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kemmie's box

once again your eyes make it hard to ask you why so i sit here knuckles tight head against the wall and you mean so much to me...

kemmie. also known in real life as jen. web designer. student. former goal in life: be a famous journalist. 18. about to graduate high school.

music. evanescence. trapt. three days grace. the ataris. simple plan. something corporate. tori amos. saliva. cold. a perfect circle. orlando bloom. johnny depp. history. writing. poetry. reading. applebee's santa fe chicken salad. black. grey. red. the internet. lord of the rings.

boys. mexican food (most of it, at least). people. boys. society. journalists. the media. television. nsync. the backstreet boys. norms. did i mention boys? relationships. life in general.

++my quiz results++
"People who sin say this: That they had to,
to survive. People who sin say this: That it's
too late to stop. The shadow called Sin dogs
them steadily without a word. Remorse and Agony
are repeated, to finally end up at Despair. But
sinners don't know... that if they turn around,
there is a light... a light which keeps shining
on them every so warmly." -Vash from
Trigun You are indeed a sinner like everyone else. Your
perspective on things are neither wrong nor
right. Your inner voice is saying that
something inside of you has to change though in
order for you to find happiness. Mostly, I
believe in your life you need more love. Put
love into everything you do.

What does your inner voice say?
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