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Pitch Black

Main Cast
Radha Mitchell
Vin Diesel
Cole Hauser
Claudia Black
Lewis Fitz-Gerald
Rhiana Griffith
Keith David

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Fan Fiction
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Reunion Part 1


Content/Safety Level for children: CAUTION

The siren screech in the darkness surrounding her, her heartbeat pumping in her ears she wished it would stop for fear that the things would get her. Things, the creatures, the flying carnivorous creatures that struck in the dead of the night. That got Imam’s boys, Shazza and Zeke, and Johns...fuck Johns, the bastard. He wanted to sacrific them, all to save his own ass...what a hypocrite I am today, I did the exact same thing, Fry thought....

Carolyn Fry woke as she always did for the past three years. Her eyes simply opened, no jolt into wakefullness, no blurry-eyed groaning. She simply...opened her eyes feeling like she hadn’t slept at all. What with the dreams she’d had for the past three years it’s no wonder her mind wouldn’t drop into REM sleep. She was too terrified to. One fine-boned hand swept over the bedside table and grabbed the bottle of pills, twisting the cap brutally off and popping two into her mouth. The pills, beautiful blue and yellow pills, that kept her from going crazy from lack of REM sleep. Amazing what the world’s technology was coming up with these days.
A soft, wholly annoying beep pulled her up in bed and reached for the palm-sized, touch metal disk. Her holo-beeper. Holding it in her palm, she watched as a hologram materialized in the form of her superior, Captain Meier. The captain was a tall, spindly man with pinch lips and a nasal voice reminded her of the nosy mosquito in some childrens holo-book she’d read when she was small.
“Yes, sir?” she asked, her voice rough from non-sleep. “Last minute mission. Your to report to docking bay three in one hour,” came the voice that grated on Fry’s nerves. “What’s the mission, Captain?” Fry asked. “Top secret.” The hologram blinked away, dissolving into mist before her eyes. She threw the holo-beeper across the floor in disguist and threw her bare legs over the side of the bed, standing and stretching her lithe body, corded muscles making themselves known in her arms and legs.
In the shower, as she pressed her forehead against the cold tile while the scalding hot water burned down her back, running across the jagged, circular scar just left of her spine, the memories came back in flashes.

//Staring into Riddick’s eyes and seeing the human staring back her, a mixture of shock, denial, and horror on both their faces as they realized...that Fry had been stabbed, was dead. She could feel the first backward pull that would take her from the haven of Riddick’s big arms, feel the leather gray wings against her side as she was lifted. Watched as he suddenly lept forward in slow motion and grabbed her flailing arm, yanking her back to him as if to keep her from death itself. She could feel the beasts claw ripping out of her back as she landed roughly on the ground, safe, well, except for the huge hole in her back. Riddick’s arms hauling her roughly to her feet, shouting at her to ‘move! move! move, Fry! Now...!//

Carolyn opened her eyes and realized the water had turned cold. She stepped out and toweled dry, then slipping into panties and a sport’s bra, and into a pale bluish-grey light suit. Her hair, a little longer than it had been three years ago, was still cropped and pale. She stared at herself in the mirror, not seeing herself, but seeing her memories play back before her eyes, faster and faster...

//“Is she gonna die, Riddick?” Jack asked solemnly, sitting beside the man she adored in the skiff, dark-eyed gaze on a half-concious Fry. “Yes,” Riddick answered bluntly. Sugar coating wasn’t his style, probably never was. “She’ll die if she doesn’t get the medical care she needs.” A soft, sad sigh, and Jack abruptly laying her head on Riddick’s shoulder. Riddick, his ‘shined’ eyes looking a bit startled before settling into indifference. Imam’s deep voice breaking in, asking where they were going. The coldness seeped in as Riddick moved away from her to the main computer console to check their location. “Nowhere,” came the gravely voice. “The power cells are dying.” His tone was indifferent, but in her incoherent state, Fry could have sworn she’d heard worry.//

Carolyn snapped herself out of her memories with the thought of work. She turned and pulled on the heavy steel boots she liked, and left the small cubicle that was her home, and headed towards docking bay three. The ship, *her ship*, was a A class warship, equipped to handle any and everything. One the side, in dark red and silver were the words ‘Sweet Spot’. A morbid sense of humor, she had. Throwing her bag down in the hatchway, she walked on-baord her baby and did a routine systems check. After about fifteen minutes, she felt a presence behind her and stiffened imperceptively. Straightening, Fry turned to face her captain and smile frostily. “Sir?” “We’re transporting two known criminals. We didn’t get a full profile on either of them, only that they are highly dangerous.” “What are they charged with?” Fry asked, not for the sake of curiosity, because she could have cared less, but one could never have enough information. “Murder, though they claimed self-defense. Smuggling, theft, and the list goes on,” Captain Meier replied. Fry nodded blandly. “I assume they been put into cry-tanks?” Fry asked, turning around to finish her systems check. “Yes, cryogenically frozen and perfectly harmless.” Fry’s dry laugh earned a peculiar look from her captain. ‘Cryogenically frozen and perfectly harmless’ my ass!, Fry thought. Hadn’t they said the same about Riddick...?

//“Talk to me, Riddick,” Fry murmured quietly, coherent now. Riddick could hear the scratch of her fingernails against the metallic floor. Fry felt him settle beside her and angled her head to stare at him. Her gaze fastened on the evil smile and she almost groaned, regretting her decision to get him to talk to cure her boredom. That smile told her it was too late to renig. “I hit the sweet spot, just left of the spine...” Fry snorted and said, “Nevermind,” muttering something about psychopath’s that had Riddick, Imam, and Jack laughing almost hysterically. She looked at him again, wondering at the change in him, when she began to to... “I trust you, Riddick.” Her voice was a raspy whisper, and he barely heard it. Barely. Her gaze was disconcerting to him, but he says nothing, keeping her gaze, holding it with a steely one of his own. She certainly didn’t expect him to turn away. “Can I have some morphine?” she finally asks, pulling her gaze away. “Are you in pain?” The gravely, deliciously dark voice rumbled up her spin, making her forget the pain of her back for a brief moment. “Not really,” she replied, her voice going quiet. “I just...don’t want to be fully *there* to witness my death.” She looks at him again. “I’m scared.” And suddenly he’s right in her face, and he’s so close that she her eyelashes would brush his cheek if she moved an inch... “That’s hard to believe,” he replied. Then he’s gone and minutes later morphine is taking her to cloud nine, and she grasps onto the only anchor she trusts right now. Her hands reaches for his and she is a little surprise to feel her fingers being enfolded by his warm ones. She drifts safely into unconciosness. “A ship! A freighter vessel!” Jack’s pitched voice shouted from the co-pilot’s seat, effectively startling everyone. “They’ve spotted us, we’re saved!” Riddick had a dark look on his face, and Fry shivered.//

Carolyn Fry sat in the pilot’s chair, her hands moving lightening-fast over the console she knows so well. She checks her watch. Still a good twenty minutes before her cargo gets loaded. “Hey, Fry, you’re here early,” came a voice. Fry smiled and turned in her chair to smile at the Torrel, the young woman who was the Communications officer on board. “You’re here early, Carolyn,” Torrel smiled. “I figured I get a head start and run the checks before any of those base techs decided to do it and fuck up my baby,” Fry smiled back. Torrel laughed and walked past, shaking her head. Torrel was probably as close to Fry’s best friend as anyone was ever going to get. She had been with the physician team that had been sent to rescue Fry and Jack and Imam when they had landed, after Riddick dissapeared...

//The next time Carolyn woke up she was in a bed, looking directly at the backside of one incredibly muscled Richard B. Riddick. She rather liked her position. “Good to see your awake and enjoying the view,” Riddick spoke up, humor in his voice. Fry was glad he handn’t turned around yet or he would have seen the amazing blush bloom across her cheeks. “Where are we?” she asked instead. “Hel,” he answered. Her eyes swung back to him. He smiled and moved to his haunches beside the bed. “It’s a planet in the Whirlwind Galaxy,” he explained. Fry groaned. The Whirlwind Galaxy was a veritable dumping ground/hideout for the worlds criminals. Not even the more determined bounty hunters would go scavenging around on Hel. “Where are the others?” she asked. “The kids asleep. Imam already got a transport to New Mecca. He said his goodbyes and left you with a prayer,” Riddick said. She nodded and rose up on her hands, then slowly moved her knee’s beneath her to sit. “What now?” she asked him. “Your the captain,” Riddick replied, his smile and tone sarcastic. “This is your territory,” she replied evenly. He smiled, and sat back beside the bed. “There’s a Space Command Station a few light years out. Phone home, Fry,” he said. “And you?” she asked tentatively. “Riddick’s dead,” he replied. “Which one,” she immediately countered boldly. His look was not confused, he knew exactly what she was talking about. The Riddick that had murdered people, the ruthless cold killer, or the man that had saved their lives on that Godforsaken planet. He didn’t answer her. Instead, he leaned down and pulled her to him for a probing kiss that left her limp in his arms. Never one to be outdone, Carolyn matched the tugging hands in her hand by raking her nails down his arms, earning a tight hug that pulled the air from her. Riddick, taking advantage of her breathlessness, swooped down to devour her mouth, and fry gave back as good as she got. Clothes were torn away in haste, tension and lust and passion building to a breaking point from the last few days of hell. There was no love involved. The sex was incredible, dark and rough, enough to make the blood pound in her ears, kisses so deep that her neck and throat her, that nothing hurt eventually. The next week she and Jack were headed back to Earth, and Riddick dissapeared into Hel.//

“Cargo’s here,” Captain Meier’s voice wheezed into Fry’s hearing range. Carolyn got out of her seat and followed the captain down the pathways leading to medical. She met Torrel there and smiled, walking to the woman’s side. “What do we got?” Fry asked. “Man and a young woman,” she said. “Guys over there, and this is our Jane Doe,” Torrel said, moving aside so Fry could get a good look at the cryo-bed. The young woman looked no more than 18 or nineteen, tall and slim. Various tatoos covered her arms and legs. Her hair was dark brown and thickly curled, frozen against her pale skin. The features...she felt like she’d seen them...
“Well, what’s this?” Torrel’s amused voice broke into her thoughts and Fry looked closer at the girls neck and choked. Inscribed in lavish cursive, in a deep red color was the word ‘Badd’. “Is there more?” Fry asked faintly. “Um, yeah. Jack B. Jack B. Badd,” Torrel replied, not noticing how pale Fry had suddenly become. “Must be a boyfriend or something,” Torrel said dismissively. But Fry was no longer listening, she was headed towards the male prisoner they had brought in. She approached the cryo-chamber and used her palm to wipe the beads of water away. Her hand stayed upon the glass she she stared at the face that had haunted her dreams for the past three years. “Riddick...” she whispered. “Yep, Richard B. Riddick and Sin.” Fry turned towards the voice to see a tall, tanned-skined woman staring at her. She was a merc. “You caught them?” Fry asked faintly. The beautiful woman nodded proudly. “Wasn’t easy. Took two years just to find a trace of Riddick, and another year to wait until he had emerged from the sewers with his new protege,” she said, gesturing back to the young woman. “You said her name was Sin?” Carolyn asked, walking back over to Jack’s cryo-bed. “One of her names. She goes by Sin, Jack, Badd, and when she’s really in a humorous fucking mood, Mrs. Riddick. Funny.” “Where are we taking them?” Fry asked. “Slam City, for execution,” the woman replied, a cold smile on her lips. Fry nodded to them both and sped out of the med lab, hand around her throat trying to slow her breathing. Riddick and Jack, alive, and...criminals. “Shit!” she screamed, slamming her fist into the wall nearest to her. She leaned heavily against the wall and breathed deeply. The mercs words kept coming back to her over and over again...’slam city, execution’ She couldn’t let that happen...could she...?

End Part 1

go to Part 2
