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Ambrosia Wine


Email: Scorpio
Archive: All list archives and my own page. This is slightly revised from the original version posted a few years ago.
Star Trek Voyager
Pairing: C/K (slash!)
Rating: NC-17
Category: First times/romance
Status: Revised/complete
Disclaimer: The boyz are owned by Paramount/Viacom. I own nothing. Suing me will get you nothing but my sympathy for being such an anal retentive tight wad.
Story Notes: *indicates emphasis*
//indicates Harry's thoughts//
(indicates D'Narian language)
::indicates telepathy::
Never stand between the box of Milkbones and a 125lb dog who is convinced that he's starving. ::bang! thud!:: Oh, heh- heh, the *real* warning: graphic m/m sex

Summary: Some aliens get confused, Harry gets in touch with his inner slut, and Chakotay just gets lucky...



Beta shift, again. Harry sighed. It's not that he *didn't* like Beta shift, but more that he missed Tom's warped sense of humor. The brash pilot knew just how far he could push each of the other senior officers and he would bring each conversation to the extreme edge, just this side of insubordination. Many times, it was all he could do not to bust out in laughter right on the bridge.

But not today,... today Harry had been assigned to Beta shift. He sighed again. //At least Chakotay's here with me. If nothing else, I can't complain about the view.// Stifling a grin at that errant and someone naughty thought about his superior officer, Harry turned his full attention back to his scans. And frowned.

"Commander. I'm picking up a distress signal. Audio only."

Harry's eyes flicked up just in time to see Chakotay nod thoughtfully.

"Let's hear it Ensign."

Harry tapped out a few simple commands into his console, adjusted the frequency bandwidth a tiny bit and phased out the subspace distortion. He fed the signal through the universal translator and then into the audio system of the bridge.

::hiss - static - hiss:: "Cossell of the D'Narian Royal Shuttlecraft Ventola. Please respond." ::hiss:: "experiencing technical difficulties and require assist" ::static - hiss:: "This is Prince Cossell of the D'Narian Royal Shuttlecraft Ventola. Please respond." ::hiss::

"Sir. It's just a repeating message loop."

"Can you locate the Shuttlecraft Ventola on our sensors?"

Harry entered some more commands into his console and immediately the readings from the long range scanners started to scroll across his display panel.

"Yes Sir. The alien shuttlecraft is about twenty minutes away from us at heading four two one one mark eight at Warp 5. It *does* seem to be experiencing malfunctions in the navigational controls from what I can tell."

Harry watched the Commander closely. To most people, he often seemed expressionless, but not to Harry. Harry often observed and studied Chakotay, so he knew that the big man felt his emotions deeply and his normal stoic mask was a sign of mastery of self control; not a lack of feelings and thought. Because of his scrutiny of the Commander, he could see exactly when the decision was made.

"Mr. Batehart. Take us out at Warp 5 in the heading Mr. Kim indicated."

"Aye Sir."


Twenty minutes later, controlled chaos erupted in the form of a hedonistic and totally pampered young Prince from the planet D'Nari. He was obviously accustomed to having his every whim taken care of instantly and without question. He was demanding in that he *expected* people to jump up and to see to his personal needs at a seconds notice and he had four retainers with him. One pilot and three personal servants whose only skill was keeping his Highness happy. Not one of them had the skills necessary to repair his shuttlecraft.

On the other hand, Prince Cossell was also charming, unfailingly polite, curious and very witty. He was as fascinated with Voyager and her people, as he was fascinating. His people, the D'Nari, were hedonists pure and simple. They prized pleasure and happiness above all else. War and weapons were inconceivable to them. It was beyond them to even consider subjecting another being to such pain and suffering.

Since his Highness stated that he "needed the very best and only the best" engineers to handle the repairs on his shuttlecraft, Harry found himself assigned to assist B'Elanna in working on it. They found that, not only had navigation control malfunctioned, but that the life support equalizer was in complete disrepair. The level of technology aboard the Shuttlecraft Ventola was comparable to what the Federation had used a little over 300 years ago, but it *was* Warp capable.

That in itself was another thing that intrigued Harry. The D'Narian's technology had been developed to enable them to experience greater and more efficient pleasure. It was all created in an effort to allow for more time to devote to leisure activities. It was a startling contrast to human's, whose own technological advances were almost all in response to a military need.

Harry found the D'Narian's to be a strange, but thoroughly enjoyable people. He was glad that they had been able to come to Prince Cossell's rescue. In his humble opinion, the universe needed more people like the D'Narians.

Prince Cossell had latched onto Chakotay as soon as they had transported the Royal Delegation on board Voyager. The Commander was acting as a liaison between the crew and the aliens at his Highness' personal request during the time that it took Voyager to return the little shuttle and it's small crew to the planet D'Nari.

Once there, Prince Cossell invited the Beta shift bridge crew that had been working when he had been rescued to come to the Royal Palace for a private dinner and official welcome. The next day, he would announce a public festival in Voyager's honor and the entire ship's complement would be welcome on the planet's surface for shore leave.

So it was that Harry found himself standing next to Commander Chakotay in the transporter room, waiting to beam down to the planet's surface. He wasn't interested in the dinner so much as he *was* curious about how their technology developed with pleasure, not war, being it's ultimate goal. Perhaps, there would be some ideas or things that they could integrate into Voyager to help with the long lonely trip home?...


Ambrosia Wine


The electric tingles of the transporter beam faded away slowly as the D'Narian Reception Hall solidified around him. Harry Kim looked at the beautiful aliens, the stunning architecture and the ostentatious display of vast wealth and was markedly unimpressed. He supposed that he was becoming as jaded as Tom, but he had seen material beauty at every turn on Voyager's trip through the Delta Quadrant. Harry, like B'Elanna, was much more interested in the D'Narian's technology, not to mention their... odd view about it.

The D'Narian's routinely did without technology when and where they could, ignored it when they couldn't and put no emphasis on it socially, yet they *were* at a highly advanced technological level. They wanted their lives to be as simple and as luxurious as possible and that was the sole focus of their technology. Not weapons nor science nor knowledge, but pleasure.

A willowy D'Narian with pale mint green skin and wearing a highly ornate and heavily jeweled robe stepped forward, pulling him from his thoughts.

"Commander Chakotay. Welcome to D'Nari. I am Temara, Prince Cossell's Prime Minister. Thank you, on behalf of all D'Narian's, for coming to the aid of our Prince when the Royal Shuttlecraft experienced it's technical difficulties."

Harry raised an eyebrow at that, but he didn't comment. He personally felt that a failing life support system and malfunctioning navigation controls was a little more serious than the term *technical difficulties* implied.

"The pleasure is ours Prime Minister Temara. We were glad to help."

The thin alien made a graceful ceremonial gesture of respect and then motioned them to follow him down a brightly lit hallway.

"Please Commander, if you and your people will follow me, I will escort you to Prince Cossell. He awaits us inside of the Blessing Chamber. After the Ritual of Purification, we will adjourn to the Dinning Hall for the feast."

With a standard issue Federation smile pasted on his face, Harry turned to follow behind Commander Chakotay. The hallway was ornately decorated with hand painted tiles and soft lighting, but it held no technology and thus became unimportant to him. With nothing else to focus his concentration on, Harry found himself watching the Commander.

//Nice butt. Firm and round and oh so delicious.// As soon as Harry realized what had been going through his wandering mind, he blushed furiously. //I've definitely been hanging around Tom and B'Elanna too long if I'm starting to size people up like sides of meat without even thinking about it. Still,... it *is* a great ass the Commander's got.//

All too soon, those lovely and inviting globes stopped flexing and Harry found himself standing before a pair of doors. They were huge and intricately carved in a delicate style known on Earth as frieze. Each band of carvings consisted of highly stylized pictures and symbols which, when properly translated, told the story of how the current Royal House came into power here on D'Nari. It was coldly beautiful.

Prime Minister Temara made an expansive gesture towards the doors and most likely, that which waited beyond them as well.

"This is the Blessing Chamber. His Highness, Prince Cossell and the High Priestess Pretina are within. It is a tradition of our people to undergo the Blessing before a repast to ensure that our spirits are pure and untainted from negativity. I feel that I must warn you however, there *is* a dampening field around the room. It will automatically suppress the function of any and all technology. One can not be purified properly with technology humming and buzzing in the background."

Harry frowned slightly. It was an intriguing thought and he wanted to get a look at the technology that created the dampening field. However, Chakotay merely nodded and smiled at the Prime Minister.

"Of course. We would be honored to take part in this ritual with you and your Prince. None of my people will attempt to use any of our technological devises while in the Blessing Chamber."

The Prime Minister smiled brightly and made a big production out of opening the doors. He led them swiftly inside and began to greet his Prince. Even knowing that the technology dampers were in place, Harry was still a bit startled when the Universal Translator didn't work and Prime Minister Temara's words sounded like gobblety-goop to his ears. He stumbled into Chakotay's back as his head whipped around to stare at the Prime Minister. If it wasn't for the Commander's quick reflexes, Harry would have landed on his butt.

"Steady Ensign. Are you okay?"

Harry blushed to the roots of his hair. //Let me sink through the floor and die of embarrassment now please.//

"Yes Commander. Thank you."

Chakotay righted him on his feet, smiled and patted his shoulder gently. Harry resisted the urge to hide behind Crewman Winslow.


Prime Minister Temara heard the exchange between Commander Chakotay and the dark haired alien at his side and jerked slightly. He didn't understand *all* of what they had said, but *one* word came through loud and clear. <Inson> It was a formal and somewhat archaic form of the more common endearment that roughly translated to mean *beloved wife*. He hurried over to Prince Cossell. This had to be addressed immediately.

<My Prince. Did you hear what the tattooed leader of the aliens just said to the dark haired golden skinned one? He called him Inson! They're married!>

Prince Cossell rearranged his handsome feature's into a lovely and well practiced pout while he considered this astonishing news. Then, he smiled brightly and his retainers and servants relaxed. A solution to this protocol nightmare was found, and quickly at that.

<I was not made aware of this while I stayed upon the honorable vessel Voyager, however, that is not very surprising. I was not with them for very long, and the young golden skinned one spent much effort on my behalf to repair the Royal Shuttlecraft. His mate, the tattooed one, was also busy offering me the service of his people as well as trying to find a way to get me back here.>

Prime Minister Temara nodded and shivered slightly. It had been absolutely *ghastly*. Everyone had been *so* worried about Prince Cossell's safety and there had been no way to contact him.

<Since we are to honor the bridge crew that saved me, I also think that we should offer their leader and his wife the gift of Goluta.>

Prime Minister Temara blinked in surprise. That *was* an honor! Galuta was traditionally only available to the Royal Family. By the giving of this gift, Prince Cossell was in a sense acknowledging the Commander as a brother. Still,... it *would* make up for the breach in protocol that had been committed by not having the usual blessing for married couples ready for them. He nodded.

<It shall be as you say my Prince.>

With that, Temara turned his attention to the High Priestess Pretina's blessing. He would need the purification to deal with the last minute changes to the ceremonial visit and the quick preparations that would have to be rushed through to carry out those changes.


Harry Kim sat at the big formal dinning table picking over the remains of his lavish dinner. It had been a delightful experience to eat non-replicated food that had actually tasted good. It had been a banquet of rich textures and delicate seasoning. He felt a moments twinge of guilt for all of his crewmates in orbit on Voyager who didn't get to enjoy the D'Narian feast. And that, of course, led him to thoughts about the wine.

The wine was called Goluta, which, when the Universal Translator reverted it to standard was called "Ambrosia". It was a deep dark purple and it had a rich fruity taste. It warmed his belly and sent mellow tingles of pleasure out along his spine.

At first, he was a little unnerved that only himself and the Commander had been served the Goluta, but the Prime Minister assured him that was meant to honor their unique status. Harry assumed it was because both he and Chakotay were Senior Staff and in the direct line of command.

In any case, the wine was excellent. Harry was currently working on his fourth glass and he was pretty sure that the Commander had had even more than he did. All bemused, Harry turned his attention towards Chakotay once more.

The soft gas-lights and hand dipped candles which were being used to illuminate the Dinning Hall lent Chakotay's strong features and bronze skin a lovely glow. The Goluta Wine must have been effecting the Commander, because Harry noticed that he was smiling more and his dimples were very much in evidence. Harry decided that he liked that smile, a lot. It made Chakotay seem... more open and approachable. Of course, he was still sexy and desirable.

//I wonder what his skin tastes like? Is it as soft to the touch as it looks? How would it feel to have Chakotay's weight pressing down on me, crushing me into a warm soft mattress?//

At the last minute, Harry stopped himself from reaching out and running an exploratory fingertip along the line of Chakotay's jaw. He blushed and made a note not to drink any more of the wine. It was bad enough to *think* those thoughts, but to actually *caress* the Commander, and in public too! Chakotay would *kill* him.

Harry tried to concentrate on the conversation so as not to make a fool of himself, but soon his thoughts strayed once again to Chakotay. Smiling to himself and wondering how the Commander's lips would feel kissing the small of his back, Harry reached for the Goluta and drank deeply.

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