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Senior Does

First Fresheners

Junior Does


Kidding Schedule

For Sale/New Arrivals

2011 Kids

2012 Kids

2013 Kids

2014 Kids

Herd Management

Goatmilk Fudge



Kidding Schedule

These will be the last New Moon babies!


2016 Breedings

Due/Birth Date

**New Moon DY Blue Aquamarine**

**LTE VAL Moonman**
(145 days)
Does $450
Bucks $450
Blue eyed doeling!
Both sold

**New Moon GL Blue Lace Agate**

**LTE VAL Moonman**
(144 days)
Does $400
Bucks $400

2 doelings, one sundgau and polled, one black/white

**New Moon FH Sadie**

**New Moon MM Meteor Shower**
(145 days)
Does $450
Bucks $450
  Quad does!

**New Moon DAX FireDragon**

**New Moon MM Meteor Shower**
(148 days)
Does $450
Bucks $400

Twin bucklings
Buck 1 just like Firedragon, Buck 2 flashy dark red buckskin

**New Moon WW Starfire**

**New Moon MM Meteor Shower**
(143 days)
Does $400
Bucks N/A

Triplets! 2 does 1 buckling (sundgau wether)
Doe 1 silver/polled, Doe 2 buckskin w/ moonspots

2016 Reservations:

Blue eyed doe, black and white, prefer polled- Lynn L.
Doe, polled blue eyed and moonspots- Lisa G.
Breeding pair, polled- Pamela J.
Buck & Doe, polled blue eyed and moonspotted, also a silver b/e doe possibly- Mindy A.
Buckling, polled blue eyed and moonspots- Brent H.
Buckling, polled blue eyed and moonspots- Tory P.
Buckling, polled blue eyed and moonspots- Tobi S.
Doe, silver w blue eyes- Carol M.
Breeding pair, b/e and moonspots- Tabitha H.
Doe and wether- Connie D.
Doe with moonspots (and blue eyes preferred) and wether- Kayla S.
Buckling, prefer blue eyes, and polled- Jennifer O.
Polled buck- Janet E.
Doe, blue eyed and silver- Mary and Harold
Starfire, reserved with doe kid- Ashley F.

Please Note: We take reservations without a deposit. Just let us know what you're looking for and we'll add you to the list.

Thank you for your interest in New Moon Nigerians!

To be added to the reservation list, email me:

Making a reservation is very simple- all you have to do is tell me what you'd be interested in and I record it in the order the requests are received. When the kid of your choice is born I contact you, then you send me a $100 deposit per kid reserved, via PayPal, check or money order. The remainder is due at pick up. We recommend (but do not require) placing specific reservations, such as kids out of a certain breeding, a certain trait such as blue eyes, etc. If the kid you reserve is not born, we can keep you on the list for next year.

Breeding selections are subject to change, until confirmed bred of course! I reserve the right to retain any kids that I wish- every kid is subject to evaluation before being offered for sale.

As the kids are born and I decide not to retain them, I will inform those with reservations and email pictures of the babies, at which time the buyer can send or Paypal a non-refundable deposit of $100 (for does and intact buck kids) to hold the kids until weaning time, or refuse the kid. The full pruchase price is due at pick up time around 8 weeks of age. Any unreserved kids will be offered for sale on our sale page and made available to the general public. For pet wethers, we normally accept a $50 deposit to hold him until weaning.

Pricing- Doe kids range in price from $350- $400 depending on their dam. Buck kids are available from our does with the best mammaries and milking ability only, they are generally $50 less than doe kids. Bucks are not available from first fresheners or does without excellent mammary systems- they will be sold as pet wethers for $100 each or $175/pair.

I wether (neuter) most of the buck kids born here, unless I am very confident in their conformation and their dam's mammary and/or they are reserved. I won't sell a buck that I wouldn't have kept myself for breeding. Prices are listed for buck kids out of does that I feel offer the best mammary potential, but those buck kids are subject to evaluation once they hit the ground. All other boys will be wethered and sold as pets, and after being nuetered they will not develop a bucky odor or bucky behavior. Wethers make excellent pets for these reasons coupled with their playful, friendly personalities. The price for wethers is $125 each, or $200 for 2. Purchasing two goats will be required if no other goats or similar animals will be housed with it. If bought along with a doe or buck as a companion, the price will be $100 for wethers.

Kids will be disbudded, given their first shot, wormed, hoof-trimmed, and healthy. They will all be dam-raised unless it is necessary to bottle feed them for some reason(see below). This is usually necessary with quads and quints. They will come with their AGS registration form ready to go. I will also include a feed sample to help switch them over to your feed gradually. I love the babies born here, and will only sell them to good homes, and only for breeding/show or pet purposes, not for meat!

Full payment is necessary before the kid leaves the farm- I will not accept a check at the time of pick up. Transportation, shipping, and requested health papers are the responsibility of the buyer, however I MAY be willing to drive a bit to meet for exchange. Email me for more information.

A word about our dam-raising philosophy: I feel that kids are meant by nature to nurse from their dams, and both mother and baby benefit from their relationship. I don’t think that friendlier kids is a sound enough reason to remove the baby from it's mother and bottle feed it. My young daughter and I spend lots of time with the babies from the time they are born, and they are very well socialized with people as well as our other animals. I find the majority of our kids are born friendly, and are very sweet, affectionate and outgoing. In terms of CAE/disease preventative measures involving bottle feeding pasteurized milk, I have no reason to believe our does have CAE (we have tested negative) and therefore no reason to implement these measures. I think Mother Nature knows best.