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kemmie's box

once again your eyes make it hard to ask you why so i sit here knuckles tight head against the wall and you mean so much to me...

here are a few for now. they're only coded for blogger blogs, but they can be modified for use on other blogging sites or as a webpages. if you need that done for you, email me and i'll take care of it...i'll try to get some more templates and codes up later.

if you download a template from me, please sign my guestbook, and be sure to say which one you downloaded!!!

in order to download these templates, you will need to have a blogskins id & password. if you don't want to take the time to create your own, use this one:
user id: kem
password: 1234

click on this link to view it:
are you an ember or are you a flame?....99 downloads so far
then click here for the code

click on this link to view it:
i lost myself....111 downloads so far
then click here for the code

click on this link to view it:
people are stupid....76 downloads so far
then click here for the code

click on this link to view it:
vent your angst...11 downloads so far
then click here for the code

click on this link to view it:
sense of wonder....64 downloads so far
then click here for the code

click on this link to view it:
sense of wonder v2.0....75 downloads so far
then click here for the code

evanescence templates

click on this link to view it:
before the dawn....82 downloads so far
then click here for the code

click on this link to view it:
where will you go?....50 downloads so far
then click here for the code

click on this link to view it:
bound by my lies....95 downloads so far
then click here for the code

click on this link to view it:
take me away from me....60 downloads so far
then click here for the code

this one is for xanga:
click here to view it:
evanescence~my immortal....187 downloads so far
click here for the code

like my templates? please, please, please donate! i am starting college this year, and i really need the money!!! all donations are greatly appreciated!!! thank you so much!!!

view my guestbook
sign my guestbook