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Pitch Black

Main Cast
Radha Mitchell
Vin Diesel
Cole Hauser
Claudia Black
Lewis Fitz-Gerald
Rhiana Griffith
Keith David

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Pitch Black/Alien 4 crossover- Part 1


Content/Safety Level for children: CAUTION

In the crash's aftermath the scent of sweat, fear and adrenaline hung thickly in the air, overpowering the tingy smell of smoldering fires elsewhere in the ship. Johns noticed it immediately as he searched through the rubble for his missing quarry. He doubted if the other survivors were that aware, yet. Shock had probably set in for most and for the others it was only a matter of time before the gravity of their situation overwhelmed them.
In the dim light seeping through the broken hull,Johns noticed another empty cryo tube.This one had also belonged to a prisoner, but one he was as yet unfamiliar with.She had been sedated ever since they boarded and the scientist who oversaw her on her journey to wherever, didn't seemed too concerned with her security.Atleast he wasn't packing any weapons that Johns had noticed.Still, the thought of two loose convicts was enough to make his stomach roll. Not finding any clues inside, he really doubted that he would anyway, he moved outside where the others had gathered. The scientist that escorted missing prisoner #2 was currently busying himself with a portable computer, not the slightest bit concerned or apparently even aware of his missing property. "Hey,Gediman,"Johns alerted as he approached the young man,trying to catch a glimpse of what he was working so diligently on. "Did ya lose somethin'?" The scientist looked up a bit confused. "Excuse me?" "Your prisoner,"Johns explained punctually. "Found her cryo tube in the hold.Evidently she's loose as well." "Oh,yeah," He replied returning back to his computer. "She'll turn up." "She'll turn up!?" Johns was astonished by his indifference to the matter and pulled the obstinate scientist roughly to his feet. "Now I don't know what she was in for, but I do know that she was heavily sedated. And I for one, don't like the idea of two cut throats runnin' around waitin' to skull fuck us in our sleep!" Gediman jerked his sleeve out of Johns's firm grasp and replied slowly as if speaking to a child. "She'll turn up.Trust me. Besides, if your prisoners off his leash as well, then it's not Nikki you have to worry about." "Well,I'd rather only have one problem at a time, so doctor," The word came out as a mock rather than a title. "Why don't you help find your little doggy, so I can worry about findin' mine." Gediman could see that the lawman was getting edgy and decided not to push it. With a sigh he turned toward the hulking wreckage. "Nikki," He called as if calling an errant child in for dinner.To this he added a short whistle, which caused the others to turn their heads as well. "Nikki, c'mon now, playtime's over." Johns grimaced,feeling as though he were being mocked and was about to turn on the doctor when a loud *thump * drew his attention back to the hulls doorway. There crouched a slight young woman,who's subtle beauty was not lost in her primal stance.Slowly she stood, blinking her eyes as she adjusted to the searing light thrown by the planet's three suns.A sly grin crossed her lips as she sauntered across the hot sands and joined the doc by the computer,eyeing Johns knowingly. "And here she is," Gediman announced impatiently before returning to his work. At first Johns couldn't reply.His mouth had gone dry as he met Nikki's dark eyes. "She was there all along,"He thought to himself. "She was in there watching me the whole time.God, I must be slipping.That could've been Riddick." With a sigh he shook the foreboding thought from his head and ran a sweaty hand through his hair, eyes shifting to the surrounding sands before turning angrily back on Gediman.
"Just make sure you keep her on a short leash,"He growled, pointing an accusing finger at the doc. Gediman just waved him off impatiently, but watched as he stormed back off towards the ship. "Now there's a man that needs to switch to decaff." He could see that his joke was lost on the young woman.She was too busy watching Johns with wary interest.

End Part 1

go to part 2
