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The Association for the Relief and Welfare of Kammana

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The First Summer Camp

Late 80's

  • set up clinic in Kammana with the help of the Galilee Society
  • Through the Assocation of Forty, a kindergarden was established in the village

The Kindergarten


  • the Association for the Relief and Welfare of Kammana becomes official through the efforts of 7 members of Kammana
  • first meetings are held and objectives are formed

  • Kammana recieves runing water and plumbing with the help of the Association of Forty, the Galille Society, and Israel Affairs International

    Village party celebrating the achievment of gaining running water

  • began a youth leadership course, which organized a village party (and would help in the comming summer camps)

  • took over administraion of the new Kammana kindergarden from the Association of Forty (until end of 1996)
  • organized successful demonstration protesting the regional council suggestion to only recongnize one neighborhood

    Demonstration outside the Misgav Regional Council Building

  • Began cultural projects with Insan Organization (until 1996) including:

    a moblie library
    drawing lessons
    Dabkah lessons
    theater lessons
    Ramadan feast and party
  • organized the first summercamp for the children of Kammana
  • organized trips to:
    Naviyam water park (near Haifa)
    the Golan Heights

    Naviyam Water Park

  • Brought Jewish student groups to the village, meeting the residents, working with children, and spending the night.

Visit from the Jewish student groups


  • 2nd summer camp
  • more trips

View a projected plan for the village by the Association of Forty from the late 80's.