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Still2Life Productions
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July 12, 2002:
A new tutorial has been released

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S2L Image Averager version 1  
A program that combines multiple images into one. The purpose of this program is to improve the quality of pictures taken with poor cameras. Excellent for stop-motion animation, just take 5 pictures for each frame of animation, then run them through the program to get a better quality image.

S2L Image Averager version 2
Version 2 of the Image Averager is currently under development. It will be much faster and very much easier to use than the previous version.


Bricktionary explains some of the terms used throughout this site. Select a word from the list below.
(The words that are not links are not yet added to the bricktionary)

Browse the Bricktionary, Cardware, Compression, DivX, Mailware, RealVideo, SMA, Zip.


Set Construction: a tutorial I wrote originally for Cool Brick Movies.

Coming up:
Using S2L Image Averager, rain with Adobe Photoshop, lightning with Adobe Photoshop, storyboarding and much more


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