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SAFFL's Plot Adoption Agency

Hello and Welcome,
To the SAFFL's(SlashanandFanFicLovers) Plot Adoption Agency!!!
Here you will find plots that have been put up for adoption please read them and consider giving them a good home.There are currently a total of 29 story plots available for Adoption. Please open your heart and give one of these plots a home.

Xander is having odd dreams. Dreams of killing and hunting, all taking place in incredible times and places. And in all of them, he is a vampire. An ancient vampire with amazing powers; the oldest vampire alive: Nicademus. But Nicademus hasn't been seen for a century, and is believed to be dead, killed by a Slayer's dying curse. But what if he was just asleep, doomed to repeat a cycle of amnesia every few years until he can win the love of the very creatures (Slayer) who cursed him?

"Bonds of Gold"
Picture if you will...................
Antonio a kept man one of the many men throughout the world who are the property of David Xanitos. Xanitos has a fondness for handsome, intelligent young men.
They live pampered lives of wealth and comfort. The are educated by the best tutors, have bodyguards, are waited on hand and foot. The can live where ever and how ever they chose as long as they stay healthily and faithful to their master. The only thing the have to do is please Xanitos sexually when ever he desires them. Antonio knows that Xanitos is looking for a new young man to add to his collection, one willing to travel with him before settling down to live his own life.
Antonio thinks that Xander would be perfect for this.
Ever man kept by Xanitos is assigned a color(and or stones) that are set in irremovable jewelry(choker, wrist bands, a ring, ear ring(s), anklet and circlet).
Antonio arranges for Xander to meet Xanitos. Xanitos knows he must have Xander after their first meeting arranges to aquire Xander by having Antonio slip Xander a sedative. Xanditos then has Xander taken to his privet island for training.
The color Xander is is assigned is red. He is trained in various methods of sexual pleasuring, marital arts, language, magic and the occult and business.
He receives a college education. Once his training is complete he goes to Manhattan to join Xanitos at his home.

"The Cure"
BTVS/Forever Knight
Nick finds an incantation which he believes might cure him and, along with Natalie, decides to actually try it. So, as he reads the latin spell, he enters his wish: To turn from a Tarnished Knight to a White Knight... But instead of making Nick human, it switches his body with Xander's...

"Clow Cards on the Hellmouth":
Have you ever watched the cartoon "Cardcapters" well if you have this is the plot for you!! Imagine that while helping Giles set-up his magic shop Xander stumbles upon a strange key and then proceeds to find whatever it unlocks. While searching he finds an unusual book with a lock on it and tries the key.......the book opens and he sees what looks like Tarot cards he picks one up to look at it and the rest come flying out float around him in a some kind of pattern then fly away from him in different directions and disappear. He screams slams the book closed then drops it, Giles comes running out of the store room sees him and Xander knows he has some explaining to do. But before he can something comes out of the cover of the book that looks like a small tedey-bear with wings. They learn that it is the guardian of the book. That he the book and the cards that were held within were created by a powerful magician named Klow-re and because Xander was able to open the book that he is now responsible for finding then capturing the cards and wielding their power.
The examples of some of cards he must find(you can decicde what they should be) :
Fight, Strength, Speed, Sword, Time, Maze, Darkness, Mirror, illusion, Forrest, Water, Fire, Earth, Wind, Jump, Ice, Lightening, Flight and the Shield card.

"The Curse of Hera"
While Buffy and co. are trying to cure Oz of the werewolf curse it is discovered that Xander has a curse of his own. Until then no one but Willow knew about it, he turns female on the full moon. After Giles questions him and learns the nature of Xanders curse Giles does some research and learns that Xander has the curse of Hera. Just think what would happen if he got pregnant?

"Drunken Dreams..."
After , Xander head's on over to Willie's Bar to drown his sorrows. (Hey! It's the only place in town that'll serve him) Once there, he runs into a nicely soused Spike. They sit down, drink it up and trade wild "oh yeah! well just listen to *this* one" type stories about their respective lives (or unlife, as the case may be). That night, they each have weird, alcohol influenced dreams. Xander dreams he is Spike doing and Spike dreams he is Xander .

"The Escott Agency"
BTVS/The Vampire Files
When Xander disappears, the Scoobies don't know what to do. But Xander's Uncle Rory, in a tstrange moment of clarity, mentions the name of an old family friend, a strange relative, that runs a detective agency he inherited up in Chicago. Uncle Jack.

"Jereth takes a Consort":
Have you ever seen or heard of the movie "The Labyrinth" starring David Bowie, well if you have give this plot a try. Xander stumbles a cross a copy of the book "The Labyrinth" and reads it. After reading it he wishes for Jereth the goblin king to take him away......and he does. Some how Buffy and Co. find out what happened to Xander and try to get him back but Jereth tells them that to do that they must solve his labyrinth in 13 hours or he will keep Xander. However, while Xander is with at the Goblin kings castle they fall in love.

"The Laybyrinth meet the Hellmouth"
Xander stumbles a cross a copy of the book "The Labyrinth" and reads it. After reading it he wishes for Jereth the goblin king to take (Someone) away......and he does. Now, Xander is scared and runs to Giles for help. Buffy and Co. are told what happened to (Whoever your choice) and try to get (Whoever) back but Jereth tells them that to do that they must solve his labyrinth in 13 hours or he will keep (Whoever). However, just after Buffy and co. solve the labyrinth and while they are confronting Jereth, he makes a proposition to Xander he tells Xander that "Every thing I have done, I have done for you....." then he asks him to "Fear me, love me and I will be your slave" and Xander says yes.

"The Keeper and the Sentinel":
Are you familiar with the show the Sentinel and or the book series "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley, well if you are then this plot may just be for you. Just picture it......
Because he is having handling his assignments Jim is transferred to Darkover from Earth. He goes there a man who is unknowingly returning to his birth place and without knowing that the problems he is having are because he is a sentinel or that some of the people of Darkover have mental powers or that he has very strong mental powers that enhance his sentinel abilities. One day he happens to meet Mikhail Lanart-Hastur, heir designate to the throne of Darkover and at there meeting his tremendous mental abilities are discovered and Mikhail takes steps to ensure that Jim receives the training he needs to control his powers because he knows that a telepathy without training is a danger to themselves and others.
So he is sent to Istvana Ridenow, Keeper of Neskaya Tower for training and while there he met Blair his future guide. Blair is at Neskaya Tower being trained as a Keeper. He is a fertile hermaphrodite who's father was a non-human native of Darkover, who has frighteningly strong mental powers and when he wanted to further his education by attending a university offworld he was forbidden to leave the planet of Darkover because of his power. To make up for this lost opportunity Istvana arranged for Blair to have free access to all of the achieves of every Tower about the study and or development of larn so that he has become and expert. She asks Blair to helper her with Jim's training.
Blair and Jim slowly become friends then become bonded. When Blair's training is complete he decides to build his own Tower and asks Jim as well as some people he has befriended from different Towers to join him. Together Blair and Jim become the Keepers of a tower the start testing and training the common people and because of this and their helping Mikhail Lanart-Hastur and Marguerida Alton defined Darkover against the Terran Federation !!
they gain a lot of influence in the running of Darkover and the Terran Imperial government. Later they have children (either with each other or some one else).

"The Lost Pretender":
BTVS/The Pretender
Most people think that there was only one escape from the Center, but that's not true. There was another, by a much younger pupil, that the leaders of the strange Center don't want anyone to know about. A genius unlike any other...
Speed forward a few years. This young man has come home, the years in the Center pushed aside and forgotten by all, even his best friend. But his past creeps up when Jarod decides to investigate all the odd happenings in the town of Sunnydale by taking Professor Walsh's old job at the college, where he inadvertatedly meets an old friend. But how could he have returned home without getting caught? Simple.
He is simply too good to be caught. And who is he? Well, he's in hiding in the most visible place, and while he didn't get into college with his mediocre grades he still hangs around with his friends who did. But this joyous peace won't last, because the Center is onto Jarod, which means they are coming to Sunnydale for both of them...Jarod...and Xander.

"Love Rediscovered"
In the shadows Eris watches her brother Ares (of the Xena 'verse) break down sobbing over the strange hat/helmet that had finally been worn out from centuries of touching and fondling. Knowing that Ares had finally admitted his regret for never approaching/telling the mortal he loved that he loved him, she could finally help the brother she loved. Going out she went looking for the reincarnated Joxer... and found .... Xander. Now she just has to get the two together.

"The Meaning of Duty":
BTVS/Terry Pratchett's Death or XENA/Terry Pratchett's Death
"Death comes to all of us. When he came to Xander/Joxer, he offered him a job...as his assistant..." But what happens when someone the Scoobies/Xena and Gabrielle care for is on Xander's/Joxer's list?
Can he take a (kinda) friend? And if he can, what will that mean between him and the others when Tara/Gabrielle sees him reaping the soul?

"Mom! I am *not* gay!"
Anya, in her never ending wisdom, has decided that since she and Xander haven't had sex in three whole days that he *must* be gay. So... she breaks up with him, *loudly*, and Xander's drunken mom overhears. In a gin-induced happy mood and riding a high from a recent pro-gay talk-show, she tries to be all supportive!mom with her son's "alternate lifestyle" and fix him up with a "nice boy". However, the only guy she can remember seeing Xander hang out with is Spike. And *he* is obviously gay... after all, he *dyes* his hair. Right? So... enter one ditzy drunken mom who is trying to set her son up on a date with "that foreign boy with the fancy accent, you know... William something or other..."

"The New Counteragent"
Fandom: Invisible Man
The keeper has been fiddling around with the counteragent formula. Her latest formula does end the violent aspects of Quicksilver madness, but does leave the lid off the id. In other words, if Darian has a impulse, such as sucking Bobby's ear, then he will do it, with no interference from other brain functions. He won't be a rapist, just libidinous. Bobby may or may not mind; perhaps he would prefer to have a non-drunken Darian, perhaps he just would like to try to finish the mission.
Extra plot point: Keeper knew the formula would have this effect and wanted to be the object of Darian's attentions.
Slightly non canon assumptions: 1) That the keeper would be messing with the formula. In canon, she has said that she didn't want Darian to become immune, so changing the formula makes sense.
2) Bobby has learned how to administer the shot. Since it only takes half an hour's worth of invisibility to hit QSM, Bobby would have to learn how to give the shots if they are ever to have a mission that takes them more than an hour away from the agency

There is a side to Xander that no one but Willow knows about. At one time Xander was one of the world's best computer hackers. But he was caught hacking into a computer the summer before Buffy came to town and has been on probation. Now that his served his sentence he is ready to pick up were he left off. But don't think that he let his skills get rusty while on probation. He has kept them honed like a razor-edge but teaching Willow to hack and becoming a professional thief. Xander's secret comes to light when during a discussion about how they and or Angel and Co. need to acquire(something maybe an artifact for a ritual to stop some pryphecy from a museum.) and Willow accidentally spills the beans sota speak.

"The Other World"
When Doyle turned off that demonic weapon, he disappeared. Everyong thought he was dead. But Doyle lives. He was transported to another world, where he's actually an actor name Glenn Quinn, and vampires AREN'T real. Where is he? And how is he going to get back?

"Those Pesky witches did it again..."
A botched spell gives Spike & Xander the classic case of "Freaky Friday". Yep, you got it, they switch & swap bodies until . Sounds simple right? Well... does Xander's soul stay with him in Spike's body or does Spike get a good dose of guilt? Oh... and how does Xander like having no heartbeat, an extreme allergy to the sun and bloodlust? And while we're at it, how does Spike like dealing with all the annoying little mortal things? What you ask... Oh, the bathroom, shaving, diminished strength, muted senses... etc.

"The Prince Consort of the King of Hell":
While bandegeing some of Xander's ingeries after a battle with a demon Giles notices and recgonises a birthmark on him. Once Xander goes home Giles rushes into his bedroom closet. He takes out and opens a lockbox and removes an old journal that tells of the prophecied coming of the Prince of Hell the King of Hell's Consort.

"The Secret":
Xander is a half-demon. Always has been, always will be. (You decide what kind) He was born that way, and will die that way. And this has never caused a problem, because demon or not, he cares about people and wants to help save the world. The only person who knows about it is Tara, who is actually his half-sister (which is why Tara messed up the demon-locator spell). But what happens when a problem comes up that makes this an issue? Will the Scoobies stick by their friends, or dismiss them as being evil?

"Section Thirteen":
Every watched the shows Buffy and or La Femme Nikita or at least read some fan fic about them.....yes.....good this plots for you. While on assignment in Sunnydale Michael and Nikita run into some Hellmouth type trouble and are rescued by Buffy, Willow, Xander, Oz, Giles and Riley. When Michael, Nikita and Birkoff report to Operations and Madeline it is decided that Buffy and Co. must be acquired and made a part of section. So their deaths are faked and they are taken to section head quarters.
Cornelia, Wesley, Faith and Angel try to save Buffy and co. after Delia gets a vision and are captured and be recruited as well by Section One.Eventually a new secret group called Section Thirteen is created who's job it is to handle the types of things that Buffy and Co. did, but internationally instead of just in Sunnydale.

"The Real Ghostbusters…?????"
After everyone has fully grown apart and even Spike has vanished for smoother pastures, (darn it just as he was getting the nerve together to *talk* with him ;) ) Xander decides that it is time to leave the hellmouth and packs up his savings (miserly as they are) and heads across country. In New York his life isn't doing much better (back to the crappy jobs etc) when he sees something he'd only heard of and hoped to avoid.
The... (real) Ghostbusters are trying to take down a ghost, that causes one of the guys to break a leg/get knocked out. Overhearing them shouting that they need the fourth stream to trap the ghost Xander unthinkingly grabs the now spare gear and helps out. The guys are shocked to realize this civilian just helped out as professionally though he was practiced.
Xander calmly gives back the gear and points out that if they routinely need 4 lines present they should bring a 5th with them to avoid this sort of problem.
Somehow Xander ends up helping out and wows the guys with his knowledge/skills. They become *real* friends to him. Maybe he helps Egon/Peter clear up some friendship/relationship issues (thinking back to missed opportunities with Spike possibly if a slash link is looke for). Will probably need to time shift the ghostbusters forward 10 years to keep things more inline between the groups.

"The Tale of the Reweaving":
Have you read the book "WeaveWorld" by Clive Barker....yes....good then you might consider adopting this plot!!! Xander inherits his maternal grandmothers house after she dies. While exploring he finds a book in her bed side table called "Fairy Tales From Around the World". Captivated by the cover he sits down on the bed and starts to read.
The book tells of how along time ago humans and fairies shared this world but eventually the humans drove the fairies into hiding. And how in a desperate act to save the world as they new it they used their magic to weave their land and themselves into a carpet creating a new world with some of them remaining in the human world to guard it. That they were slowly either killed off or died after living a very very long life. It also told of how the carpet was discovered then eventually unwove causing the world of Fairy to once again become part of the human world and how his grandmother saved the Fairies by reweaving the world of Fairy into her book of fairy tales.
Upon finishing the book Xander finds a letter from his grandmother telling him that she didn't really die but went to the world of Fairy to rejoin his grandfather who was one of the leaders there and live out the rest of her life. That she was making him the new guardian of the book and that he was welcome to visit them as often as he liked.

"True Follower"
In order to combat an ancient evil, (maybe Dahok is returning) each of the Scoobies pledges themselves to a Greek god and go out to do battle. Xander, returning from a pointless/endless donut/snack run comes back to find that everyone has left. While cleaning up the notes out for what they did he finds someone's plans for "distracting" him he takes the plunge and pledges himself to Ares. Unlike the rest of the group, Xander takes his pledge/worship seriously and he attracts his god's attention.
Ares, attracted to the prayer's of a true follower (in this day and age too) investigates to find a strange young man. A man who reminds him of a love never realized... Joxer.

"I'm a Were-what?":
While Buffy and co. are trying to cure Oz of being a werewolf Xander some how gets cursed. The curse he has according to Giles is a PureWere type curse. For example: "Giles do you mean that I'm a werewolf now like Oz?" asked Xander. "No Xander I'm afraid what you have is not so simple. You see you have the PureWere curse without the animal component. Therefore, you can turn into almost any living thing you are closest to during a full moon." said Giles. "Oh my God, do you mean that I'll turn in to a tree or dog or something if I'm standing by one during the full moon"exclaimed Xander. "No nothing like that. You can turn into other people, certain demons and large animals you will have all of their knowledge and or power will in their form.

"I'm a Were-what?(option 2)":
While Buffy and co. are trying to cure Oz of being a werewolf Xander some how gets cursed. The curse he has according to Giles was a blank Were curse. For example: "Giles do you mean that I'm a werewolf now like Oz?" asked Xander. "No Xander I'm afraid what you have is not so simple. You see you have a blank Were curse and because you were touching (maybe choose either Buffy, Willow, Tara or Anya) while we were doing the spell you will turn into a woman during the full moon(maybe you could have him become a Slayer because he was touching Buffy or a Witch because he was touching Willow or Tara).

"I'm a Were-what?(option 3)":
While Buffy and co. are trying to cure Oz of being a werewolf Xander some how gets cursed. The curse he has according to Giles is a Were type curse. For example: "Giles do you mean that I'm a werewolf now like Oz?" asked Xander. "No Xander I'm afraid what you have is not so simple. You see you have the Were curse without the animal component however you because you were touching Spike you will turn into a vampire during the full moon.

"The Wheel of Time"
Has anyone else read "The Wheel of Time", by Robert Jordan? In that series, there are two kinds of people who are capable of magic. One sort have the ability but can only realise it if trained. The other sort, known as "wilders" exhibit powers independently from an early age, and are often many, many times more powerful than the other variety. Just my 2 cents...>>
What if Xander WAS a wilder? and it ran in his family? Could his parents have turned their backs on the rest of the family and changed their names thinking that they would not be affected by it? could they have had Xander sheilded against using his powers? what would happen if in a life or death situation (Buffy's, Willow's, Spike's, Giles', or his own) his power comes out. would he run? or just accept it and continue on in his life? would he find a teacher or a teacher end up coming to him? Use this if you want. (I only come up with the ideas and basic outline can't get over the hurdle of writing yet.) And yes I know that there are other fics out there like this but this plot bunny interested me.

"Xander the Dammed":
Xander becomes immortal by accidentally ingesting or being feed a strange potion . Because of the effects of the potion Giles is able to identify it the it as a potion called the Curse of Ramses the Dammed. It gives who ever or what ever it is used on "True Immortality" meaning that person can Never die....even if they are chopped-up into little pieces and those pieces are scattered into the ocean they will never die the will just live on in agony never to be whole again unless someone puts them back together. The potion is named after the first recipient Ramses the Great who guarded the royal families of Egypt for a thousand years, lover of Cleopatra and his story of his return to the modern world was recorded by the Watcher Anne Rice. According to her the only thing that can give such an immortal the semblance of death is the total lack of sun for an extended period of time.

Thank you, for visiting the Plot Adoption Agency and I hope you open your heart and mind to one of these plots.


Yours Truly,
P.S. If any of you have a story that you are considering abandoning please put it up for adoption with the SAFFL's Plot Adoption Agency and we will try to give it a good home.

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