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Still2Life Productions
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 January 2002

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January 27:

I just released my second movie. There was a sort of a "flame war" a while back on the Brickfilms discussion forum. Some people were making short animations where they killed each other, and I wanted to get in on the action as well. The main thing about these fight club movies was that they were all done very quickly. In one evening or so. It took me an entire weekend to make mine, but it's still a relatively short time.

Click here to see my movie

Here is the Girls of Ocap Fightclub page where you can keep track of the "score".

January 25:

Here we go again. I decided to update my complete website, but before I even had the chance to upload the new version, I got bored with it. Now I've started all over again, and it's looking much better.

I have some problems with Netscape compatibility, but I think the site works with Navigator, too. It's mainly designed for a new version of MS Internet Explorer. I guess I'll have to get my hands on a MAC so I could test the site on that one as well.