it, it's gonna happen" she then after a few seconds, goes into her room and emerges with a list of things she wants to discuss about the new place. Which in all honesty fall nothing short of mind bogling and/or histerical, depending on your frame of mind.
This list was filled with insane trivial things like: "When you throw something in the garbage and it misses make sure you put it in the garbage" "Sure, I always do, but if I don't realize I missed, sorry, but I can't really pick it back up now can I?"... blue screen of death... I sit there and wait for her to reboot..... The other day I had to pick your kleenex of the floor and put it in the garbage. Right, ok, first off, did you do a DNA sample to be sure it was mine, I'm not the only one in this house. Secondly woopdy frikin doo! I pick up her shit all the time and I don't bitch about it! But you can be frikin sure I will now!!! This is where she brought up the cupboard thing, then the dish towel thing AGAIN to which I replied the same thinG I always do: Things aren't perfect stuff isn't going to be happening the way you want it too all the time!!! She also tells me to wash the wash clothes with my clothes when I do the laundry, I tell her, I'm not putting the greasy cloth with my clothes, she gets all pissy and says what would I do with it, so I tell her, I usually wash them by hand. Processing.......processing..... YAY no blue screen of death, just silence until the next point to discuss is chosen by her random number generator. I swear to god, I could literaly create an exact replica of her "mind" in Dev C+ with the very basic knowledge I have from half of my first programming course in the basics of AINSI C programming. If you know what I just said, you know to what extent she has a basic thought process.
Ok, now onto the vocabulary... When we were all sitting at the table discussing rules for the new place. She decides to bring up at the end of the meeting about how I called her childish. I said well, your behavior lately has been very childish and you said that not sharing dishes was childish. Then with her astounding 20 word vocabulary and amazing processing speed says... you ready for it..... "that was before". "before what?" "before". Ummmmm sorry, I don't follow. After about 5-10 minutes of long and hard "probing" done by Kyle, Tyson and I, apparently what she meant was that I apparently called her childish before I even mentioned the not sharing the dishes thing. So I repeated the conversation for her. I said..blah blah blah, you said blah blah blah then I replied blah blah blah.... again she says that was before. FUCK man!!! learn to express yourself! COMMUNICATION, get your ideas across by using a variety of words. If someone doesn't understand it by one way of saying it, try another, chances are it'll work. Or at the very least be more specific.
After that I asked if there was anything else she needed to tell me and she just sat there and after a while said no. I said now is the time to get stuff in the open, if I've offended you or you have a problem of any kind, now is the time to resolve it. She says no again, I turn to Tyson, cause he seemed to be trying to convince her to say something, so I asked him, is there really nothing else or is there something bothering her that she's just not saying, and he said he didn't know so we just left it at that.
The other day, she got upset cause at 8:30 am we apparently woke her up (Kyle and I) while we were getting ready for school, and she couldn't get back to sleep. We weren't excessively loud, we weren't even loud in general! I told her that I'm not gonna be quiet during the DAY cause she's up packing or planning a party or whatever till 2 in morning. So she says well what about when I'm working over nights, I knew she was just saying that so I ask, "till what time do you work on nights" "I'm usually done at 9 I don't get overnights, but what if I did?" now, she works as a cashier at canadian tire. What the fuck are they gonna need a cashier for during the night?!? I mean sure, maybe there's a random chance they'd ask her to do stock so I humor her. "What time would your overnight be done" she then conviently (and surprisingly used a tactic previously thought beyond her capacity) changed the subject after a long stall. She brought it up at the meeting and I said, I'm not gonna tip toe around the house at 8:30 in the morning. I think it's a decent hour to be up, by law it's 7am, and it's not like you were working late. There's dump trucks making tons of noise outside at 7am, I think it's unreasonable for me to make NO noise at 8:30 am. I mean, I'm not banging on drums or anything, just cooking or chatting with Kyle not loudly, we aren't being loud. Plus, it's not like she's been being quiet at 2am when she's supposed to, by courtesy, by law, by common sense, whatever.
A couple weeks ago, she decided she was gonna mop the floor in the kitchen and quite literally "ordered" Kyle and I to do our dishes. "I'm gonna mop the floor can you guys do your dishes".... WTF? "why?" "cause I'm gonna mop the floor"..... ummmmm, I'm thinking, what the hell does that have to do with moping the floor. "I'm gonna mop the floor and need to clean the counter." "ok, so just put my dishes aside (a few dishes is all I had out there) then wash the counter, then put my dishes back" I simply said. But once again, it's a little too complex for her. "yeah but I need to clean the counter" "Sam, it's not difficult, put them to the side and we'll deal with them later" Kyle and I are talking, we aren't gonna do everything she wants WHEN she wants, especially if she's gonna be rude about it. So away she goes, decides to do our dishes when she finds a one with mold on it. Yes it had lots of mold which we were gonna tend too (two plates stuck together, she found the mold when she was cleaning our dishes). So she turns around and says very rudely while holding up the plate with mold. "Can we TRY and not have this happen again" I swear to you those were her words. "SAM! They are our dishes, it was under another plate, leave our stuff alone we will deal with it later. You don't have to clean up our stuff!!!!" Anyway, she does her little mopping thing, then being the dumb ass she is, goes out side with her shoes on, brings in a whole bunch of grass dirt in and tracks it through the kitchen which she just mopped and is still wet. Holy fuck!!! LMAO, omg. Anyway, after that the next day or so I ws trying to be nice and polite and told her how the floor in the kitchen looked great and thanked her, to which she gave me a bitchy look and walked away with out a word said. That's fine, what ever. Kyle and I went into the kitchen after, and found that to our surprise (sarcastic) she hadn't cleaned the counter. God she's a retard.
Anyway, still got lots to say, tons actually but I gotta go take a shower before work. So far the venting has been helping release steam lol. I'll post more later.
Well, here we are, in the month of October already! Time is flying now!! I'm starting to fall into the ruotine of school, finally falling into the "swing of things" as they say. I'm really liking my computer programing class. I end up spending my spare time programming stuff for fun. I'm gonna talk to some guidance counsellors about chaning my major from physics to software engineer or something.
Getting excited for the move. Just 10 days left!! Gotta finish up my packing and stuff. Joel will be coming down with the car to help move stuff, he might also be bringing a friend. Ben will be over to help aswell, and so will Shane. Not sure about the last one, everytime we make some sort of plans, he always bails out for one reason or another, so I'm not really counting on him. Anyway, even if he doens't show I've still got lots of ppl to help! Once the moving is done, I'm gonna make a HUGE meal for everyone. Pork Tenderloing with mashed potatoes, fried mushrooms and onions, boiled carrrots and broccoli, corn on the cob, dinner rolls... blah blah blah, the list goes one. I'm gonna have to make soooo much food. But I don't mind, I love to cook!! I might make some beef and barley soup as well to cann it and send some home with everyone. Or maybe salsa, yeah, it'll probably be salsa.
Anyway, I got two exams on Friday. One at 8:15am for Chemistry and then right after I have to run across campus to do a Physics exam!! Good thing I only have one class tomorrow and it's at 4:00 till 5:30. Maybe if I'm doing really good with my studying I just won't go and keep studying, cause so far, those are the two classes that I'm having trouble with. It all depends on how tomorrow goes. I should probably start the studying today after my Chemistry lab. Yuk!! I hate the chem lab!! I've only had one so far and it was horrible!!! Don't like it at all. On the other hand, my physics labs are going quite well. They started off really bad, the first one I failed and the second I just barely passed, but the last one that we got back, I got 100%!! YAY!!! and hopefully I'll get really good on the one we handed in yesterday. My computer programing labs are good aswell. I never actualy go to the labs since I have the program at home. I'd rather work on it at home than at school. So far everytime I've run into a problem, I've been able to solve it (after a little break) as opposed to if I was in lab, I'd just get the teacher to solve it for me. I think t's better this way.
Well, it's nearing my departure time for the bus. I should colelct my stuff and get ready for 3 hours of hell!! Maybe if I'm fast enough we can get the lab done early and I can go home early. That's the plan!!
My crochet project is going well I figure I might add. I've been spending all mu bussing time (45 mins to school and 45 mins home twice a day) crocheting! I hope to have the blanket done by the end of October or the beginning of November. Below is a pic of what it should look like when I'm done. I know it won't but it should at least resemble it lol. I've got so many projects on the go it'll be nice to finish some. It's probably been a year since I finished my last "big" project. (baby blankets not included).
Well, like I said, I should really get going.
Things are going well. Very busy though (obviously since I haven't been making entries lol). Wow is it ever rainning out right now!!! Anyway, school is alright, it's quite a shock to get used to, things go so quickly, mid terms are already in 2 weeks :-|. Got alot of studying to do. But over all it's going well. Finally got my line of credit completely paid off. So even thought I've paid my whole first year of school I'm pretty much debt free except for my visa which has a small balance on it. It's nice to be free of that line of credit. It was starting to bother me lol. Didn't like seeing the fact that I had 5000$ owing on it. Thanks mom for sorting out all the stuff with the cheque/investment. It's one less thing to worry about now. :-).
Things with Kyle have gotten better again. We had a wonderful romantic dinner last night, he cleaned the dinning room and set the table while I made supper. I made: porktenderloin, mashed potatoes, homemade gravy, boiled carrots and broccoli, fried mushrooms and onions, corn on the cob, dinner rolls... it was soooo good. Then after the candle light dinner, we chatted at the table a while then he helped me clean up and we laid on the couch and watched a movie. It had been so long since we last saw The Core. I love those natural disaster movies :-).
Anyway, still drama going on with Kyle's X girlfriend, Nat. She's still harassing our friends and stuff. Oh, and now, she's on welfare. Whoa, that's a surprise lol. Who didn't see that one comming lol. She keeps trying to say she has a job in Sault st. marie, but who would hire a pregnant woman? She's like 6-7 months pregnant. plus she says she is living back in blind river with her parents. This girl is seriously messed up. I can't imagine how bad her child will be. She was smoking cigarettes, doing drugs and getting completly smashed (drunk) while she was pregnant. And apparently she is still trying to squeeze into her skimpy clothes even with the growing belly!! Not bothering with maternity clothes!! It's insane. Poor child.
Anyway, I should go get started on my to do list. I got a few labs to work on for the week, studying to do for a quiz and a diagnostics test to study for on Saturday. Plus I wanted to clean out the fridge, make some supper and work on the blanket I'm making. Hopefully I'll get it done before the end of October (this year lol). Ok, gotta go.
School is going great! I only hve a few minutes to write a little note cause I gotta go to my physics lab. 3 hours of lab!!! yuk!!! not lookingn forward to it, but hey, didn't think I'd like computer programming, but I'm having a blast with it. In general things are going well. School is gonna be tough, but it's really only 3 months long. I already have a quiz on friday and an exam in 3 weeks, exam!!! 3 weeks!!! I haven't even attended all my classes yet!! (as in discussion groups haven't even started yet cause nothing was taught in the courses yet). plus school only started last thursday, so I haven't gone to my wednesday classes yet lol. Anyway, like I said, don't have much time, must go catch my bus :-)
Well, things are going well. Finished a 9-5 the day seemed to go by slow at times, but fast at others. I'm glad that things are switching up again and I'll be on a school schedual soon. That's why I think I'll like being a teacher, cause it's not always the same thing year round. I need variety.
My man is at work. And working till close (9) which means he gets to bring home cinnamin buns, yum!!!! I'm gonna make chicken burgers again for supper. I'm also gonna go pick him up from work at around 10 to 9 so I can buy some mayo for mine. I'm gonna bring my book, "the elegant universe" to read cause he only gets out at around 9:30. Then we'll probably end up watching some stargate episodes while we eat. YAY!!! Stargate. We watched some pretty good episodes from season 4 last night. At the rate that we've been watching them lately, I'm gonna have to go buy seasons 5 and 6 at the same times cause we go through them so fast!! lol, I can't wait till stargate atlantis comes out!!
I'd also like to work on my crochet projects. There's a blanket that I've been working on for a while that I wanna finish soon. And I wanna get started on the one that Kyle wants and on the baby blanket for little Livia (Corey's future baby). And Alex/Robyn if you are reading this,,, shhhhhh!! keep that to yourself it's supposed to be a surprise. :-)
I just finished some oriental noodles, boy is it every difficult/akward to eat with chopsticks!! but once you get the hang of it, it gets easier. (Random pointless entry lol)
I think next week maybe on the 7th, I'm gonna make a big supper, pork tenderloin with home made mashed potatoes, fried mushrooms and onions, beef gravy, fresh vegetables, home made bread, and some really good deserts (and I'll buy a bottle of red wine) for Kyle and I to celebrate our return to school. Me for going/starting University and him for going back to high school. I am quite proud of him!!
I'm really getting excited to start my Physics courses. I had a thought today as I walked home from work that brought a smile to my face. I imagined myself doing research in a university and writing books like brian greene. I've never really been one for fame, but the thought of making large contributions to our knowledge of physics and how the world works would really make me happy. I feel extremely motivated to get my doctorate in theoritical physics. I can't wait!! I can just imagine not being Mrs. Monica ...whatever, but Dr. Monica... whatever.
Well, enough daydreaming for now, I think I'll go work on the shawl I've started knitting the other day, I wanna get it finished for november and it's still got a long way to go !!!
It's 8:15am and I gotta get ready to go to work soon. 9 - 5 shift today. I'm still not 100% but definately good enough to go to work. Monday I tried to call in sick, but they said they really needed me so I took a bunch of tylenol and went anyway. I was really messed up and was screwing everything up. So on Tuesday when I was feeling even worse, I called in sick and napped the whole day. Well a mix of naps and crochet/knitting lol. Anyway, today I'm feeling better so I'm back to work.
Althought I haven't been writing in here, I barely have anything to say!! ... Oh, I've been thinking about putting up my stories again. The other day I read one of my old ones to Kyle. He liked it. There were some pretty funny things in it and it was obvious at the end that I just wanted to finish it so it ended abruptly, but it's still decent lol, at least for a 14-15 year old. The beginning is like psychological look into my past though it's pretty interesting from that point of view.
My canning ended up good. The chicken noodle soup sucked, the noodles I think were disintegrating, but so far the beef and barley soup turned out really good and hopefully the chili will too. Thinking about having some people over on labour day to all do some cooking. If that doesnt' work I'll do packing on that day.
Well I really should go now and get my lunch ready...
Once again it's been forever since I've made an entry. Kyle is at work right now. Yes I said work. I'm so happy he has a job now. It's not the greatest in the wolrd and he really doesn't like it but it's a job none the less. He is still trying to get a better one. Anyway, I've never hung around him when he did have a job, so now I don't excatly know what to do with myself now that I'm here and he is at work. I did some cleaning and organizing, some of the boxes that are still packed from the move, and then re-packing stuff for the new place and still throwing stuff out. God I have so much needless stuff!!! Anyway, I also cooked myself some supper and here I am, Kyle's only been gone for an hour and a half and I'm already bored. Don't know what to do with myself lol. He's working until 9. that's still 3 and a half hours away!!! Lol. I think I'm gonna do some "gardening" I have some clippings of plants that have roots now so I'm gonna plant them, and in september Kyle and I are doing a diet/lifestyle make over (beleive it or not it was his idea and he has been pushing it) He wants to do a detox (he suggested it when I was reading one of my "well being" books and saw it) then start a new healthy diet, he doesn't want to eat out anymore at the fast food restaurants and he wants to excersice regualarly (I think the exercise is more my idea than his). Anyway, the point is we are gonna start eating and living healthier and I need to put together an "action plan". I'm gonna plan out some meals for the month of September and get my yoga and exercise plan organized, I'm not quite sure what he is gonna do for exercise. We might end up doing some jogging in the morning (I doubt it though seeing as how we will already be getting up really early for school (like 6am, I don't think either of us will want to get up an hour earlier to go jogging. We won't function as well I think if we get up at 5, I think we'd probably just go back to sleep after the jog and end up missing school lol).
Another thing I have to do is go get myself deleted off of my old lease. Must do that before 8 when it closes. *sigh*, I feel like taking a nap! Not next week but the week after I start school. I'm not nervous yet, still excited to be starting university.
Well, I'm even bored of this now and it's only been like 10 mins. Think I'll go work on planting those clippings.
I can't beleive I haven't made an entry for over a month!! No July entries!! Wow! Well, I have great news today.... I've finally registered for University!! I've got all my courses picked out and have the dates and everything. The Good/Bad thing is that my courses are so spread out that it's pretty much impossible for me to work during the first semester. I can work the Saturday shifts but that's it. It's a bad thing cause I won't be able to support myself with out the line of credit, but it's a good thing because that means I'll be able to concentrate on school instead of worrying about work and money. The second semester, however, allows me a few days to work, but I have a couple days that are packed pretty much from 8:30 am till 7 pm. But we will see how it all goes.
Here is what my schedual looks like:
MAT1720 A (Calcul Différentiel et Intégral I) Lecture 10:00 to 11:30am.
GNG1101 A (Fundamentals of engineering computation) Lecture 2:30 to 4:00pm
MAT1720 A (Calcul Différentiel et Intégral I) Dicussion 5:30 to 7:00pm
PHY 1501 (Principes Fondamentaux de Physique I) Lecture 8:30 to 10:00am
PHY 1601 BB (Laboratoire de Physique) Lab 2:30 to 5:30pm
MAT 1720 A (Calcul Différentiel et Intégral I) Lecture 8:30 to 10:00am
CHM 1710 C (Principes de Chimie) Lecture 10:00 to 11:30am
PHY 1501 (Principes Fondamentaux de Physique I) Discussion 1:00 to 2:00pm
CHM 1710 C (Principes de Chimie) Lab 2:30 to 5:30pm
CHM 1710 C (Principes de Chimie) Discussion 11:30am to 1:00pm
GNG 1101 A (Fundamentals of Engineering Computation) Lecture 4:00 to 5:30pm
CHM 1710 C (Principes de Chimie) Lecture 8:30 to 10:00am
PHY 1501 (Principes Fondamentaux de Physique I) Lecture 10:00 to 11:30am
GNG 1101 A (Fundamentals of Engineering Computation) Lab 11:30am to 2:30pm
And for the second semester:
CHM 1720 C (Chimie Organique I) Lecture 8:30 to 10:00am
MAT 1722 A (Calcul Différentiel et Intégral II) Lecture 10:00 to 11:30am
PHY 1502 (Principes Fondamentaux de Physique II) Lecture 8:30 to 10:00am
GNG 1100 E (Engineering Mechanics) Lecture 10:00 to 11:30am
MAT 1741 B (Introduction à l'Algèbre Linéaire) Lecture 1:00 to 2:30pm
PHY 1601 BB (Laboratoire de Physique) Lab 2:30 to 5:30pm
MAT 1722 A (Calcul Différentiel et Intégral II) Discussion 5:30 to 7:00pm
MAT 1722 A (Calcul Différentiel et Intégral II) Lecture 8:30 to 10:00am
PHY 1502 (Principes Fondamentaux de Physique II) Discussion 10:30 to 11:30am
CHM 1720 C (Chimie Organique I) Lecture 10:00 to 11:30am
MAT 1741 B (Introduction à l'Algèbre Linéaire) Lecture 11:30am to 1:00pm
GNG 1100 E (Engineering Mechanics) Lecture 1:00 to 2:30pm
CHM 1720 C (Chimie Organique I) Lab 2:30 to 5:30pm
GNG 1100 E (Engineering Mechanics) Discussion 8:30 to 10:00am
PHY 1502 (Principes Fondamentaux de Physique II) Lecture 10:00 to 11:30am
MAT 1741 B (Introduction à l'Algèbre Linéaire) Discussion 1:00 to 2:30pm
CHM 1720 C (Chimie Organique I) Discussion 2:30 to 4:00pm
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