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Still2Life Productions
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 List of Directors

Nick Real Name Age Group Movies On This Site Country
- Patryk Wawer Titan Pictures 0 long, 0 test Holland
This Could Be You - - - - -

 Submit your info

If you want to be in our list of directors, please submit the following information about yourself to

 - Name / Nick
 - Group you're in (optional)
 - Your birthdate (this is used to calculate your age with JavaScript so I don't have to update your age)
 - E-Mail Address
 - Messenger names (AIM, Yahoo etc)
 - Nationality
 - Biography (optional. This would help people know you, though)
 - URL to your homepage
 - A picture of your face, or a minifig representing you. Please use JPG or GIF formats.
 - Any additional information you might think of.

I reserve the right to add, remove or modify any of the data as I see fit. I will not post any obscene pictures.