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 July 2001

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July 25:

I found some interestin material from the Internet about Adobe Photoshop, and I decided I would try to use them in my animations. I added a tutorial for lightning effect and a rain effect, you can find them both in the tutorials section.

July 24:

As Cool Brick Movies is having a contest for the best Matrix movie, bullet time effect is the hot  subject of the moment. Some people were discussing the effect at Brickfilms discussion forum, so I took the best bits of those conversations and combined them into a Bullet Time Tutorial. Of course I used the information on the Matix DVD, too.

July 11:

RealVideo is a great format if you want to make your animation files very small. I decided that I'll upload a RealVideo and a DivX version of all my animations from now on. That is if there are no space problems.

I noticed that the preview images I used did not provide enough information about the movie, so I made the frames on the preview clickable so you can view a larger screenshot.

July 9:

I was testing a few things animation-wise and this testing produced some more test clips. Eight of them to be exact. They can be found at the test clips section.

I now have 10 test clips on my site. That's too many for one page. I decided to divide the pages so that one page contains five videos.