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 May 2002

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May 6:

Image Averager 2 has been in Beta testing for a while. I have gotten some error reports, and I have managed to fix some of the bugs. There is one that  requires more work than I thought, so I won't be releasing the next version very soon. These are some of the fixes I've made since last release:

 - Deletion of the selected job added
 - Job number in the status bar at startup fixed
 - Job editing added

I've gotten some reports for errors that I haven't been able to duplicate on my system. I have checked the code and I can't find anything that could cause the error. Strange...

In other news, I just got my first entry to the "other directors" page. Please welcome Patryk Wawer, also known as TitanPictures at Brickfilms discussion forum.

May 1:

Image Averager 2 has reached Beta testing phase. There are some bugs that need to be fixed until I'm comfortable releasing it to young animators.
I'm really satisfied of what I've done with the program, it's so much easier to use than the previous version. It's faster, too.

I'm glad to get the project out of the way, because I really want to get started on my next animation. I haven't done anything in a long time. I still need to test Wanderer2:s BSOL (Blue Screen Of Life, get it?). People have done wonders with the software, and I think I'll be able to use it as well.