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About Kirby Moore

Home Spiritual Astrology What I Offer About Kirby

I was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on the Ides of March. I am pursuing my psychology degree, in addition to practicing Vajrayana Tibetan Buddhism, attending as well as teaching healing facilitation and self awareness classes. I live in Charlottesville, where I am softening my edges, experiencing relationship with being-ness and raising my embodied awareness amid the rolling hills of the Piedmont.

I bring natural Neptunian/Piscean intuition, Plutonian awareness and transformational presence, and a unique, eccentric Uranian spark to everything I teach and all the treatment sessions I offer. So yawn. Take a deep belly breath. And say Ahhhhhhhh.

In case you are wondering about the name Zyzzyraz, I created it based on a character from a novel project I had started a couple years ago. I wanted to ensure I would have my own domain space that did not have an exorbitant price tag to go along with it. And the name is definitely unique. So take any or all of these reasons, whatever you like.

I am primarily a facilitator of healing through Reiki, Spiritual Astrology and Cranio Sacral Therapy. I have had incredible teachers, some of whom teach internationally. I have been practicing Spiritual Astrology professionally for five years. I am certified to teach Reiki on all levels, I am certified in Cranio Sacral Therapy, most recently I have taken a class on Visceral Manipulation and I intend to pursue it more. I am continuously learning about all of these advanced, yet subtle modalities. Thank you for your interest in growth and transformation.

I must thank and bless some folk for their assistance with this website: Colette Evans and Meredith Faust for providing wondrous pictures, Mike and Denise Tuso for their patience, time and resources, Jenny Strong for incredible inspiration and planting the original seeds which are now wondrous, vivacious blossoms, Jeremy Roberts for pictures and web advice and of course Miller, who remains a loyal kitty despite our time apart.

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