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 August 2001

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August 30:

I just finished filming the first minute of my contest movie. I'm really having trouble with the script, I might not have enough of a story to fill the whole two minute minimum.  Well, I guess I'll just have to make the opening credits a bit longer.

I'm really aiming for the minimum length for the movie, because I don't want to spend too much time working with Classical music. The only reason I want to continue with this project is that I really need to finish at least one animation. Perhaps that would encourage me to finish some of the other projects I've been working on. 

August 15:

YES! I finally found the song I was looking for. I'm not going to tell it to you, not that I'm afraid someone else will use it but I don't want to reveal anything about the film until it's done.

Well, that's not entirely true. I'll tell you that I'm using Technic figures in it. I had to completely learn the art of Technic Figure Moving from scratch. I think I'm getting the hang of it, maybe when the film is done I'll write a short tutorial about it.

August ?:

Brickfilms is having a Classical Movie Contest, how cool is that? The purpose of the contest is to push the envelope of Brick Animation, drive the directors to exceed themselves and produce a lot of cool animations to add to the ever-growing film directory.

The rules of the contest aren't too strict, but I'm not quite sure if my film will qualify. I'm bending the rules just a little. I should have asked Jason Rowoldt (the owner of Brickfilms) for more specific information, but I thought what the hell, if my movie doesn't qualify, at least I'll have a movie to post to the directory. That would be my first. 

I just realised that I don't know the name of the song that I want to use.  I don't remember the composer either. Damn, now I have to go to the library and listen to a whole bunch of classical CDs, and I'm not too big on classical music. I'm more of a KoRn/Disturbed/Tool kinda guy...

There is also a Star Wars movie competition going on at Cool Brick Movies, but I don't much like Star Wars so I'll just sit that one out. I don't have any Star Wars Legos either, so I'd have to invest some money on that. Maybe I'll enter the next CBM competition, rumour has it that it's going to be about infomercials.