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Pitch Black

Main Cast
Radha Mitchell
Vin Diesel
Cole Hauser
Claudia Black
Lewis Fitz-Gerald
Rhiana Griffith
Keith David

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Pitch Black/Alien 4 crossover- Part 2


Content/Safety Level for children: CAUTION

Within an hour the rag tag group had organized a search party.For most ,it was a search for water, but for Johns it was a search for his prey.He made sure that all who stayed behind had atleast one weapon of some type and he personally took his beloved rifle for `group protection'.
Most stuck to the path which was obviously some sort of quarry or long dead river bed.Johns took to one edge and watched with exasperation as Nikki took to the other. Gediman strolled along below,appearently unconcerned as he chewed contently on his flavored gum and surveyed the entire situation as though it was a walk in a park. Shaking his head in disgust Johns set his mind to the task at hand and before long they had reached the boneyard.The shadows that were thrown by the huge skeletons were eary enough,but then Johns lost sight of all but a few members of the group as they explored the strange graveyard.And to him,that was downright dangerous.


Nikki scaled the mammoth bones with inhuman ease.She could smell Johns's quarry as soon as they entered the yard and the thrill of the hunt excited her almost as much as the scent of the primal sweat seeping from the hunted's body. Finally she spotted him, he was lying tight inside the curved eyesocket of a gigantic skull and watching the group pass unaware beneath him. Without a sound she crept closer until she was crouched beside him, separated by mere inches. Riddick turned with start and stared at her apprehensively.He wasn't used to being surprised , Christ, he hadn't even heard her coming. Frantically his mind raced, Kill her, she'll blow your cover, slit her,man!But he just froze. This was something of an anomaly for someone as aware as Riddick, and his instincts were slow to respond.Any other time, the shiv would've already slit the attackers throat before she could even utter a word, but as their eyes met, he just froze. His mind stuck on that one thought.Christ,he never heard her coming. Then a sly smile crossed her face as she raised a single finger briefly to her lips.Her eyes shifted craftily to the passing group below as she crawled forward. He watched in stunned amazement as she slipped lucidly across him, moving on her hands and knees with something of an animalistic grace and pausing over his midsection. As the last of the group passed by she leaned forward over the narrow edge,watching their backs disappearing into the shadows.As she did so, their stomachs met and Riddick sucked in a quick breath of surprise. He could do her right now and nobody would ever find the body, but she had to have seen the shiv gripped tightly in his fist. And yet, it appeared that she didn't care. This on top of the heat now burning into his belly as they seemed to breathe as one, her slight weight pressing into his taut muscles, it all clouded his mind. Excited him as emotions that lay dormant for so long suddenly awoke in this attractive young woman's presence.He reveled in the way his muscles reacted to her touch. Nikki looked back up at him and once again their eyes met, once again that wicked grin adorned her lips.Then with a well practiced flip she was gone.Riddick lay there collecting himself for some time afterwards. How did this one woman entrance him so much? He had seen plenty of women over the years, had killed plenty more, and had never before hesitated in such a manner.She could've very well alerted the others to his presence, what then? But deep down he knew that she wouldn't have, and it was his turn to grin. He would have to get to know this strange dark eyed lady a little more intimately.If they ever got off this rock,that is.Either way,she would definitely be one to keep and eye on.

End Part 2

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