Distant Universe Fanfic     |   home
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Part 5

By Way of Introduction

     I laid my head against the interior side of the door once it closed. The throbbing in my temples was finally easing, but again my feet were frozen in place. It was difficult erasing the image of John Biebe's slow-moving, solitary figure from my mind. For a second, I visualized him attempting to escape the hotel before anyone's notice. After all, two had escorted me to my suite - - now, only one departed. I was sure this sort of thing happened all the time at the Crowes' Nest (particularly considering the temptations), but Biebe struck me as a rather private man in some aspects. I didn't think he would care for the world to know what had just occurred. I wondered if he would put the last half-hour behind him, and return to the Tavern to enjoy the remainder of the evening. I hoped so. The last thing I desired was him sitting on a barstool, keeping to himself, or taking a lonely walk....

What *had* he wanted to ask me?

Good night John, I mouthed again, one finger tracing an empty pattern along the wood.

"Tina." The melodious baritone caused my eyes to close as parts of my body contracted in response. No, I had not forgotten him. How could I possibly forget him?

Turning to face him I whispered, "Maximus," as he came to stand in front of me, both hands extended to take hold of mine. Momentarily, I felt small in his imposing presence for he had at least ten inches in height on me, but he never intimidated me. I was frightened, but it was on another level. Swallowing hard, I managed, "I... I wanted to thank you."

"Thank me?" He smiled gently. "For what?"

"You... You... didn't push me... You understood... You... understood."

"How could I not? Tina... coming here is supposed to be a pleasant experience, not emotional torment. I would *never* want you to do something you have no desire to do." He eased closer, and I finally looked up at his face again. "And it's important that no matter your decision, it's one you are happy with accepting." I nodded, I saw him look aside for a few seconds, before his attention returned to me. "You... Tina... you are... certain about this?"

What did he...? "I'm sorry." I was unclear....

"I only want to... I *need* to be definite. You're certain that this is what you want, my dear?" I knew he could feel my shivering, despite my best efforts to control it.

Was I certain, he had asked? I smiled softly to myself. There were things at this moment that I found difficult to tell him. Seeing the movie for the first time, at a matinee performance, and in a theater filled with only men, I had spent the bulk of 'Gladiator' literally on the edge. I imagined these men wondered who the hell was the crazy woman attending the testosterone-laden movie and getting more excited by them, when, on several occasions, she actually screamed out her thrilled viewpoint. I had not 'lived' a movie like this since 'Titanic', so that made it all even more spine tingling. And I had loved Maximus instantly, in a way I hadn't known since....

Since *never*. Han Solo, Indiana Jones, even the Keaton incarnation of Bruce Wayne/Batman - - they paled when I considered what Maximus meant to me from the start. Was I certain about what would happen this night?

"I want this," I gently replied, easing even nearer to him. "You'll never know how very much I want this."

Max very gently touched the back of my right hand, and I knew from the way the trembling intensified, he knew I was a nervous wreck. I saw concern in his eyes as he moved to place an arm about my shoulders. At first I was uncertain as to why, then I realized he was guiding me to one of those comfortable looking armchairs. He waited until I was seated, then asked if I would like him to fix us both a glass of wine.

He assured me he wasn't trying to intoxicate me. He only hoped the wine, along with my Champaign mimosas, would relax me. I agreed - - anything would help. It only took him a few moments to locate a bottle of white zinfandel in the small refrigerator and after opening it and pouring us a glass, he sat on the footstool in front of me. I sipped some, glad to have anything in my throat and hoping this would do the trick as well. I noticed apprehension on his face.

"What's wrong?" I finally asked in an almost choked voice.

"I..." He paused; I could see him searching for the best manner in which to speak the next statement. "Tina... I... I must ask you this, and..." My eyebrows cocked for he had me curious. He sighed, running a hand over that neatly trimmed beard I adored, and then looked back at me, a caring smile present. There was gentleness in his eyes, too, something he rarely showed in the movie, only because there had been few opportunities.

"Max, what's wrong?"

"I was attempting to find the best way to ask you this, as it *is* quite... delicate."

"Delicate?" I could not imagine....

"Tina my dear, are you... are you... untouched?"

It took me a second to comprehend his meaning, and then I sat back, my mouth open. My body language had revealed so much, even something I had kept secret. "Untouched?" was all I could say.

"You have never...."

"Yes, I understand what you mean, but how...."

Placing the wineglass on an end table, he took both my hands. "Because I am surprised you're in one piece as hard as you're shaking. You're cold as well. I realize the situation would leave you somewhat nervous, but it shouldn't be this bad unless...."

"This had never happened before," I finished for him. Sighing, swallowing hard, my insides were burning from fright. I knew - as John had told me - that Maximus would never hurt me. "Max... I..." A tear spilled from one eye. "I've never... I... haven't...."

He nodded, understanding. "Pina - - my wife," then he added on seeing my questioning look, "Agrippina was her name."

"Oh Max, that's beautiful. I guess her parents named her for the granddaughter of the great Augustus; daughter of the Agrippa who defeated Antony and Cleopatra, and wife to one of Rome's finest military leaders, Germanicus."

"The very same. You know your Roman history well."

I grinned. "Yeah I do, but I also know 'I, Claudius' too. It's my favorite miniseries of all time." Max laughed and nodded; Michelle had shown him that too.

"Her one regret about her name was that Agrippina also produced Caligula. Otherwise, she liked her name. Personally," and his smile was that of a warm, fond memory, "I *loved* it, but I usually called her Pina."

"I think it's beautiful, Maximus. An illustrious name, for an illustrious lady like your wife." He smiled his 'thank you', bowing his head. "So... your Pina... she - she was nervous, too?"

"A strong woman, but yes, that... that night... she was young... untouched. I... was several years older, somewhat more experienced. She felt... very much the way you do."

"Did she?"

"Very much so. This is all quite familiar to me."

"It's just... somewhat... It's a little more... complicated than only... well, than only me being...untouched."

Max drew a quick breath, scooting the stool forward even more. A scowl pulled at his features. "Did he harm you?"


"This man... or boy, did he harm you in some way?"

"Oh no, no," I reassured him. "No Max, it was nothing like.... It wasn't that way. Probably not what you're thinking. He didn't hurt me or force me."

"You're certain?" I felt a caress on my hands as he assuaged my fears. No, the boy - - the *man* had not been this loving, but then, he was not the extraordinary Maximus either, a person who could balance brutality if necessary, and moral qualities as well. Honestly, there were few men as noble as that.

"He didn't hurt me, Max, I swear," I repeated, my words just barely above a whisper.

"However he did... *something*, something which still bothers you to this day." I nodded, my eyes down. "Will you tell me about it?"

"About what happened?" I had only shared this incident with one other person, my oldest and dearest friend Laura, but no one else, not even my family. Max was nodding to me. "The whole thing... is almost silly."

"But not to you obviously, Tina, or you would not still be haunted by it." His smiled warmed my heart. "I remember when the Emperor and I talked that final time. We spoke as common men, not as ruler and loyal subject. Would you talk to me now? Talk to me as a man and a woman should, or at least two close friends who share their deepest secrets. Can you do that?" I nodded, my tenseness still present, but gazing at the general's face.... How could I *not* open up to him? "Then let us - as Marcus told me - let us whisper now."

My head bowed, then my eyes met his once more. I took another sip of wine, took a deep breath, and said, "His name was Daniel." I stopped.

"Daniel. A good name. How long had you known him?"

"Before my senior year in high school. We'd had some history classes together; chorus; drama. We were both National Merit winners, and we received similar scholarships."

"So were you... partners?"

"Oh no, it wasn't that way. We were good friends, nothing more at the time. Then we ended up at the same university together; shared many of the same classes; studied together." I grinned, recalling the good memories. For the first time in ages, I summoned Daniel's face, although time had faded most of it from then. I could still, however, visualize a slender, muscular build; vivid violet eyes, normally behind reading glasses; and brown-black hair cut short. While not drop dead handsome, he had always been nice looking, and yes, I had wondered why someone like him wanted to be seen with someone as heavy as I was then. "Made the Dean's List. We were good competition for one another. It pushed us to succeed."

Max chuckled. "So... were you the best?"

I laughed. "Yes I was," I proudly admitted. "Most of the time anyway... That's what was so great about our relationship. It wasn't romantic, never meant to be. Daniel and I always had many things in common. He was a history major like me, because he felt that way he'd have a better background for the study of law than only taking pre-law. Both of us used to argue historical events between us, just so we could practice logic and debate. Like Henry VIII's justification of his split from the Church in Rome; or the advantages and disadvantages of the Republic versus the Empire in Roman history." Max smiled at that. "It sounds silly...."

"No it doesn't."

"For some people it is, but we loved it because it cleared our heads, made us reason things out, not just rely on emotionalism."

"So did you intend to practice law as well? Is that why you studied history?"

"Uh-uh. I always had a passion for history, and since I write, well, it *is* a help many times, knowing how to do detailed research and all. So I have a history degree, and I go to crime scenes."

Max's eyes twinkled again. "I don't suppose the study of Julius Caesar's campaigns in Britain help you in the gathering of evidence?"

I smiled. "No... not exactly. But history does help me when it comes to details and proper organization. That's something."

"So this Daniel shared your passion for history?"

"And movies, and opera, and wanting to travel when we had enough money. All the things I loved, he loved too. We were perfect together."

"Except in the matters of... lovemaking," Max stated matter-of-factly. I nodded, realizing I had delayed the inevitable. "Your relationship... it collapsed then because of... something?"

"Yeah, something." I had locked that memory in a mental file cabinet, hoping to never open it again, but now the glaring, unfortunate mess was back. "Something...." My voice drifted, a tear moistening a corner of my eye.

Max stood, moving to my side, and before I knew it, he was sitting on the arm of the chair. "What happened, Tina? Will you tell me?"

There was silence for I don't know how long, and then - realizing I wanted it all out in the open - I spoke. "It was four days before graduation. Finals were over. Both of us were graduating magnum cum laude. I was going to continue on, get my Masters' degree. Daniel had been accepted into the law school at Northern Kentucky University, which is fairly prestigious. So for the first time in... What?... Seven years at least, we wouldn't be encouraging each other, teasing each other. We were going separate paths, and I'll admit it, Max, it was hard... for both of us."

"Understandable. The way you speak, Daniel was the one person in your life who seemed to care."

"Well, I have another friend, a female friend, and we're very close. We've been friends since we were teens, but because we're in different cities, well, I'm surprised we did stay friends considering the distance. But Daniel and I were in the same hometown, or attended the same schools... Anyway, we had been celebrating with friends those first couple of days, but that third night... we thought we'd spend time together, just us, doing what we liked to do. So... Daniel pulled a big surprise. We ate at one of our favorite restaurants. Then he rented a whole theater for us to see a movie. I didn't see that one coming, and it was so cool, having this 300-seat facility just for you alone. Well, afterwards, we headed over to my apartment. We were just going to kick back, relax, talk over old times."

"The evening, I assume, took a different turn."

"Yeah," I sighed, "we were almost like you and I are right now. Things were going okay, then Daniel unexpectedly kissed me, but I didn't fight back. I liked it. He was the first man who ever kissed me on the mouth, and... Max... it was wonderful." Max smiled. "We kissed again, and at some point, Daniel asked... well, we agreed... we both wanted to... well, you know."

"I know, my dear."

"And it sort of went from there. It was almost like... It was almost like every romantic fantasy I've ever had. Everything... was going wonderfully. I could tell Daniel had had prior experience, but he started out... he was so kind to me." I finished what was in the glass, feeling that my tongue had loosened. Maximus offered me more, but I declined. "That... That was when... That's when it happened."


"We were in bed, and it had been fine... the touching, the kissing, but then Daniel... Daniel... he-uh... he-uh... his..." I motioned with my hand in the area of my own groins, and Maximus nodded, comprehending.

"He had an erection then?"

"And I panicked. I... felt it pushing against me, and I asked him to rise up off me. He chuckled - I guess he thought I was joking."

"Irregardless he should have behaved properly and recovered himself. I realize it's difficult for a man at that point...."

"I know."

"But he should have realized the situation was not going well," Max continued, a tinge of anger in his words. "He should have been paying closer attention to your needs, and not simply his own. So when *did* he finally realize?"

"After I'd asked him three times to get off me. He... looked at me. I can still see his face... He said 'You have *got* to be kidding?' And I said no I wasn't, and I couldn't do it. I was crying and apologizing, and he just sat there, staring at me for a while. Then he finally... He finally put an arm around me, and he said he understood, but he didn't, Max. I know he didn't! I wasn't stupid then; I'm not stupid now. I could hear it when he spoke. He just kept trying to calm me down, but I noticed him glancing at his watch, or I'd hear him sigh." Maximus mumbled, 'Selfish son-of-a-bitch,' under his breath. "He just wanted to cut his losses, but damn, so did I. So, he sat with me about a half-hour and then...." I shrugged. "I didn't sleep in that bed for a week."

"Did you ever see him again?"

"At graduation, and a party hosted by the Dean for the Honors recipients. He was kind... just like the old Daniel. Even had a gift for me, but I figured he already had that long before the incident. We exchanged presents and basically... that was it."

"Therefore this *boy* who had been your confidant for years abandoned you because you couldn't have relations with him."

"Yep. Okay, abandoned isn't the word I'd necessarily use though -- we weren't married or betrothed."

"But you *trusted* him!" Max fumed, springing to his feet. "You trusted him enough that you were going to surrender something precious to him, and he behaved... very dishonorably... That was it then?"

"We shared a couple of letters, but then we lost touch, so that was basically it. Our school - the one we attended prior to college - celebrated its' twenty-fifth anniversary last year, and it invited all graduates and attendees grades one through twelve to join the reunion. I went... and Daniel was there too. It'd been fifteen years, but he hadn't really changed physically, but everything I liked about him personally was gone. It... *He* was just this shallow, arrogant creep with a vacuous trophy wife on his arm. He had his law degree, but he'd become a divorce lawyer with some important firm, not a criminal defense attorney like he'd once said. All I could think was... I can't believe I thought I might want to marry him."

"So you would have, if he had asked?"

"Possibly... Maybe... I don't know. Not anymore. It was a long time ago, Max. I was still practically a kid. The only thing I was left with was... I've never had a close relationship since then."

"Do you..." Maximus sighed as he moved towards me again. "So do you have an aversion to the act?"

"I don't think so. I... I just never really thought it was all that... important. I've gone through life without it. I-I have desires. I..." I ducked my head, blushing, when I found myself studying the general's body, "love to look at good-looking, sexy men -- like Russell. But I didn't mind being celibate; I didn't mind being a virgin. But when I saw 'Gladiator'..." I shut my eyes, unable to look at him. "You can't imagine how much I wanted you. I never imagined any of this of course, this universe, but now...." I could not finish. I had loved Maximus so much, but briefly, John Biebe returned to my thoughts. His laugh, his smile,... those sad eyes attempting to hide disappointment. What *had* he wanted to ask me? My eyes refocused on the gladiator, and I felt a cool rush over my body, longing for this complex man, as I never had before. "Maximus," was all I could whisper.

"Now I know your story." I could only nod, images of his gorgeous body flashing through my mind. Maximus as dashing general; Maximus as heroic slave. Yes, I had hungered for him, but not just on a sexual level. Russell had created one of the best characters in movie history. I couldn't help loving him. "I... appreciate you telling me, Tina; that you trusted me that deeply. I shan't betray that."

"I wanted to." Standing, I approached him. "You're an honorable man -- a wonderful man." He started to redden, and I smiled. "And I *did* love you first." He took one of my hands, and tenderly kissed the palm, then laid it aside his cheek. "It's because of you that I came here."

"I am grateful for that, dearest. I certainly am. And I appreciate you being able to share your experience with me. I know how difficult that must have been.... Now, what to do; what to do." His smile increased as he cupped my face. For the first time, I felt small standing before him. Sighing, he briefly looked aside then back to me. "All right, I think I know," he began, lifting my chin. "We shall imagine -- pretend that the previous episode never happened."

I looked astonished, only hoping my mouth was not hanging open. "I'm sorry. You said, it never happened?" I muttered.

"As of this moment," Maximus said with an unselfish smile, which relaxed me even more, "the Daniel incident..." He waved his hand like a magician, "...is not only a thing of the past, but let us simply say... well, none of it happened. This... will be the new beginning for you. Will that help?"

"Will it help?" I breathed a sigh of relief as though the proverbial weight had been lifted from my shoulders. "Oh God, yes, it'll help, Max," I softly replied, my eyes not leaving his. "You'll never believe how much this will help."

"Then I'll promise you one last thing. We have all night so there is no need to rush. I shall not make you do anything against your will, or what might be uncomfortable for you. If there is something you don't enjoy, then *please* tell me. You won't be insulting me. If..." He paused, I suppose to phrase the next words as sensitively as possible. "Well, if there is something you *do* find satisfying and to your liking..."

"I'll tell you."

He nodded. "Because tonight is for you, Tina... Your desires, your pleasure... it's uppermost for me."

I caught myself reaching up to lay a hand upon his chest. "What about yours, Max? I...." Stopping, I flashbacked to scenes in the movie: the horrible discovery in Trujillo; being sold into slavery; what he must have suffered as a gladiator,...his death at the end. How could I deny him what little amounts of pleasure I could manage to provide, not when he was about to give me so much? "I'd like to see you happy too."

He gave a low chuckle. "I will be, you needn't worry. So... those are the ground rules." I laughed myself. "Any questions?"

"No. I think it's all quite clear, General," I said cheerfully for the first time in ages, then I know he saw the frown which pulled at my forehead.

"Something is still wrong, my dear," he stated, not as a question. "Trust me, Tina... I'll be fine."

"No, it's just that...." I paused again, hesitant to bring up another intimate matter although we had discussed so much already. He nodded for me to continue, and I took a deep breath. "Talk about spoiling the mood." He shook his head, puzzled at what I met. "Maximus... what about...." I gulped. "What about... protection?"

It was now his turn to be puzzled. "Protection. Protect.... Ah," and his
solemnity was replaced by another of those smiles-which-cause-women-to-faint. "I guess there is something you don't realize about us since you've asked me that." I shrugged, shaking my head simultaneously. "We... None of us - and I am uncertain why, perhaps one of the others could better explain - cannot ever cause any of you to conceive."

I know my eyes widened, and I watched the disappointment on his face. After the loss of his only child, I imagined perhaps Maximus had hoped to see his line continued in this new universe of his, but that would never happen now. The thought saddened me. Not that I felt I wanted to be the mother of his offspring - having children was not something in my present plans - but there might be other women who would be eager at the chance. "Oh Max... I - I didn't realize...."

"No Tina, it's quite all right. I understand why you asked though... about... birth control I think I've heard the others call it. John and Bud told me it would never be required here. None of you ladies could ever have children by us, and as for diseases of...." He modestly stopped, and I smiled, nodding, letting him know I understood. "Well, of that more intimate nature which I have learned about - and those I was naturally familiar with already - they are nonexistent too. I'm still unsure as to why... all I know is... Well, there it is."

"Well... that answered *that* question," I said softly, a blush creeping into my cheeks. I felt Maximus' hands take both sides of my face, gently caressing my flesh until I felt moisture increase in my private regions. He was doing it to me again.

Now we both laughed as if to relieve the tension, then grew quiet as Maximus bent his head down, his lips capturing mine. At first it was almost tentative, but I responded quickly, urgently, allowing my mouth to part ever so slightly. Accepting this as an indication to continue, I felt his tongue ease deeper, longingly seeking my warmth. Admittedly, I was a novice when it came to this, but I tried to respond in kind, finding that my reaction was quite natural as I sought him out. I pressed up to him, eager to intensify the kiss, and felt those large, tender hands stroke my hair, then ease their way back to my face. I believe he sensed what I was attempting to do, considering my height, for he gently pulled me tiptoe, then held onto me, resting my weight against him.

Max's tongue was practically making love within my mouth, and my own tongue met his, gently challenging it as best I could. I was not even definite I was doing it right, until I heard the Spaniard groan in a way I'd only heard in movies, or imagined in my own fantasies: a low, sensual sound that made me quiver in expectation. He took my arms and pulled them about his firm waistline. Well, perhaps I *was* doing it right, I considered to myself.

It lasted a wonderful eternity to me. The only sound came from the general, but in the distance, outside the still open French doors, a nightingale's song became noticeable to me. And another sound, unrecognizable to me, met my ears as well: a soft, throaty hum laden with an almost animal-like intensity. Had my eyes been open, they would have widened in disbelief. /That was *me*!// I was afraid I had said out loud. /Oh my God...*that* was me!// making sounds I would never have believed could have been produced by me.

Max silently replied to my groans by resting his hands alongside my hips, elevating them to a point that part of me actually contacted his groin. Without his armor, I detected nothing but his uniform's soft fabric... and for only the second time in my life, I felt a man begin to harden against me. The feeling left me overwhelmed. It was at this point when I had panicked in my experience with Daniel, and it had left me scarred for years. I felt no such fears thus far with Max; I might have swallowed harder when I could manage it, but nothing distressed me. I actually felt an intimate comfort with him that I'd never felt with Daniel.

Our embrace tightened, and I unexpectedly gasped from surprise. Although our mouths were still pressed firmly together, Max had lifted me off my feet and was holding me to his chest. He had done it with so little effort it was as though I weighed nothing. My arms found his powerful shoulders, then his neck, and sighing happily, I pulled my lips away - they were still tingling from our kiss - so I could look at his face once more.

"Maximus," was all I said.

"You all right?" he whispered, and I nodded, my mind in a near dream-like state. "I was concerned. I knew - or wondered if you felt my... desire for you."

I grinned, hearing myself softly laugh as I replied, "This time... I didn't mind. I'm okay."

He kissed the tip of my nose, and I simply relaxed as he carried me into the bedroom. Having only run my hand across the white comforter when I'd checked the room earlier, I was not prepared for how the bed accepted my body when he laid me upon it. Like the erstwhile Baby Bear's bed, it was just perfect, enveloping my form as if made especially for me. Propped on one knee, Maximus knelt beside me on my right, pushing hair off my face; allowing his fingertips to brush the outline of my cheeks, his attention slow, careful as though memorizing everything which made me... well, me.

"You're so pretty," he murmured. No other shoe dropped, the 'You're so pretty if you'd lose weight' I'd heard most of my life from the unthinking, the insensitive. True, I had lost quite a bit now, but there would always be some who might think that skeletal was still preferable to full-figured.

The general seemed to have no such qualms. He leaned closer, kissing my left collarbone and taking a deep whiff. "Orange blossoms. I can... There's a hint... I love your fragrance. It enhances everything about you." His lips traced a path to my throat, and along the slight rounded opening of my dress, which revealed a portion of my chest. I wiggled a bit, not feeling ticklish but... I had wanted to say peculiar, but no, that wasn't the word. I was at a loss for words then, for each one caught in my throat and my mind. My right hand went to the back of his head, and I fingered the soft, short hair at the nape, exactly as I had intended in my earlier fantasy. When he sat up a moment, obviously responding to the deep sigh he heard me emit, he couldn't help but see the tears that were threatening to spill over.

"Tina?" he asked, quite concerned. "I've hurt you?" I shook my head, my gulp likely heard even by him. "Are you all right, my dear?"

I nodded. Nothing seemed real at that moment. I was trying to concentrate, to be a part of it all, but I couldn't keep my mind and body together in one plane. "Fine," I managed at last. "I'm... fine."

"Just... a little... worried?" he asked with a knowing smile. I nodded again. So this was how he had helped calm Pina's fears on their wedding night.

"Well, remember what I told you. Slow and easy. It's early; we have all night, and I have all the patience in the world."

"Okay. Okay,... I will, too." I returned his smile, and he bent forward again, kissing me gently, deeply until I responded only as I knew how. My arms slipped about his neck and I held him close, never wanting to let him go.

My dress was carefully removed, pulled down over my waist and hips - me instinctively raising myself - until the room's coolness washed over me. I shivered uncontrollably. Without needing to ask, he drew the sheet up and about me, slipping underneath it with me.

"Better?" he asked and I nodded. "Good. Don't worry - you'll soon be warm. I would not let you grow cold this night." I smiled, then felt those incredibly gentle hands trace a circular pattern over my bosom before he reached for the clasps which held my front hook brassiere in place. The general paused, and I heard him make a "Humph" sort of sound, which caused me to ask what was wrong. "This…contraption, this…."


"Yes…bra. I understand its' purpose, but the person who invented it obviously had a sick sense of humor. It can definitely ruin one's mood."

I laughed softly, one hand stroking his bearded jawline. "Yes, I think they probably were sick…and yes, it can definitely destroy one's mood. Here, let me." In seconds the bra was unhooked so he could excitedly push the cups aside, then allow his fingertips to press against the mounds one by one, until a tingling went through me as my nipples hardened and grew sensitive. Lowering his head, I felt Max's mouth gently kiss the sides of my bosom, obviously noticing the tightness building in my chest as I tried to catch my breath.

"Relax, my dear," he whispered in a tone so gentle, it nearly made me cry. He brushed a hand across my face as if to wipe away my fears yet again, then moved back to my breasts, the tip of his tongue flicking outward to lightly stroke one nipple. The second was brushed moments later, and I gasped, feeling myself go limp, as his touch grew more intimate towards me. Using his right hand, he briefly ran an imaginary line from between my breasts to directly above my panty girdle, and I felt him push at the material, attempting to shove it away. His attentions, however, returned to my bosom, allowing his mouth to capture one breast, and a tender sucking began while his remaining hand massaged the other.

The longer his ministrations continued, the more I felt myself grow at ease, until I noticed my hands moved to fondle the muscles beneath his simple tunic. Without realizing it, I shoved the upper part away, and it was only when Max released me so as to remove the remainder of his clothing, as well as slip off my panty girdle, that I saw what I had done. I watched as he placed my dress - which had lain about my ankles - and his tunic in a nearby chair, then quickly returned to me, supporting himself above me. One finger traced my lips before kissing them, then tickled my nipples as he lightly brushed seemingly every inch of my now naked body. Only now did I realize how I appeared. Blushing, I folded my arms across my breasts.

He smiled, whispering some words, which I guessed, were Latin, thanks to my Tudor studies and their passion for ancient languages. He must have seen my eyebrows raise, for his smile broadened. "A beautiful woman, deserving of so much happiness. It is my desire…only to please you in my own small way."

I swallowed hard, fingers hesitantly touching the SPQR on his upper left arm. I did not care for tattoos, having seen so many during my career, but his indicated a pride in the military he had served; somehow, it seemed different to me. And I briefly thought /so it has been restored//. "Maximus," was all I could manage. No one had ever said such things to me.

His mouth sought mine again, and he began a series of kisses down my form. The hollow at my neck's base was gently sucked; I felt him between my breasts, on my belly; slowly downward, my breathing increasing as he took one of my hands, until he was nuzzling the one area I had kept so protected. It was almost imperceptible at first, like the slight tickling of air against the curve of my ear, except that an unknown sensation caused me to shudder uncontrollably. I became more attuned to Max's touch as his right hand fondled me between my thighs. This time, I groaned my response and moved slightly, feeling my lower regions grow damper.

The general mumbled again in Latin, then I felt it: his tongue beginning to perform indescribable motions within me until I contracted once, then again. He removed the hand clasped in mine, and placed it against my stomach, gently caressing it as I had another spasm beneath him. The second I relaxed, my juices pumped outward, and Maximus briefly drank from me, causing an unbelievable sensation within me. I was unable to say anything more than his name, as his kisses moved upward to my breasts again. Now I felt his hardness poke my belly, and he apologized, certain he had unsettled me.

"No," I managed, nearly choked. "No…I…it…felt wonderful. Strange," I added, hearing him laugh quietly, "but wonderful."

"I have heard it called many things, but never…strange," he admitted, thoughtfully adjusting me so that my smaller size filled his larger form. "I just had a thought. I don't know why I hadn't considered it before, but it will definitely help you."


He glanced about, and I saw him count the numerous pillows of varied sizes that were stacked at the headboard. Locating one of the fluffiest, Max used one hand to guide me upward, while the other placed the pillow beneath my behind. I know I appeared puzzled at the action, for he then explained, "That…should…place you at a different angle, Tina. We'll see, but I definitely believe it will help." I only nodded - after all, he was the expert at this. Smiling, he asked, "You are still all right?"

I smiled broadly, unable to say more as he moved close again. I took a whiff - and literally smelled what I felt was likely me on him.

"I think you are ready. You have likely been ready since the moment I first touched you."

Nodding again, I thought of how moist I had grown simply seeing the affection in his eyes when I turned from the door to face him; that heartbreakingly beautiful smile, or hearing his gentle words to me. I had been ready the second he held me in his arms, and called me "my dear." That was after I had made my decision, and that seemed a lifetime ago. I shut my eyes as our lips briefly met, then he lifted off me, long enough to remove the covering protecting the area below his waist. The second he was fully revealed, a gasp escaped my mouth and I know I probably was wearing the goofiest little grin.

Gulping, I softly said, almost without realizing it, "You were very well-named." The comment caused him to give a deep, relaxing chuckle.

"Pina…said the same," he assured me, using his arms to once again support himself above me. "Let us pretend then, love,…that this is our wedding night…." His words continued -- soothing, relaxing, and momentarily, as I listened to his fiction, I was with him, back in his beloved Trujillo. There was jasmine in the night air he told me, and I thought I caught a hint. Did I imagine it I considered, until I realized the doors to my bedroom balcony - which also overlooked the English styled gardens - were slightly ajar. A warm breeze stirred the sheer, creamy curtains affixed to my four-poster, then enfolded our nude bodies as we continued to caress, our kisses growing deeper.

"Tina," he murmured, kissing my throat again, and I gripped his shoulders, feeling Max carefully ease his weight onto me. I nearly hyperventilated, tightening everything below my waist, and then heard the general soothingly say, "Sh…No, calm down, dearest, calm down. Don't panic - it's just fine. I'm taking my time for you. It will be all right," he continually repeated, brushing one hand about me as his mouth sought mine again. He bent near my ear, and I heard him once more. "Everything will be fine. Just relax - do not let yourself tighten or it will bother you more than it needs to." One knee pushed apart my thighs, and his manhood began to find its' way, rubbing against my opening, desiring entry. "Tina…love…it's all right. It's all right. It's all right. I would never hurt you."

It was all I heard as my heart - which felt as if it might explode - and my increasing breathing began to slow little by little until I was aware of only his baritone whispering tranquil words to me. And then it happened: I felt him push as gently as he could until part of him had entered. I cried out, almost biting my lower lip, and felt tears spring to my eyes. Max did not stop talking to me the entire time. "It's all right, my dear. It's all right. You're doing wonderfully," and he pushed a second time. I felt him glide inside, piercing that part which had protected my virginity, and my womanhood enfolded him, gripping him in a way I would never have believed possible. My eyes opened, and I gazed into his blue-green ones, my own passion mirrored in his. So this was it. This was what I had read about, and fantasized about my entire adult life. This was what Daniel had wished to do and thankfully been denied. I was actually one with Maximus, and as he rocked a bit, letting me grow even more accustomed to him, my tension began to ease as I happily accepted him inside me.

I heard Max grunt his own satisfaction as he carefully slid out of me, then back in once more, his motions graceful and gentle as if he wanted to make certain I was not in pain. He paused a second, reaching for my legs, then panted, "Your…legs…Your…if you can, place…them about…my waistline, Tina. It'll make…It'll make it easier for you I believe."

I was almost unable to move I was so paralyzed by the intensity of what was happening, and all I could think was not to drift away so that I became a spectator, no longer a participant. This was more overwhelming than I ever believed, even from all my reading, and I wanted nothing more than to feel him inside me always. Once he was inside me, it felt like the most natural thing in the world. I blinked, suddenly realizing Max had spoken to me. Nodding - my arms still clasped on his neck and laughingly hoping to God I didn't break it - I moved my legs, first feeling my feet brush his hips as I slid upward to find the most comfortable position for me before they came to rest about his waist. Arched this way, I felt as though I could take his manhood even more than before, so I moved upward to accept him, pushing myself towards Max to let him know I wanted more.

Deep in my heart, as Max continued to gently pump, I realized just how much control this man was sustaining. I felt bad, knowing that because of my inexperience, he would be forced to hold back from totally unleashing the lust building within. After all, great general, gladiator, and gentleman that he was, Maximus was still human. How he could continue to maintain this gentleness was beyond me.

"Don't…." I tried to say, finding that my breath was coming quicker than before as Max set a steady pace.

"Don't what? Am I hurting you, Tina?"

I quickly shook my head. "Don't…just for my sake," I finally managed. "I want you to…be happy…too."

I thought I saw tears spring into his eyes as he caressed my face and kissed me again. "I understand, and don't worry little one. I…am…very…happy with you."

"Just…Just…wanted…you to…know," I whispered and saw him grin.

One of Max's hands reached between us and I felt him carefully maneuver it down to my most sensitive area. I gasped and emitted a tiny cry, then what sounded like a lustful moan as I twisted some beneath him. He continued the massage, slowing then increasing the pace depending on my breathing or the groans I released. Our mouths met again, and I could hear his own grunts escalating in volume, as his thrusts grew deeper. He was not hurting me, but I fully comprehended why his pace intensified. Despite his attempts to hold back, he knew it would not be long until he found his peak, and he wanted to make certain I either came simultaneous with him, or before him.

I am not even certain how long it continued, I was so caught up in the delight of this newfound source of pleasure. Max whispered my given name as well as my nickname, and I never believed them more beautiful than hearing them caressed by his voice. Tears starting to overwhelm me, I gave myself completely to him, and began to cry out, uncaring if anyone heard me. My body trembled as I met his pace, and I lowered one hand from around his neck to where his hand kneaded my clit, my fingers wrapping within his to apply even more pressure. I no longer felt like an innocent. I felt as though I had reached perfection, and I never wanted it to end.

It happened as if I was imploding. The shuddering increased, my body rising up and down off the bed as I called out "Maximus" repeatedly between my moans. I let out another cry louder than any before…and my womanhood trembled hard, tensing about him, holding it tight. A second cry came forth, seeming to nearly tear back the bed curtains when I screamed. I felt Max drive himself somewhat harder, quicker, until he finally roared a passionate response. Then it took place - I felt his seed pump into me as Max continued to thrust, the substance running along my thighs and hips as it flowed out of me. He finally slowed as our breathing decreased, and we gazed at one another, both of us no longer individual, but one.

"Max," I finally whispered, and he kissed me, remaining inside me as he tried not to rest his entire body on top of me. Easing slightly off to the side, we lay there, panting, and holding onto the other as if for dear life.

The general was speaking again in Latin, but when he turned to face me, he repeated in English, "Precious one - the flower has been pierced, but you are safe with me."

Swallowing hard, I caressed his cheek and planted a soft kiss on it afterwards. "I…I…don't know what to say."

"Say what's on your mind, my dear."

I smiled. "I…feel…very safe…with you."


"Thank you," I said softly. "Thank you so much."

He hugged me tighter and chuckled. "No thanks are necessary. You can't begin to imagine how happy you've made me too."

Out of nowhere, I spoke again, this time, my voice forming words in Latin - just a little of the limited Latin I knew, again thanks to my Tudor studies. "Est In mirabile, in oculis nostris."

I saw Max's eyebrows arise in delight. "'It is marvelous in our eyes?' It…This…was…marvelous to you?"

I nodded. "I'll never forget this." He smiled and was quiet as though thinking of something, then he moved again, his smile increasing as I felt his now flaccid manhood move about inside, causing me to mutter, "Oh God."

He grew silent again then finally said: "No matter what happens between us, my dear…you'll never forget this?"

"Never," I quietly repeated.

Maximus only nodded and smiled, kissing my forehead, and we settled back, both of us feeling secure in the other's presence, and savoring the warmth of our lovemaking….


I'm sorry it didn't work out….

I opened one eye and let it wander the room, certain I had been asleep and obviously dreaming. No other was present, save for Maximus, within whose arms I was enwrapped, my head propped against his strong chest. We had made love again before falling asleep, the act coming a little easier to me, and afterwards had contentedly collapsed into one another's embrace. Turning my head slightly, the sterling silver clock on the nightstand indicated five am. I'd only been asleep three hours and was anxious to sleep longer. My eyes shut again.

You should have told her pal.

There it was again, as clear as the sound of the larks outside my window. The voice received a response, but each time it spoke it seemed more distant, disjointed, and often no louder than snow landing upon the ground.

Couldn't…Not for me…learn herself…I…say…know that.

Huh? None of it made sense to me. Why was I suddenly in the center of a conversation between persons I knew nothing of? Gently easing aside Max's arm - which was about my shoulders - I climbed out of the bed, trying not to wake him, and moved towards the sitting room. I cautiously pushed the double doors apart and peered about, still not seeing anyone. At first, I considered that Sid 6.7 might be hiding somewhere and was spying on Maximus and me, but then realized that while that suited his personality, one thing was wrong with my initial thought. If he were spying on us, why would he then give himself away by talking loudly to himself unless he wanted to get caught? Shaking my head, I continued my search, just attempting to make myself feel better.


Now I walked back towards the bedroom, but on looking at the bed, I saw that Maximus was still in a deep slumber. This was insane. It was like being in the middle of a `Star Trek' episode.

I knew it the moment….

Knew what? Who was the person behind the disjointed speech?

"Hello?" I asked softly, trying to satisfy myself that no one was present. "Hello?"


Now I was not only concerned, but nervous as well. How did I suddenly acquire psychic abilities - or was that what was honestly happening?


I nearly jumped slightly, turning at the voice, and realized Maximus was standing in the doorway.

"Max - oh Lord, you - you scared me for a sec."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." He came closer, his worry evident. "I awoke and found you had disappeared, and then I heard you calling out `Hello' in here. Is everything all right? What's wrong?"

"I don't…I'm not…." This was so ridiculous I didn't know if I should repeat it or not. If Max heard that I was delirious, he might start to wonder if this evidence technician needed something more than a short break from work. "Promise you won't laugh."

He smiled and chuckled. "Uh-oh…this doesn't sound good."

"Well…I had to have been dreaming," I explained, throwing my hands in the air as I approached him. I tried to keep some humor in my voice, but to be truthful, the incident had unnerved me when thus far in the Nest, I had felt nothing but comfortable. "I thought…." I paused again.

"You…thought…what, Tina?"

"I thought I heard someone talking. I had to have been sleep when I first heard it because I'm almost sure that's when I woke up. But then I was awake and I heard it again…heard *them* again."


"Well, I guess it was them…that sounds silly doesn't it? I didn't recognize the voice or voices so it could have been one voice or two or three for all I know. It might have been two…I don't know, Max, this sounds ridiculous."

Maximus shook his head as if attempting to reason the matter himself. "I would not necessarily call it ridiculous - simply confusing. Could you ascertain the words?"

"Uh…some of it wasn't like entire sentences - just words here and there. Maybe even a thought if that makes any sense at all." I shrugged, becoming frustrated with myself. "Someone said something about…oh, `I'm sorry it didn't work out.'"

"'I'm sorry it didn't work out?'"

"Right…Then the same person, or maybe it was another person said they knew something…. Oh, they knew it the moment they saw her. No, not the moment they saw her. They said: `I knew it the moment….' There was no `her' attached to it. I just assumed that. I must have assumed that."

"'I knew it the moment….'" Max repeated, and I could see him sorting the situation out.

"Does that make sense to you, Max? Or am I just nuts? I admit…the stress was starting to get to me…."

"I…do not know if it was stress or not, Tina…but I wouldn't be troubled about it right now. I've had dreams like that myself, where I awoke and it seemed as if parts of my dreams continued afterwards." He appeared pensive. "When…I found Pina and Marcus…." I nodded, understanding, and he smiled sadly. "I would awaken and still hear parts of my nightmares as if they were following me into reality. I…am…uncertain whether that was what happened, but unless it occurs again…."

"You're right. You're absolutely right. I'm being silly. Sorry," I apologized again, placing my hands against his chest and feeling his warm embrace.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, Tina," he told me, allowing his fingers to caress my face. I sighed blissfully, letting the entire episode vanish the way dreams should. "Now, shall we attempt to put that in the past, as we've done so many other things?"

I smiled. "That sounds wonderful."

"Are you still tired, or shall we relax a little before we get cleaned up for breakfast?"

I thought a moment. "I'd like to relax a little - with you," and we both grinned at that, "then sleep some more before we get cleaned up for breakfast."

He gave that hearty laugh I loved, and with no difficulties, lifted me in his arms and carried me back into the bedroom. He placed me gently on the bed, and our arms went about one another again as we shared a kiss. At that moment, my only desire was to be with Maximus again…


At eight o'clock we finally and reluctantly emerged from my suite, walking downstairs to the hotel restaurant in order to enjoy the Sunday morning Champaign brunch being served. Although - as with many brunches - Mimosas were being served, I decided to pass this time round, craving instead a hot cup of coffee with cream to go along with my selections. Being of an old-fashioned nature, the general was unsure about having me pay for the meal, feeling that it was like paying for an obligation, but I insisted. I explained that this was no different than me paying for a round of drinks during our evening last night, or when Bud bought me supper. We were all friends, "and friends do things like this for each other. It is *not* an obligation, and if you call it that one more time, you will be in such trouble," I teased him as I settled the bill an hour later. One of the most enjoyable things about the whole meal was not only discussing things with Max, but also watching him eat. The great general/gladiator had an enormous appetite, and I was only happy it *was* a buffet!

We took a leisurely stroll along the walkway which led from the Hotel to the Tavern, as Max pointed out various points of interest to me, promising that in a little, he would take me on the grand tour. Making our way inside, he promised not to be long. Since we had taken turns cleaning up while still in my suite, he only wished to change clothes. I told him I could wait downstairs, and after making certain no one was watching before we entered - for I knew what a private man he tended to be - he gave me a short, sweet kiss on the forehead. He did, however, take my hand to guide me inside.


The Tavern, at that hour, was practically empty, but I could hear talk coming from one of the tables near the bar. As my eyes grew accustomed to the muted lighting, and I followed Max over to the staircase to tell him where I would be, I realized who was also present. Sitting together were Bud White, John Biebe, Colin O'Brien…and the World War II fighter pilot…uh…Curry - Lachlan Curry. The four were laughing and talking but paused upon seeing Maximus and me enter. They called out their greetings, then returned to their conversation.

 As we walked the length of the room, I continued to speak to my companion, then paused a second, both of us chuckling about some private joke. My eyes turned to the right, and I saw the Alaskan sheriff was quiet while the others spoke, his sight focused on me. It didn't unnerve me - he was simply watching, his expression tender as though he had been waiting for me to show up, and now he could relax. At that moment, it was as though the world was in slow motion. I noticed Biebe's smile, recognizing it from the preceding evening when he had left me alone with Maximus. He was putting on a brave face, but not having much success, although I saw his eyes twinkling, possibly from the second he had seen me. Again, I could not believe that any man found me that interesting, but the sheriff obviously did. Our eyes met - my brown ones gazing into his blue-green ones, although we were some distance away, and I momentarily felt as if only the two of us existed. Had we been holding hands again, I would not have wanted to let go, and I was nearly afraid to move or breathe, for I did not desire the moment to end. My body contracted as it had when Max touched or entered me; my heart rate increased, and there was fleeting regret at having had to choose between those two wonderful men.

/John// I heard myself sigh, wondering what being with him would have been like…

What *had* he wanted to ask me last night?

"Tina?" Max was speaking as we came to the bottom step, and I realized the spell was broken. Biebe and I broke eye contact, and he returned to his friends' conversation while I concentrated on Max again. "I shan't be long," the general told me as he took hold of the banister. "Do you mind waiting for me here?"

"Not at all," I said, smiling and watched as he bounded up the stairs, taking two at a time. On disappearing down the hall, I turned and faced the guys again. They were all wearing sheepish grins - except for John, who lowered his head so I could not see him  - for it was apparent they were all aware of what had occurred the previous night. At first I wasn't sure how to go about this having never been in such a situation before, but I took a deep breath. Might as well dive into this the way I had the events of Saturday night.

"Tina, doll," Bud called to me as I came closer to them, "you look beautiful this morning."

"Why Officer White…what a flirt you are," I joked and all four laughed.

"Hey…I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it," the cop told me, grinning. "Don't know if you remember these two from last night or not? I introduced you to so many."

"I think so…Colin O'Brien, right?" I asked, shaking his hand as I smiled at the Elvis-type sideburns. Max had mentioned that this Colin - whose movie was `Heaven's Burning', an almost unheard of Russell film I didn't know - was a rather quiet individual who had been there about as long as Bud, but had yet to find a girlfriend. I felt rather sorry for him; he seemed a pleasant enough fellow, and I only hoped perhaps his fortunes might change.

"That's right, love, how are you?" he questioned, smiling almost shyly. How he had gone so long without companionship was beyond me.

"Just fine, thanks. Nice to see you again, Colin."

"And," Bud continued, "this is Lachlan Curry. Don't know how you'd forget him, even if you tried."

"I remember him too. Lachlan, hi again."

"Hello again love. How's it going?"

"It's going…wonderfully, thank you."

"Great. Glad to hear your first night at the Nest was a good one," Curry continued. "I know it can be disconcerting sometimes…."

"I'm getting used to it," I explained. "Everyone has been so kind to me: Bud, Max, hey - John here." He raised his head from staring down at his plate, then smiled nearly as bashfully as O'Brien did. "How are you this morning, John?"

"I'm fine, darlin'. And you? You're okay?"

"I'm okay, thanks. Thanks for asking. I hope we'll get to see one another later this afternoon. Do you have any plans?" I realized that his concentration was now on the staircase as Max appeared at the upper landing, but I did not grasp that until my gaze followed his. Seeing him in the gladiatorial blue tunic with leather body armor fitted over it, his strong legs and bare arms accentuated, made me catch my breath as I stared at the handsome figure. No matter what he wore, he was dashing and I only prayed he didn't notice my gawking. "Uh…" I turned back to Biebe and continued, "do you?"

"Do I have any plans, darlin'? Yeah, a…a few." I couldn't help but notice that the L.A. cop shot him a look that appeared to say `You do?'  "Thanks for asking though."

"Okay…well, remember what I told you. We do have to hook up again at some point before I leave. I have today and tomorrow, so I'm holding you to it," I continued brightly, but not desiring he feel awkward.

He bowed his head slightly and smiled again, shifting some in his chair. I tried not to sigh out loud as I realized I might have embarrassed him in front of his friends. "We'll see," was all he said.

"Tina, are you ready for our tour?" Maximus asked me as he approached the table. "Colin, Lach, John, Bud …how are all of you this morning?" The four spoke simultaneously in giving their answers. "I'm taking Tina for a tour of the facilities."

"Oh Tina, you'll have a bloody good time, love," Lachlan exclaimed. "Max is an excellent guide. I've seen him in action."

"I'm looking forward to it," I commented as the general took one of my hands.

"And sometime if you'd like to see the CrowesNest from a bird's eye view, let me know and I'll take you on the flight of your life."

Grinning, I told Curry, "You can't believe how much I'm going to make you keep that promise. I've always wanted to see the world from a biplane."

"Let me know then. I'll get it arranged."

I nodded then Maximus announced, "Well, we'd best be going. It's getting late, and I'd like Tina to see as much as possible. I will see all of you later."

"Bye now," I smiled.

All of them said their good-byes and wished us a nice day, but it was for John to say a soft, "Tina," as we turned away.

"So…what would you like to see first?" Max asked me as we turned to leave.

"I…I would love to see the stables. You…You weren't kidding, were you?"

"About Scato and Argento being there? No, I was not…kidding as you say," he grinned. "I think you'll love seeing them, being a horse lover and all. They are such beautiful creatures. I am just happy they were restored to me."

We continued to talk, but as he opened the door to let me go out first, I nearly stopped in my footsteps, catching myself in time before I felt silly. Although we continued to move in a direction I hadn't been in before, talking as though all was normal, I felt as if I had just experienced an epiphany. I almost said something to Maximus, then decided against it for the time being, for I wasn't sure he might explain it any more than I could.

One of the voices from my dream - I recognized it now, and the revelation left me with even more questions than before. I hadn't known until just a few moments before when the Boyz were saying their farewells, and now it rushed over me, embracing my being as I wondered why I had been confused anyway. The gentle, unusual accent - the way the enigmatic voice and now *he* had said "Tina". It made sense to me. Oh my God, I thought to myself…the voice belonged to John Biebe! And my question now was: What did it mean?


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