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Services Offered

Home Spiritual Astrology What I Offer About Kirby

This page lists the services Zyzzyraz Healing offers. These are modalities for individual sessions and personal interpretations, while I also offer classes and workshops for groups. To view the workshops and classes Kirby has Presented in the past, click here.

For Spiritual Astrology -- please visit Astrology

I offer Spiritual Astrology Classes as well as individual Interpretations.


Reiki is a Japanese Healing Technique that was thought to have originated in ancient Tibet. It was re-introduced by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 20th century. Reiki translates to "Universal Life Energy." Reiki allows the practitioner to channel healing energy into the client for healing, breaking up stagnation and releasing toxic energy, cleansing afflicted emotions and thoughts. Getting into Reiki provides an increased awareness of our systems, get a good grasp on energy work and to practice treating ourselves and others with more kindness and compassion. Please contact me to set up a Reiki Session.

Kirby teaches Reiki in his own manner. He offers the traditional knowledge as well as knowledge that has come to him from his experience with other healing facilitation modalities. One of these modalities is called Zapchen, and this is a very potent set of exercises designed to break up habitual patterns (of restriction or limitation). Visit Zapchen for more details. Therefore Reiki treatments, Cranio Sacral Therapy and all my classes blend many great techniques. Kirby incorporates embodied, grounded being-ness with all healing facilitation that is taught.

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Cranio Sacral Therapy

Cranio Sacral is an advanced and subtle technique that developed out of Osteopathy.In Cranio Sacral Therapy we seek to restore the health and well-being which is inherent within the body. Cranio Sacral seeks to balance the fluids of the body, primarily the cerebro-spinal fluid. Some of the benefits of Cranio Sacral Therapy are deep relaxation and getting in touch with and accepting all parts of ourselves. CranioSacral Therapy has assisted with migraines, joint and muscle inflammation, spine and hip issues, clearing birth trauma in addition to many other health difficulties. This technique, by helping us get in touch with our inherent health, can positively affect any health issue. When you combine Cranio Sacral therapy and intuitive dialogue, the shifts and healing movement can be incredible. Visit the site below to view many of the issues Cranio Sacral has assisted. Visit Cranio Sacral info for detailed, more accurate information regarding Cranio Sacral Therapy, its history, teachers, schools, etc.

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A fantastic piece of Malachite with inset Azurite: