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Spiritual Astrology

Home Spiritual Astrology What I Offer About Kirby

Spiritual Astrology is Kirby's blending of Evolutionary, Psychological and Western (Ancient Greek Hellenistic) Astrology. Spiritual Astrology is a very colorful, dynamic, empowering and inspiring modality. He incorporates much of his life experience into this new modality, especially experience with bodywork and healing facilitation. Kirby is a certified Cranio Sacral Therapist, he teaches Reiki Energetic Healing on all levels and he has diverse experience with other healing modalities and techniques.


When we try to become something we are not, that is the beginning of distress and disease. The primary benefit of receiving an interpretation is living an authentic and more harmonious life. I add insights, offer exercises, visualizations and affirmations. I assist the client in making these new, exciting shifts stick with them. And I offer gentle guidance for wellbeing, growth and clarity.

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