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Pitch Black

Main Cast
Radha Mitchell
Vin Diesel
Cole Hauser
Claudia Black
Lewis Fitz-Gerald
Rhiana Griffith
Keith David

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Fan Fiction
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Reunion Part 2


Content/Safety Level for children: CAUTION

Fry tried to slow her shrill breathing, leaning against the cold wall of the hall of her ship. “Fry!” A nasal voice boomed and she jerked to attention with a startled cry. She stared into the face of Captain Meier.
“Yes, sir?” she asked, glad her voice wasn’t a wheeze. He searched her face, his gaze probing and unwanted, making her palm itch to smack that beady-eyed look off his sweating features. Pig. “Can you perform this mission?” he asked. Fry was stunned for a moment. That wasn’t what she had expected, but she didn’t fool herself into think that Meier was concerned for her mental well-being. She had checked the records and Meier was up for promotion considering this flight went without a hitch. “Why wouldn’t I be able to handle it, sir?” she asked with an arrogant tilt of her chin. She did her job, was the best in her position. “It’s well known your past with Riddick,” Meier stated, meeting her stare. Fry’s gaze turned diamond hard. “My past is just that. Past,” she said, stepping closer. Meier faltered. Her ‘past’ as he put it, referred to her time on the godforsaken planet that no one had bothered to name.

//They were leaning over her, dank metallic breath hot and heavy against her cheek and Fry flinched back away from the med-techs. They were at the Space Command Station, having been reeled in an hour earlier. After a thorough medical check the sharks were called in for interrogation. Fry refused to answer anything, sitting in a come-like state, eyes wide open. Jack had mysteriously disappeared the Station was frantic trying to find her. “Fry, tell us what Riddick?” a med tech asked. “Dead,” was the raspy answer. “Everyone dead...” she whispered, breaking into sobs and burying her face in her hands content to wallow in self pity for a few moments. Feeling Torrel’s gentle hand on her back whispering comforting words. So comforting Fry almost thought, in her delirium, that Torrel knew *something* had happened on Hel, she knew...//

“I’ll be fine, sir,” Fry snapped out. Captain Meier leveled that wary gaze upon her again, then turned on his heel and stalked away. Once he had rounded the corner she slumped against the wall again. After a few minutes she straightened and stalked down the metallic pathways to the bridge, not daring to glance back down the corridor that led to the cryo-bay.
On the bridge, she nodded to Torrel and the two other crew members. Since the flight was top-secret they were running on a skeleton crew. And it helped to have as few people as possible knowing any details especially if you were traveling well out of commercial shipping lanes. She sat down and strapped into her seat, starting to relax into her job. “Prep boosters 2 and 4, and docking clamps.” The ship purred to life and she smiled, then almost puked as her stomach rolled. “Adjust gravity settings,” she said irritably. “I hate that floating feeling,” she muttered. Once she detached the tube that allowed passage from the space station to her ship, the ‘Sweet Spot’ would literally drop, and level out. It was the dropping that got her, no matter how many times she did it. “Detach umbilical tube on my mark. 5...4...3...2..1--” “Wait!” Fry’s hand froze in mid-flight to the big red button that would detach her ship from the space station they were docking with. She turned her head slowly and stared at the captain. “Sir?” she asked, her irritation full-blown. “Last minute passengers,” he replied. Mutters from the crew, including a particularly loud ‘what the fucking hell!’ from a young private had the crew chuckling, until Meier leveled a glare at them. And that only served to heighten the laughter to booming levels. Three more passengers were hastily loaded on board while the high-strung crew waited. Carolyn closed her eyes and leaned her head back, trying not to think of Riddick and Jack in the cryo-bay, awaiting an execution. Her part in it wasn’t helping her conscience at all, knowing she was transporting them there. It was like she could feel they’re accusing eyes on her back, could feel eyes on her...

//On Saturn, her birth-planet, Fry walked around the dome-covered marketplace that boasted a host of stolen, alien wares being sold for ‘cheap, cheap, CHEAP!’. Someone was watching her, she knew it, she...felt it. Turning she caught a flash of blue in the darkness, like the color of eyes that have undergone a ‘shine’ job. A figment of her imagination...? Maybe she just missed him... She didn’t notice the figure move gracefully from the shadows, caramel colored skin gleaming in the colorful rings of Saturn...//

“We’re ready, let’s go,” Meier bellowed. Fry shook her head, snapping at various buttons automatically. She slipped the headset on. “I swear that man likes to hear the sound of his own voice.” Various snickers and snorts sounded over the comm that connected the crew audibly. “Power boosters three and four, and hold on to your asses,” she smiled, hearing the hoots in response. “Minds out of the gutter, people.” “But yours would be lonely all by itself, Fry” came Torrels playful voice, pulling laughs from them all. Fry rolled her eyes. “On my mark, 5...4...3...2...1...mark!” The ship dropped, cutting off all giggles with a jerking crack and the butterfly feeling in Fry’s stomach increased to the point of pain as the ship dropped, gravity pressing them. The ship leveled and Fry grabbed the double handed joystick, pulling back hard. A loud groan and her baby leveled. Fry took a deep breath and smile.
“How we looking back there?” she asked. “Woozy,” came an annoyed reply. Carolyn laughed. She laid in a course quickly, going through a check once again, her paranoia high. She was not in the mood to crash. “Our time of arrival will be in 3 days, two hours, ten minutes and two seconds,” she said, smirking into her mic. And hour into flight Carolyn abruptly unhooked herself and stood, stretching. There were only so many routine checks she could perform. She left the cockpit and went into the main bay, pausing to smile at her crewmates before heading towards the hatchway that led to the corridor. “Lt. Fry! Where are you going?” Meier asked. Fry frowned nastily and faced him. “To take a piss, sir,” she replied, feeling bold this morning. “Who’s flying this freighter?” he sputtered. *Freighter!* That alone was enough to piss her off. “Auto-pilot,” she deadpanned and left the room, hearing quiet snickers behind her from her crew. Her feet, quite of their own volition, led her to the cryo-bay, and who was she to argue with her feet? Standing in front of Riddick’s chamber she stared at his upturned face, hating the bit between his teeth and the chains locking his hands behind his back. Her hands lifted, ghosting over the frosty glass before she flattened her palm against the cold, hard surface and sighed softly. God, she had missed much, needed him so much...

//Hands ghosting over her nude body in her sleep, big hands with coarse fingers from holding the handles of blades and shivs. Hands pulling the sheet lower, barely touching, feathery light over the slight bulge of her stomach. Riddicks hands over her, pressing lightly against her stomach that harbored their baby. Or was it a dream that she felt his hands over her...? Then blinding pain as she screamed bloody murder and felt the little life slipping from her...Miscarriage...NO!!//

A sound, more like a scrape, shocked her out of her memories. Someone was coming down the corridor and she knew that if anyone saw her like this, hand and forehead pressed against a killers cryo-bed with tears running down her face, that she would never fly again. She backed away and scrambled into the opposite hatch, hiding in the shadows of the big door and waited. Minutes later a tall figure draped completely in black robes entered through the opposite hatchway and headed straight for the cryo-beds that Riddick and Jack were in. Had to be one of the extra, last-minute passengers, she thought. The person started fiddling with buttons, gloved hands moving quickly to accomplish whatever they were doing. A flash of red on the monitors and Fry gasped inaudibly, and she sank...

//In the hospital, laying back on the bed with tubes in her pale, too-thin arms, breathing raggedly. An elderly nurse telling her gently that her baby, Riddick’s baby, was dead...No tears, only stoic silence. She was tearing herself apart inside though, crying and screaming and spitting at the injustice... Stomping boots and suddenly the light from the hallway was cut off by the huge, hulking form blocking the doorway. Military smell, military uniform...mercenary razor-sharp smile. A dry laugh comes from her sore throat as Carolyn stares at them. They know, or they heavily suspect, that she was with child, and murderers child, Richard B. Riddick’s baby boy or girl. “Billy Badass...paying me a visit,” she grumbled, her hands waving them away irritably. They moved forward into the room and she laughed incredulously, though it sound more like a hoarse cough. “Who was the father of your baby, Carolyn?” was the smooth, mercenary voice in her ear, wanting to know secrets she wouldn’t utter to anyone save those who already knew them. “Riddick’s dead, you asshole. Dead on that planet. We starved him. He was a murderer.” The words were forced past her lips and she had to fight not to retch all over their nice military boots...//

Fry watched the robed figure for another minute, the pulled her fusion pistol and stepped into the light. Her gun hand was steady, aimed directly at the intruders back. “Turn around!” she ordered. The person froze. “Who are you, what are you doing down here?” she asked cautiously. Before the robed figure could answer, alarms started blaring from the life support monitors hooked up to Riddick and Jack. They were going into cardiac arrest! Fry was shoved aside by Torrel when she came barreling through the hatch towards the prisoners. The robed figure slipped away and Fry cursed, moving away into the hatch to watch as Torrel worked frantically at the cryo-bed controls. Fry’s heart threatened to beat out of her chest, and her lungs started to hurt, and after a moment she realized she was holding her breath. Captain Meier was yelling a question at her, but she wasn’t paying attention. Her focus was on Riddick and Torrel. Something wasn’t right, this was all to...perfect. A set-up. Torrel was snapping out orders to release Riddick and Jack from cryo-stasis, they were being unfrozen. Meier’s words came back to her: ‘Cryogenically frozen and perfectly harmless’. Not anymore, Fry thought darkly.
“FRY!!” Carolyn turned to her Captain and nodded. “Was there anyone else down here?!” he asked, finally getting her attention. His face was red and bloated and Fry almost laughed. “No...” she said faintly. “No one else was down here,” she answered, watching as they pulled Jack out of the cryo-chamber, carrying her slim body to a med bed and pulling the restraints off. The same was done with Riddick and she could have sworn she saw a hint of a smile around the bit in his mouth...oh, shit! But they were still heavily sedated, right? Carolyn pushed past the passengers and tracked the mysterious robed passenger until she found his quarters. She disengaged the electronic locks and pushed the door open. The robed figure turned and looked at her, just as startled as she.
“Oh my God...,” she whispered. “It’s you...”

End Part 2

go back to Part 1
