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Sentinel Plots Up For Adoption


Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair.
Write Blair as an exotic dancer. Not a prostitute, he dances, and takes off his clothes for money. He can do it to pay for tuition, buy something, pay rent, he’s actually a bartender, and the regular dancers quits/gets sick, and he has to fill in, whatever reason you want, but he just dances, he’s not a prostitute. Bonus points for making him a virgin as well. <G> No rape or death of Jim and Blair.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair
Jim is a bounty hunter/Federal Marshall/FBI agent/Cop and is chasing Blair, who was accused of a crime he didn't commit. By the end of the story Blair and Jim must be together, and Blair must be cleared. No rape or death of Jim and Blair.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair.
Write Blair as a werewolf. Bonus points for including Jim as a were-panther. By the end of the story Blair and Jim must be together. No rape or death of Jim and Blair. No setting them up with anyone else, or having them cheat on each other.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair.
Write Jim and/or Blair with telepathy/empathy/telekinesis, anything you want, as long as there’s a sex scene where they talk to each other mind-to-mind. By the end of the story Blair and Jim must be together. No rape or death of Jim and Blair. No setting them up with anyone else, or having them cheat on each other.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - First Times
Pairing - Jim and Blair
Write a story where Jim’s sentinel instincts take hold and he and Blair bond, ala ‘Sensory Overload’ by Kylia, or ‘Sentinel Shift’ by Krisser. By the end of the story Blair and Jim must be together. No rape or death of Jim and Blair. No setting them up with anyone else, or having them cheat on each other.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair
This is an ‘Armageddon’ spoof. Blair is Grace, Jim is AJ Frost. (Use their real names) Naomi is Blair’s mother, and she travels the world, leaving Blair with his father, Harry Stamper, who she never married. Blair took Naomi's name. Blair got his BA and MA and started keeping Harry’s books, ‘cause they were understaffed, and he needed a break from school. He and Jim met, and when Blair found out about Jim’s senses, they started to spend a lot of time together. Even though neither of them had ever been with a guy before, they fell in love. (Bonus points for making Blair a virgin up to this point) Story picks up when the movie did, and Harry finds out about their relationship. (Bonus points for making the Major Crimes detectives - including Megan - the other guys on the oil rig) A few rules - there is to be no rape or deaths of Jim or Blair, and they must be together by the end of the story.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair
This is a ‘Dirty Dancing’ spoof. Blair is Jennifer Grey, Jim is Patrick Swazye. (Use their real names) Naomi and Blair come to the resort for the summer before Blair goes to college at the nearby rainier university. Their, he meets Jim, who, after his senses came on-line after Peru, helped out a friend (bonus points for making the friend someone from the show) by giving dance lessons at their struggling resort. Blair is sixteen, and Jim is 22. to make things even more complicated, Blair is a virgin, and Jim has never been with a guy before. At the end of the story, Blair goes to college, and Jim enrolls in the Police Academy, and they move in together. A few rules - there is to be no rape or deaths of Jim or Blair, and they must be together by the end of the story.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair
Premise - a ‘Bed Of Roses’ spoof. Blair is Christian Slater, Jim is Mary Stuart Masterson (Use their real names.) Blair is the son of Naomi, whose parents left her all their money on their deaths in a car accident. Naomi died of breast cancer when Blair was 16, right after he arrived at college. She left him all the money she inherited from her parents. Consumed by grief, Blair throws himself into his studies and gets his BA after two years, instead of four, and his Master’s in the same amount of time. After graduating at age 20 with a Master’s degree, Blair decides to take some time off before going for his PhD. He takes some of the money he got from Naomi and opens a flower shop. He spends his days reading, going for walks, reading books to children at the library’s story hour, and delivering flowers. One day, when he’s out for a walk, he sees a man (Jim) who he thinks looks very sad. (Jim is sad because when his senses came on-line, he was suspended from his job as a cop till he could find out what is wrong with him) He decides to give him some flowers, so he takes him a bouquet. He takes them to the loft, so he doesn’t know that Jim is a cop. When Jim can’t find out who the flowers are from, he decides to follow Blair to see if he can find out from him. He zones on something (you pick, in the show it was a frisbee) in the middle of the street, and Blair saves him from being run over by a garbage truck. They get to talking; Blair discovers Jim’s senses and starts helping him. Aside from working together, they spend a lot of time together, and basically start dating. It all comes to a head one day when they start kissing, and that’s when Jim finds out that Blair is a virgin. After his mother died, he never let anyone get close. Blair finds out that Jim has never been with a guy before. They get together anyway. By the end of the story Jim and Blair must be together; also, there is to be no rape or death of Jim or Blair.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair
Premise - a ‘Dangerous Minds’ spoof. Jim plays the part of Michelle Pfeiffer, and Blair is another teacher at the school. (Bonus points for making the detectives of Major Crimes appear as kids or teachers in this story) Despite both being previously straight, they get together, and teach their kids. By the end of the story Jim and Blair must be together; also, there is to be no rape or death of Jim or Blair.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair
Premise - a ‘Hackers’ spoof. Blair is a hacker who crashed the stock-market when he was 6 (remember, he’s a child prodigy), so he’s sentenced to have no access to computers till he’s sixteen. He starts college at fifteen, and his mother, Naomi gives him a laptop for his sixteenth birthday. A few months afterward, someone using his old moniker (example: Night Wolf, Free Byrd, Jacob’s Ladder, or make up your own) is going on-line and crashing servers. The FBI has a tail on him at all times, and Jim is the agent assigned to get close to him (he could go undercover as a janitor at the college, or something). In the meantime, Blair is trying to find out who is doing this, and he meets Jim on-line, but doesn’t know it’s him (bonus points for writing this so that the reader doesn’t know it Jim’s, either). When Blair and Jim meet in real life, he and Jim talk, and Jim believes him when he say he didn't do it, but they still have to figure out who did. After they catch the guy, they start dating, and tell each other more about themselves, like the fact that Blair’s a virgin, and Jim has never been with a guy before. By the end of the story Jim and Blair must be together; also, there is to be no rape or death of Jim or Blair.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair
Ok, this is for all those people who saw GM on ER. Make Blair a real JAG attorney, have him defend Jim once he gets rescued from Peru, and they want to blame him for the crash happening. Or, for all those people who wanted to see him in scrubs, make him a Doctor at the base hospital, where he discovers Jim’s senses. Two rules - no rape or death of Jim or Blair (and bonus points for making this virgin Blair).

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair
Remember when Blair told Kincaid that he flew Apaches in Desert Storm? What if he had? He would have been in the service around the same time Jim was in Peru. Two different scenarios: Blair is the pilot assigned to fly Jim down there, and both he and Jim survive the crash, and get rescued by the Chopec, and fall in love despite the fact that neither has ever been with a man before (bonus points for making this virgin Blair!), or: Blair is a small plane pilot (or passenger) who is heading down to Mexico to meet Naomi (or any other reason you can think of for having Blair in a plane over Peru), and crashes in Peru near the Chopec territory. Jim rescues him, and nurses him back to health, and when he’s better they bond (you know what kind of bond I mean <VBEG>), even though neither has ever been with a man before (again, bonus points for making this virgin Blair). Two rules - no rape or death of Jim or Blair.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair
Timeframe - 17-1800’s. Jim is a pirate on the high seas, Robin Hood style. Jim has an out of the way island, populated with refugees, that he uses the money he steals to take care of. The Royal Navy comes after him, and they lose. Their ship sinks, and everybody on board gets away in lifeboats, except for a stowaway, a 16-year-old virginal student (Blair) at a European University who was hoping to hitch a ride back home to America. Jim hears him screaming for help, and saves him, takes him back to island, and nurses him back to health. While Blair gets stronger, he falls in love with Jim, who, even thought he has never been with a guy before, feels something for him, too. Blair decides to stay with him, and they live happily ever after. A few rules - there is to be no rape or deaths of Jim or Blair, and they must be together by the end of the story.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair
Blair is a 19-year-old actor who plays a child on TV, because of how young he looks. He has been receiving death threats, and his mother (Naomi) badgers the District head of the FBI (Simon) to send someone to protect her son. He sends Jim (who is no more than 26) and while protecting Blair, he and Blair fall in love. They run into a few obstacles before they have sex - Jim has never been with a guy before and Blair is a virgin. A few rules - there is to be no rape or deaths of Jim or Blair, and they must be together by the end of the story.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair
Blair is a student at Rainier who is kidnapped by white-slavers. Jim is the FBI agent whose last case before he retires is to catch the slavers. They have tracked down the location where the slavers are holding the kidnapped people a week after Blair is taken. The first week, the slavers spend starving their prisoners and only giving them enough water to survive - but the water is drugged. The second week, they rape them, and then sell them. Jim walks in on the slavers as they are about to rape Blair, and manages to stop them, but the shock of almost being raped, coupled with no food, almost no water, and the drugs, cause him to lose his memory. As the FBI has only found half of the slavers, they can’t send Blair back home until they catch them (and he doesn’t remember who he is, so he doesn’t know where he lives anyway), so Jim offers to let Blair stay with him until they catch them. As they live and work together, they start to fall in love, and Blair starts to get his memory back, which causes problems, as Blair remembers that he is a virgin, and Jim has never been with a guy before. They must be together by the end of the story, and there is to be no rape or death of Jim and Blair.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair
Blair is an 18-year-old virgin pop singer, whose backup band members (you know, the people who play the music he sings to) are having strange and escalating accidents. He’s playing a concert in Cascade, and Naomi has called Simon, the Captain of Major Crimes, badgering him to assign someone to protect her son. He assigns Jim. While trying to find the stalker, Jim and Blair fall in love, and have sex. There are a few rules - no rape or deaths of Jim, Blair, Simon or Naomi, and Jim and Blair must be together by the end of the story.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair
Jim is a firefighter, and Blair is a professor at Rainier. When Blair’s place burns down, Jim is there (along with his squad, all the bullpen guys are firemen instead of Detectives, including Megan, and Simon is the Captain) to put out the fire. When he finds out Blair (and Larry) have no place to go, he offers to let Blair stay at his place. Fast forward a couple weeks, and Blair and Jim are falling in love, but don’t know it, because each thought they were straight. Two rules - no rape or deaths of Jim and Blair, and they must be together by the end of the story.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair
Blair, a child prodigy, has been writing mystery novels since he was 20. He is now 24, and a serial killer is committing murders based on his newest series of novels. The only problem is, the murders are committed before the books are published. Jim is an FBI agent who is assigned to go undercover as his assistant and try to solve the murders from the inside. While working together, Jim and Blair find themselves falling for each other, which startles both of them, as both had previously considered themselves straight (although Blair is still a virgin). A few rules - there is to be no rape or death of Jim or Blair, and they must be together by the end of the story.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair
Blair is a fashion designer, and his models are being killed one by one by David Lash (remember, the guy from the episode ‘Cypher’ who drowned his victims and tied yellow scarves around their necks). He has a big show coming up in Cascade and Jim is assigned to go undercover and try and catch the killer. He goes under as a model. While trying to solve the case, he and Blair get together, in spite of the fact that neither has ever been with a guy before. Two rules - no rape or deaths of Jim and Blair.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair
Timeframe - anytime you want. Blair is a psychic, and Jim is whatever profession you want to make him. Jim has just inherited a house that is rumored to be haunted, but he doesn’t believe. He moves in, and after a few weeks of finding ghosts everywhere, he does believe it. He starts looking for someone to buy the place, but the ghosts scare off prospective customers. He’s just about to give, when he hears about a psychic that is supposed to be able to ‘send restless spirits on their way.’ He goes to see Blair, and asks him to get rid of the ghosts. Blair’s apartment has just burned down, and he needs a place to stay, so he says that he has to live in the house in order to get rid of the ghosts. Jim agrees, but says that he will be living there too, to keep an eye on him. Once Blair finds out a way to get rid of the ghosts, he finds he doesn’t want to, because he has fallen in love with Jim, (Which surprises him no end, as he was previously completely straight - bonus points for making this virgin Blair). Jim overhears him talking to himself about this, and confronts him, saying that he has fallen in love with Blair, too, (although he was also previously completely straight). Blair gets rid of the ghosts, and they live happily ever after. Two rules - no rape or death of Jim and Blair.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair
Timeframe - ancient Rome (or someplace in history with slavery). Here’s the set-up - Jim is a warlord (don’t worry, he’s still a good guy). He’s taken over a country (of your choice), after getting rid of the previous ruler (he was killed, deposed, exiled, also your choice), and the people think that if they are really nice to him, and give him gifts, then maybe he’ll let them go. (They don’t realize that he’s not a bad guy.) Some of the guys from the village decide to give him a slave (not knowing that he’s going to outlaw slavery), only no wants to give theirs up, so they snatch someone off the street. Here's where Blair comes in. They snatch Blair from a nearby city, and he doesn’t speak the language they do, so when they give him to Jim, he tries to tell Jim that he’s not a slave, but they don’t understand each other. Despite this, Jim manages to tell him that he’s not a slave, and that he will stay there with him until they can send him home. The people who brought him to Jim are suitably punished (in whatever way you want), and with Jim and a Blair spend their time together trying to learn how to communicate and find out where Blair’s home is. Along the way, they fall in love and when they do find Blair’s home, they decide to stay together. There are a few no-no’s in this challenge: no rape, torture or death of Jim or Blair, no setting them up with anyone else, and they must be together by the end of the story.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair
Timeframe - 1800’s. Blair’s father was Native American (you pick which tribe). Naomi went to America and met Blair’s father there. Blair’s father is killed when he is very young (you choose how.) Naomi and Blair become wanderers, and Naomi (for some reason, you choose) decides to go home to England, and takes Blair (who is twenty, and still a virgin) with her. She has at least one sibling, whose children (you choose the number and genders) don’t like him, so one day they take him and strand him in the forest. While trying to make his way back to London, he runs afoul of robbers. Just as he’s about to get killed (or beaten up, or raped) along comes his rescuer - Jim. Jim used to be a spy, but got out of the business. He’s visiting his brother, who now lives in the house they grew up in, since their father left it to him after he died. Jim decides to pretend not to be rich (his father left him a comparable estate) and decides to help Blair hitchhike to London. They spend their time together learning about each other (and Blair spends his time trying to figure out who Jim really is, since he never mentions the spy bit), and flirting with each other. Things all come to a head when one rainy night when they are near the estate Jim’s father left him. Jim pretends that the estate is not his, so they sneak into it and appropriate rooms. They go to sleep, and in the middle of the night, Blair hears Jim having a nightmare and goes to wake him up. Things progress naturally from there, and they have sex. The next day they hitch a ride into town, and Blair finds out who Jim really it, and Jim finds out that Blair was a virgin. By the end of the story, Jim, and Blair must be together. There are two rules - no rape or deaths of Jim and Blair.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair
Timeframe - 1800’s and 1100’s. Blair is a student at Oxford (England) university in the 1800’s, and he (falls through a portal, gets caught in a spell, casts a spell, touches a talisman, you choose) and gets sent back in time 700 years (or thereabouts, as long as its before the year 1200.) There he meets a knight named James Ellison (Jim, of course). Jim thinks Blair is a spy for his enemy (name of your choice, bonus points for using one of the following: Garret Kincaid, David Lash or Dawson Quinn), so he takes Blair with him, and on their way back to his castle, they are attacked by his enemies sorceress name of your choice, (bonus points for using one of the following: Veronica Sarris, Alex Barnes, Cassie Wells, or Samantha). Since they are targeting Blair too, Jim knows that he isn’t working for them. He takes Blair back to his place, and asks him what he is doing there. When Blair finds out what year it is, he tells Jim what has happened, but what they don’t know is that the sorceress is listening in. When she hears about Blair begin from the future, she decides that he is a threat, and poisons him. Only, she accidentally used the wrong ingredient, and instead of killing Blair, the poison turns him into a woman, but only at night. Jim has a sorcerer of his own (Bonus points for making him one of the bull-pen guys) who knows how to send Blair back, but Blair can’t go back until he is changed back. While trying to find an antidote, Jim and Blair fall in love, which leads to lost of problems, as Blair knew he was attracted to men, but he is still a virgin, and Jim has never been attracted to a man before (bonus points for using female pheromones in here somewhere), so they decide to take it slow. Eventually they find an antidote, but the catch is that the antidote isn’t a potion or spell, but an act - Blair has to have sex in his female form in order to change back. Of course, he and Jim have sex, but Blair doesn’t change back right away; the sorcerer says its because he’s pregnant. In the time they wait for him to change back, Blair and Jim get married (he’s female now, so that works) and the story ends with the baby (or babies, your choice, as is gender) being born, and Blair decides that he doesn’t want to go back. A few rules - there is to be no rape or death of Jim or Blair, no setting them up with anyone else, and they must be together by the end of the story.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair
Timeframe - any time from 1000’s to 1800’s. William Ellison is a warlord. His son Jim is 21, and he thinks it’s high time he got married. He sees what he thinks is a beautiful princess in Naomi's kingdom, and goes to her and tells her that if she does not marry her daughter to his son, he will invade her kingdom. She tries to tell him that she doesn’t have a daughter, only a son, Blair, but he won’t listen. In order to keep the peace, Blair agrees to the marriage, even knowing that Jim will most likely kill him when he finds out, and he will die a virgin. On the night of the wedding, Naomi casts a spell to make Blair look like a woman, only she casts it wrong, and actually turns Blair into a woman. After the wedding, Jim, who doesn’t want to be married, tells Blair that they don’t have to consummate the marriage, that they can just live together. Time goes by, and Blair starts to trust Jim, so when Jim tells him about his senses, he tells Jim about the spell. Jim is stunned, and little disappointed, as he had been falling for Blair. Blair, who has also been falling for Jim, and researching a cure for the spell, asks Jim to help him break it, Blair tells him that he has to have sex as a woman to break the spell. After thinking about it, Jim agrees, ‘cause he still has a thing for Blair. They have sex, and Blair doesn’t change back, because he is pregnant. A few rules - there is to be no death or rape of Jim, Blair or their future child (or children, your choice), no setting them up with anyone else, and they must be together by the end of the story.

Challenge #1 is set in ‘The Sentinel’ fandom. Jim is still working for Vice, and his newest case is the owner of a gay strip-club that is also prostituting his dancers. Jim goes undercover as a patron on the first night a new dancer shows up. You guessed it, Blair is the stripper! He took the job dancing to make money to pay for his tuition, and gay bars pay more for male dancers than straight ones. At this time in the story, he has never been with a guy, and thinks of himself as completely straight. He has to be at least 18 (that’s the legal age to work in a strip-club), but no more than 21. Jim can’t be more than 26. Jim has also never been with a guy before, but only because he never found someone he was willing to risk losing his job for. He comes in each night for a week, always on stakeout. He’s quite taken with Blair, and on the seventh night, he decides to go backstage to see Blair, not to talk to him, basically to be a Peeping Tom. Once he gets back there, he finds the owner of the club trying to talk Blair into taking on a John who is one of his regular customers and really likes virgins. From the conversation, Jim can tell the owner has been asking him this every night, and every night Blair says no and leaves. But on this night, the club owner won’t take not for an answer, and ties Blair up while he goes for the client. Since the music in the club is so loud, no one hears Blair’s screams for help except Jim. By the time Jim gets to Blair, the owner has brought the john back, and has Blair trussed up like something from a hardcore BDSM scene - restraints, leather, cockring, a gag, the works, and Blair is hyperventilating, because of what he knows is going to happen, and, he’s a virgin) Jim goes into one of those Sentinel rages that we see so often in fanon, an ‘I must kill the people who hurt my mate’ type of thing, and starts to really do a number on the owner and the john, before he either cuffs them, or knocks them out. (Remember, he only has one pair of handcuffs) He lets Blair go, and takes the owner and the john downtown for booking. After Blair gives his statement (and the uniforms make the inevitable comments about how he’s lying about not being a prostitute) Jim offers to take him home. When they get to the warehouse, they find out it’s burned down, and Blair takes Jim up on his offer to stay at his place. Fast forward a couple weeks (or months, or days, or hours), and Blair decides that he will jump the fence for Jim, so he sneaks into his bed in the middle of the night. After the inevitable argument (‘Are you sure you want this Chief?’ ‘Yes, I’m sure, Jim.’), they make love. Whatever happens after that is up to you, as long as you follow the rules: there is to be no rape or deaths of Jim or Blair, no setting them up with anyone but each other, and they must be together by the end of the story.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair
The future. 2010, 2020, whatever year you want to make it. Aliens have invaded Earth. They are just like humans, only with better weapons. Their leader is King Simon (Banks). You can change that if you want. His second in command is Jim (Ellison). Naomi and Blair are both slaves at the royal palace. At the time Earth is invaded Blair is fourteen (or however old you want to make him, as long as he is a virgin). It is now six years later (or however many you want to make it) Jim is planning to oust King Banks from the throne and free the slaves, but before he can, he meets Blair. Blair catches the eye of one of King Banks lieutenants (Garret Kincaid, Dawson Quinn, Brad Ventriss, or make up your own) who thinks Blair is a girl, since all of the slaves wear the same type of clothing, and Blair hasn’t had a haircut in six years. Jim decides to save Blair, by sending for him before the lieutenant can, and when Blair gets there, he and Blair talk, and fall in love. By the end of the story, the slaves must be free, and Jim and Blair must be together. No rape or death of Jim and Blair.


Fandom - Sentinel/Highlander Crossover
Category - First Times, Crossover
Pairing - Jim and Blair, Duncan and Methos (you can throw in Joe and Richie, if you want)
This is an AU from the point of ‘Sentinel, Too’ onwards. Alex is Immortal. Once she meets Blair, she realizes he is pre-Immortal, and thinks he would make the perfect Guide once she kills him. Thus, the fountain. But before that, she meets Jim, and realizes he is also Immortal (he died in Peru). After they get back from Sierra Verde, a new teacher comes to Rainier: it can be either Duncan or Methos, or both, even. They realize that Blair and Jim are Immortal and tell them what they are. Three rules - there is to be no rape or beheading of Jim, Blair, Duncan, or Methos, and the two couples must be together by the end of the story (no foursomes).

Fandom - Sentinel/Stargate/Pretender Crossover
Category - First Times, Crossover
Pairing - Jim and Blair, Jack and Daniel (and Jarod and Miss Parker, if you want)
Both Blair and Daniel were Pretenders (Daniel’s parents accident was caused by the Centre, they hoped to have one of their operatives adopt him). Naomi left home when she got pregnant, because her father wanted Mr. Raines and his wife to adopt her baby. Raines’ wife warned Naomi, and helped her run. Blair and Daniel met at Rainier; they roomed together because they were the same age. Fast forward to the present, after the press conference. Daniel sees the press conference, and convinces General Hammond to offer Blair (and Jim) jobs. But Raines and Jarod also see the press conference. Raines goes to catch Blair, and Jarod goes to protect him. Jim and Blair, and Jack and Daniel must be together by the end of the story (bonus points for getting Jarod and Miss Parker together as well). 

Fandom - Sentinel/Pretender Crossover
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair (and Jarod and Miss Parker, if you want)
Blair was a Pretender when he was younger, but Catherine Parker warned Naomi, and she managed to get Blair away from being taken by the Center. They moved so much because she wanted to make sure they never found them. Once TSBBS happens, both Raines and Jarod see it. Raines sends someone (he has an operative named Gar) to stalk Blair, thinking that a Pretender and a Sentinel would make the Triumvirate let him take over for Mr. Parker. Jarod goes undercover as your choice: a cop, a teacher at Rainier, an FBI agent, or something else, to watch over Blair. Two rules - there is to be no rape or deaths of Jim, Blair, Miss Parker or Jarod, and Jim and Blair (and Jarod and Miss Parker, if you want) must be together by the end of the story.

Crossover m-pregs

Fandom - Sentinel/Star Trek Crossover
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair
Blair is half Betazoid (you choose which half - his mother or his father). As he is half Betazoid, he has empathic, telepathic and telekinetic powers. As part of his mental powers, he must telepathically bond with his mate, and he can only do this once, through sex. Therefore, he can’t have sex until he finds his mate. He studies xenothropology (anthropology of alien cultures) at Starfleet Academy, and goes on vacation to a remote planet. On this planet, he is harassed by aliens (you pick what kind) and rescued by Jim, a Captain in Starfleet who is also on vacation. When Jim zones in the middle of fighting off the aliens, Blair rescues him, and they spend the rest of their vacation together, studying Jim’s abilities. At the end, Jim requests that Blair start working for him, and he does. Once on board ship, they start dating and Blair explains the bonding to him, and how he is still a virgin, and Jim tells him that he’s never been with a guy before, and they bond. After they bond, they start thinking about the future, and, since this is the future, they decide to have kids. Yes, this is an m-preg challenge! Two rules - there is to be no rape or death of Jim and Blair, and they must be together by the end of the story.

Challenge #2
This is a crossover challenge with The Sentinel and Stargate Fandoms. The pairings are Jim/Blair and Jack/Daniel. This is an AU, and M-preg
To start: Blair graduated from High School at age twelve (not sixteen, as in canon). He then went on to college to earn a quadruple (yes, that’s four) PhD by age twenty. The degrees are in anthropology, archaeology, and linguistics. You pick the fourth degree - a good one is psychology (he did minor in that, in canon). When this story starts he is 22, and still a virgin, as he spent all his time studying. (Besides, if he was in college at age twelve, anyone who had sex with him would have breaking the law, and by the time he was 18, everyone in his classes would have been much older than him, and most girls want older guys.) Jim never left the army. Whether or not the crash in Peru ever actually happened is up to you, but he is still in the army when this story takes place. This story should pick up a few weeks (or months, if you prefer) after Jim has been recruited to the Stargate program. (Daniel and Jack are already lovers) Have his senses come on-line (as a result of being stranded off-world, going through the Stargate eventually wore down his senses, in response to being shot by a Goa’uld weapon, whatever you like) and have Daniel call his old friend and college roommate, Blair. (They roomed together as no one else would room with him since he was so young, and they had mutual interests. Daniel calls him because he knew of Blair’s Sentinel research, and suspects he can help Jim) Blair comes to the base to see Jim, and when he shows up, Jack thinks someone stole ‘Professor Sandburg’s’ ID, because Blair looks almost underage (he has shoulder-length curls), so trouble ensues (whatever kind you want) but Daniel rescues him in the nic of time, and Blair shows up Jack in front General Hammond, by bringing Jim out of a zone. After that, Blair is recruited to the Stargate program, to be Jim’s Guide, and they become lovers, because as Sentinel and Guide, they have to bond. Blair doesn’t mention this at first, because he thinks Jim is straight (which he is), but gradually they fall in love.
The first planet Blair goes to, he and Daniel get into an accident, and the locals and fix them up (the accident can be whatever kind you want, as long as they have to have blood transfusions) The locals transfuse them with some of their own blood, which has an interesting side-effect - it turns Blair and Daniel into women. (If you don’t want to write two pregnancies, then just have Blair get into an accident, get the transfusion, and change) They can control the change, but as this all happened for the first time while they were under anesthetic, when they wake up, they are female. (Whether or not the locals of this planet normally have this ability to change sex at will is up to you.) Blair freaks out, and Jim tries to calm him down, but you have Blair say something to the effect of, “Well, now that I’m a woman, I guess you’ll finally want to have sex with me.” (Up until this point, they have not had sex, because they are both nervous, Blair being a virgin, and Jim never having slept with a guy before) This leads to lots of talking (before Blair finds out he can change). Daniel and Jack also have a similar conversation, but without as much angst, since they are already in an established relationship. After they find out that they aren’t female permanently, Blair decides he doesn’t want to give up changing. The reason he gives is that it ‘Might be fun’ and it could ‘Help them get out of tight spots on missions.’ Daniel decides to think about it a bit more. Jim isn’t happy, especially since Blair seems to recant his former statement, and wants to have sex as a woman. Jack thinks it might be interesting, and isn’t having as big a freak-out of it as Jim is. After this, whatever happens is up to you, but Jim must have sex with Blair as a woman at least once (and not just because Blair wants it, Jim has to want it too) and Blair becomes pregnant. Daniel also decides he wants that, too, and he also gets pregnant. The pregnancies, and the babies are entirely your invention. There are a few no-no’s in this challenge, however: no rape, death or torture of Jim, Blair, Jack, Daniel, Sam, Teal'c, or the babies. Also, no having anyone cheat on anyone else. This should be a happy story, but you can put as much angst in it as you want. If you decided to accept my challenge, please e-mail and let me know, as I would like to read it.

AU m-pregs

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - AU
Pairing - Jim and Blair
Write Blair as a merman. Yeah, that’s right. I’m thinking ‘The Little Mermaid’ with him as Ariel and Jim as Prince Eric. Bonus points for making the bullpen guys the fish, the crab, and the seagull as well. Also, Tritons’ trident has magical powers, right? I’m sensing an m-preg here. Bonus points for making that work as well. By the end of the story Blair and Jim must be together. No rape or death of Jim and Blair. No setting them up with anyone else, or having them cheat on each other

Fandom - ‘The Sentinel’ with Jim and Blair
It goes like this - it’s AU, one of those universes where there are lots of Sentinels & Guides. And Sentinel/Guide pairs are matched up according to their genetic profiles. They bond sexually. (I know, this sounds like Saul’s story, and reading it gave me this idea, but it’s a lot more complex, trust me.) Jim and Blair have never met before they find out that they are a matched set. When they do meet, things get weird. Blair is from a tribe that is very magical (i.e. mages, sorcerers, elves, fairies, whatever you want to use), but is also very unusual in his tribe. In fact, he is the only one of his kind. What kind, you ask? He is a Changeling/Shapeshifter. Now, let me explain this. You know that Blair’s Spirit Guide is the Wolf, so he can change into a wolf whenever he wants. That’s the Shapeshifter part. Jim has been looking for a Guide for so long, because he needs a Shapeshifter Guide, whose DNA matches his.
For this story, Blair is 21 (That’s the only way this will work, trust me) and Jim is 27 or 28. The Changeling part is where it gets weird. As a Changeling, Blair can become a woman (yes, I know this isn’t exactly M-Preg, but since Blair’s body would be male on the outside while he’s pregnant, up until the time he goes into labor, I still thought I’d warn you.) in Blair’s tribe, when a boy (or girl) reaches sexual maturity, there is a ceremony where a Shaman direct them down the path they must follow, the one that will lead to their mate. On Blair’s 16th birthday, he turned into a woman for the first time (he had been able to turn into a wolf since birth). The Shaman said that since he was a Changeling, he would only be able to have kids in his female form, so his mate would have to be a man, which, according to his tribe, wasn’t taboo. What was weird, is that most Changelings weren’t Shapeshifters, and none were Guides; also, most Changelings were sterile, so this was a big thing, him being able to have kids. Blair has the idea to have him DNA profiled; you can use whatever reason you want, but his tribe mostly stays away from science, and uses magic instead, so his mother is a bit against it, but goes through with it when he explains his reasons (which can be anything from a vision telling him to do it, or the Shaman saying that it is his path to leave the tribe). When he his profiled, he finds out he is a Guide, so his mate must be a Sentinel. His mother doesn’t want him to, but he lists himself as a Guide in the database they have to match up Sentinels and Guides. He also makes a decision on that day (here it, comes another weird part). Knowing that the Sentinel he matches up with will be his mate for life; he decides to wait to have sex until they meet. This is one of my kinks: virgin Blair.
For some reason or other (Naomi taking his name off the list, a downed computer, the database Blair’s profile is in not being connected to whatever database has Jim’s profile in it, whatever you want to use) Jim and Blair don't meet until his 21st birthday. Once they do, and Jim’s find out all this, (especially about Blair being a virgin), they talk and a few things come out. They are: Jim never having sex with a guy before, and not wanting to just jump into bed with Blair, seeing as how their first bonding would have to be with Blair as a woman, because of the Changeling thing. Now, another one of my kinks are stories with lots and lots and lots of sex in them, so after they bond as man and woman, they have to bond in a lot of other ways. As another one of my kinks is bestiality, when I say a lot, I mean a lot. The pairings are: man and man (both topping), man and wolf (Blair topping), man and panther (Jim topping, because Jim is the panther, remember, I said he was a Shapeshifter as well, and since his Spirit Guide is the Black Jaguar, well, there you go), Jaguar and woman (Jim topping, of course) and wolf and panther (both topping). Then, of course, they have sex again as man and woman, which is when Blair gets pregnant. How many children, and the circumstances of the birth, and whether or not they are Changelings is up to you (I really don’t see a way that they could not be Shapeshifters, with both their parent as them). There are only a few no-no’s in this challenge: I am a romantic at heart, and I believe in happily ever after, so...no rape, castration, slavery, or deaths of Jim, Blair, or their future kids, either in the womb or after birth.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - First times/Episode Related
Pairing - Jim and Blair
Remember the episode at Clayton falls where Jim and Blair drink the contaminated water. What the water had a side-effect? What if made all men able to carry children. And what if, after they home, Jim and Blair get together? And what if who ever was on the bottom (you pick) got pregnant? Two rules - no rape or deaths of Jim and Blair.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - First times
Pairing - Jim and Blair
There's a serial killer in Cascade (where else would a serial killer be) who, after he kills someone, calls the cops and says that he’s killed one of his children. Once they get he first call, they run blood tests on the people who were killed, and it turns out that the people who think they are their fathers aren’t. The mothers of the people who are killed can’t think of anyone who might be the fathers that they have in common. As all the victims have blue eyes and brown, curly hair, when Naomi shows up, she starts badgering Jim and Simon to protect Blair. Jim eventually decides they aren’t safe in the city (or something), and they hide out in the forest, in a cabin. (I suppose they could stay in the loft) While there, they discover their feelings for each other, and get together. Two rules - no rape or deaths of Jim and Blair.

Fandom - Sentinel
Category - Humor/Drama (with a little bit of angst), also, First Times
Pairing - Jim and Blair
Timeframe - any season you want.
The idea is to have everyone in Major Crimes (bonus points for using Megan) play ‘Truth or Dare’ at the station, and they all agree to answer every question. Use any questions you want, but someone (I think Henri would ask this one) has to ask people to tell when and to who they lost their virginity. When they get to Blair, Jim hears his heart speed up and he tells a story that everyone but Jim believes, and then leaves to get everyone something to drink. Jim follows him, and tells him he knows he lied, and tries to get him to tell the truth. He blusters for several minutes, and when he finally gets tired of it, he tells him he never lost his virginity. (Bonus points for having one, or all of the Detectives in Major Crimes eavesdropping on him). When Jim asks why, have Blair say something along the lines of, ‘I started college at sixteen, and all the girls were older than me, and most girls want older guys. I was always younger than the kids in my class.’ (Bonus points for having Jim ask about all the women he’s dated since Jim knew him, and having Blair say something about his parentage, and Naomi, and not wanting to never know if had any children out there, as his reason) Have Jim and Blair get together, anyway you want, as long as there is no rape, or death in the story.

If you can find a way to make these stories work in another fandom, you are welcome to use the idea. If you decide to write the story, please e-mail me and let me know; I would like to read it. 


Ami also has Sentinel Foundations and Challenges

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