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Angelic Inspiration Outweighed My lack of know-how!

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Please Try to Visit some of the Sites Below, many of them are responsible for some of the great graphics and/or articles on this site...

Other sites are Members of the Family of Light who have sites that I feel are important, and should be shared and promoted.

Most of these sites ARE NOT listed in other pages on this site, I didn't want to be redundant! However, I have listed a couple of sites, like Drunvalo as I want to make sure you get by and visit those sites!

And lastly, I threw in a few, "just for fun" links for the brave surfer!
Happy Surfing!

Star-Born International
Solara, author of 11:11, the Star Born, and other great books
has a great site! Especially fun is her monthly "surf report" of what's happening energetically!

link here Drunvalo Melchizedek's Personal Homepage
Drunvalo presents current info with a beautiful and open heart.
He gives us the latest updates, along with Spiritual truths to keep the focus on what is real here. (Visit his site once, and you will go back, I promise!)

Ascension Net
A Midwestern Metaphysical network, with articles, directory
and a cool on-site store!

Trekkies Unite! This is a great Role-Playing site set up by ThunderHawke,
and the great graphics and cool layout alone WAS awesome! Notice I say WAS, that is because he took down his site, and now although he has some cool sites up, they are ultra-secret. Dang it!

UFO Network
This is a really neat site, with lots and lots of photos, indexed articles and even ways to report your sightings.

Flower of Life
Flower of Life Site has some pretty extensive
articles on the Egyptian Mysteries and Sacred Geometry, plus a bulliten board and store.

I know this sound weird, but you quote your OWN price on airline tickets, and then see if the airlines will bite.
This is great thing for people who love to travel, although I have to say the tickets
that are accepted are usually not far below the lowest published fare, so check around and then try here!

Angela Brown-Miller's Homesite. This is a pretty extensive site, and has some
amazing information. She also has Star-Knowledge updates.

Neferchichi's Egyptian Graphics
Do you like the Taco-Bell dog? Check out these little guys!

Tom's Xena Page
I admit it. I am a fan of Xena. *blush*
Tom's site is the most extensive I've found, with tons of photos, and a post office to send e-mail postcards to your friends. I annoyed several friends with it!

Star Knowledge !
This is the Homepage of Standing Elk, Dakota Elder and spiritual teacher, founder of the star-knoweldge conferences. It is awesome!

Lakota Information
This is an excellent resource for language, history, links
and culture of the Lakota.