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Still2Life Productions
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 September 2001

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September 18:

My entry to the Classical Movie Contest is now complete. You can find the movie at the finished movies section. 

September 17:

I now have all the footage filmed for my Classical Movie, I just need to add a couple of sound effects and I'm done. You might think it's easy to add sound effects to a movie, but it's really not. At least not when you want to make all the sound effects yourself and not use any sounds from the Internet. I already made a car sound using just my mouth and GoldWave.

At least two Lego movie sites are having animation competitions right now. I've been thinkin of having a contest of my own, but I can't afford to buy or ship the prizes, so I'd just have to make up some other kind of an award. Maybe a special mention on my site or something.

Anyways, here are some ideas I've been toying with:

 - Short Horror Story
 - Car Chase
 - When Technology Fails
 - Jailbreak
 - Traffic Jam