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Harry vaguely realized that he was drunk on the Galuta wine as the Prime Minister escorted the away team to the various bedrooms that were designated for their stay. He felt very warm and mellow, yet extremely happy and not a bit tired. He felt energized in an odd and fuzzy sort of way.

As he walked down the highly decorated hallways, he found himself mesmerized by the play of Chakotay's muscles underneath his Starfleet Uniform. The Commander had broad shoulders and a strong back that was lovely to look at and which Harry was sure was sinfully wonderful to actually touch and caress. It was, however, Chakotay's amazing ass that kept calling Harry's attention like a Siren's Song.

Flex-stretch. Flex-stretch. Flex-stretch. Watching him walk was hypnotic and Harry found it highly erotic.

All too soon, they stopped walking and Harry was slightly disappointed. Not only did Chakotay's ass stop making those delicious movements under his tight uniform, but now Harry would have to go into the room and the show would be over. He tried not to pout and failed.

"Well Gentlemen. Here we are at your quarters. Have a... nice evening. I'll see you tomorrow morning for the commencement of the public portion of the festival."

With that, Prime Minister Temara turned and walked briskly back down the hallway.

Harry turned a confused gaze to Chakotay. //Are we supposed to *share* a bedroom? It's highly unusual. Oh well.// Harry shrugged and flashed the Commander a cheery grin. He was feeling no pain thanks to the rich and powerful Galuta wine and he didn't see anything wrong with bunking down with Chakotay. Smiling, he opened the door and stepped inside.

After one look at the bedroom, however, he gasped and came to a complete halt. Chakotay bumped into his back.

The room seemed to be a sensual mixture of a Risian Pleasure Palace and an Earth Bed and Breakfast getaway. The lighting was dim and soft gold. The color scheme was a combination of gold, dusky mauve and crimson. Every surface, every object, every nook and cranny was designed to be a delight to the senses. It was a bedroom for lovers.

Harry felt his face go pale and then flush hot. Mild panic flared up inside of him. //How am I going to keep Chakotay from realizing how I feel about him? Sharing quarters with separate bedrooms? No problem. Sharing a room with twin beds? A little harder, but doable. Lying next to him in a king sized bed in the middle of a lover's nest?... I'm doomed.//

"Ensign?... Ensign Kim? Harry, are you okay?"

Vaguely, Harry was aware that the Commander was talking to him but he was busy trying not to, as Tom would say: freak out. He needed a distraction. Something simple and normal to focus on. He turned to stare into a set of big beautiful brown eyes and smiled shakily.

"Yes Commander. I'm... fine. I think I'll just grab a quick shower before turning in."

With that, Harry turned and fled into the bathroom.


Harry had spent an inordinate amount of time in the bathroom and he knew it. There was actually two reasons for this. The first and foremost was that Harry was hoping that Chakotay would be asleep by the time he got out. He felt that it might be easier to deal with his desire if the object of his erections was soundly asleep.

Secondly, the bathroom itself was amazing and Harry wanted to explore it's pleasures. The tub was huge, obviously built for two people, and there was a large selection of bath oils, gels and creams. Deciding to indulge himself in a long denied passion, Harry had drawn a hot bath and soaked while sampling the different lotions available until he found the scent that he liked best. Then, he washed himself in opulent luxury.

When he was finally finished pampering himself, he drained the tub and dried himself off. Realizing that he didn't bring any extra clothes or a robe in with him, Harry wrapped the bath towel around himself and quietly slipped out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. And gasped.

The vision that greeted him was enough to start his heart pounding and his blood racing. Chakotay, his bronze skin glowing in the soft lighting, sat back in the big bed with the thick fluffy comforter pulled up to cover his lap. His heavily muscled chest was gloriously naked to Harry's hungry eyes. In one hand he held a cut crystal goblet of what appeared to be more Goluta wine.

Chakotay flashed him a grin full of those wonderful dimples. //Please please please don't let him see me drool.// Chakotay then waved him over and patted the empty spot on the mattress next to him.

"Come on and get in bed Harry. I won't bite... much."


Chakotay chuckled at Harry's shocked expression.

"I'm kidding. Look, I know this is strange, but... let's make the best of it, okay? The D'Narian's didn't leave us any bed-clothes, but I promise to be good. Just climb in and we'll get to sleep. Okay?"

//No pajamas!// Harry swallowed nervously. Visions of his naked flesh pressed up against an equally naked Chakotay swam through his mind. //God no! Don't get an erection! No!//

Shakily, Harry walked over to the bed and slid under the covers. Only then did he remove the wet towel and drop it over onto the floor. He knew that he must seem ridiculous to the Commander, but he couldn't help it. He was sitting *naked* *in bed* next to the man who had been the cause of his erection all through dinner.

He turned to smile wanly at the Commander.

"Um,... is there any more of that wine?" //Cause I think I'm going to need it.//

Chakotay smiled and turned slightly to pour him a glass. Harry took the opportunity to enjoy watching Chakotay's muscles as they moved under his smooth skin. He desperately wanted to reach out and run his fingertips along the expanse of that chest, to pinch those nipples and run his tongue along the hollow of Chakotay's throat. Harry could feel his cock responding to the erotic images dancing behind his eyes.

He was pulled from his increasingly sexual thoughts by Chakotay turning back to face him, a goblet of wine in his hand. Harry reached out to grasp it and their fingers touched. A jolt of electric pleasure sizzled up his arm setting his nerves on fire with passion and his cock jerked and lengthened. Chakotay gasped and pulled his hand away, a look of surprise on his handsome face. //Gods. He felt it too.//

His mouth suddenly dry, Harry gulped down the entire glass of Goluta without pausing for breath. Instantly, a warm and mellow feeling settled over him. His nerves soothed and his panic faded. His desire did not.

Chakotay gave him an odd grin and took the glass back. He set it, as well as his own, on the night stand and then called for lights out. The room was plunged into darkness. Slowly, Harry's eyes adjusted and he realized that the pale yellow moon was shining down through the window.

Turning his head to look, Harry noted that Chakotay was gorgeous by moonlight. It cast his strong features in high relief with plenty of deep shadows. His dark eyes sparkled and he was struck with an abiding sense of intimacy.

Reminding himself that Chakotay would not appreciate being seduced by an Ensign, Harry turned away and snuggled down into the soft fluffy pillow. With his back to Chakotay, he squirmed around slightly trying to get comfortable.

He felt the Commander's hand brush his back and the sensation of tingles raced across his skin causing him to gasp and his cock to harden completely. He shivered slightly.



"Harry. Turn around and look at me."

A flush of pleasure spiked with a tiny sliver of fear washed over him at the husky tones in Chakotay's voice. His aroused cock a heavy weight between his legs, Harry took a deep breath and rolled over... directly into Chakotay's strong arms.

Harry found himself looking right into the Commander's dark eyes and his lips were only a few centimeters from Chakotay's. A single fingertip trailed itself down his arm sending voluptuous sensations vibrating along his nerves. He shivered and moaned softly. Then Chakotay kissed him. A light brushing of lips against lips.

Need exploded across his mind and he pressed his lips against Chakotay's hard, then he opened them, inviting Chakotay in. //Ravage me.// Chakotay moaned deep in his throat. A hungry sound that went directly to Harry's throbbing cock.

In a rush of desire, he pressed his entire body tight to Chakotay. Harry exulted in the feel of heavy muscles covered in smooth skin rubbing along him. Chakotay shifted slightly and their erections came into contact and slid along one another. Harry shuddered at the deliciously wonderful feeling that slammed into him at warp speed.

With a growl of pleasure, Chakotay broke off the kiss and pushed him onto his back. Harry whimpered in delight and spread his arms and legs open wide in wanton surrender.

Chakotay reached out and trailed a single fingertip lightly across the surface of his chest. His golden skin broke out in a wave of gooseflesh and a shiver of excitement traveled from the back of his head to the base of his spine. He arched into the feathery teasing touch, trying desperately for greater contact. Chakotay answered his burning need by pinching his left nipple.


Harry's toes curled and his head flung back at the jolt of pleasure that zipped from his nipple directly to his now drooling cock. A deep husky chuckle rolled out of the darkness above him.


His mind fought to pull a coherent thought together so that he could answer that softly whispered demand.

"Yesss! Yours... all yours. *Please*!"

His senses seemed to be hyper sensitive. Every touch was magnified, every sound a caress. He could feel his heart pounding behind his ribs and he *ached* for Chakotay. It was if he was hollow inside and only the Commander could fill him, make him whole. He *needed*...

Chakotay removed his hand from his chest, leaving a burning sensation of tingles behind. Harry whimpered at the loss. He almost begged the older man not to let him go when Chakotay climbed in between his wide flung thighs. His hungry eyes watched as Chakotay knelt between his knees and his cock twitched. He couldn't hold back the moan of joy at this beautiful vision.

Harry exulted in his nakedness. He thrilled at the thought of being so totally exposed to the Commander's dark eyes. He *wanted* to be looked at, to be taken and used for Chakotay's pleasure. He could feel the older man's eyes on his body like an invisible and feather-light touch. But he needed more.

Harry bent his knees and slanted them outward, creating a wider area for the Commander. He then tilted his hips upwards. This did two things. It eased the tension on his thighs from them being open so wide and it thrust his erect cock and balls in Chakotay's direction. Then Harry reached up over his head to grasp onto the headboard and angled his head back, offering up his throat to his lover. He painted an image of what he must look like in his own mind and moaned. He was certain that he was the picture of lustful submission and desire.

"Oh Spirits, Harry."


Harry's body jerked at the first touch. Chakotay had placed one large hand on each of his knees. They were hot against his skin and twin shivers worked their way up both his thighs just ahead of the older man's exploring fingers. The burning trail of tingling pleasure following Chakotay's path up Harry's thighs towards the hollow of his hips. Harry clenched his buttocks and slowly pressed his hips upwards in response to the sensual surge that this motion caused in him.

Those wonderfully torturous hands slid past his aching erection and traveled up his torso to his chest. He arched his back, thrusting his ribcage into the caress. Chakotay leaned forward on his knees in order to bend down over him. Harry lifted his legs slightly to accommodate the Commanders bulk and moaned when the backs of his thighs came into contact with Chakotay's legs.

"...yes yes yes yes please more more more please god please..."

Harry was faintly aware that he was mumbling inanities and that he was straining towards Chakotay like a moth to a flame, but he couldn't help himself. His desire was too strong and his resistance was not in evidence at all. He thrashed his head lightly from side to side and squeezed his eyes shut as his lover pinched his nipples.

Chakotay shifted forward slightly and Harry felt wet heat press against the side of his neck. He instantly tilted his head to the side, exposing more of his flesh to the nibbling lips and nipping teeth. //More, oh more more//

Chakotay suddenly bit down on his throat sending a rush of erotic pleasure through his entire body and his thrust his hips up sharply in response. That quick movement brought his throbbing erection into contact with it's hard mate. They both gasped at the touch.

In a mindless drive for pleasure, Harry began to grind against Chakotay, rubbing his length along the Commander's. He hissed at the blinding sensation and pumped his hips faster. Hot breath panted against his throat and a deep growl rumbled through the muscled chest above him.

Suddenly, Chakotay pulled away and Harry's cock stabbed up into empty air. He whimpered in loss and denial, pumping hips trying to desperately create friction against the flesh that was no longer  there. //No!//

His lover leaned down and captured his lips in a hungry kiss of possession and primal lust. Harry opened his mouth instantly and plunged into the wet heat of Chakotay. He tried to express his feelings with that kiss, to beg for more of the Commander's sweetly burning touch.

Just as Harry thought he would pass out from lack of air, Chakotay pulled back, breaking the kiss. The sounds of their panting and heaving breaths caressed his hearing and he writhed on the soft sheets slowly, trying to wordlessly plead his lover for more. To show his need.

"Spirits... I want to fuck you Harry. So badly..."

Harry shivered as much from the long wished for words as he did from the husky deep voice that growled them. Tingles of anticipation raced over the surface o f his skin and his heart pounded so loudly he was certain his lover could hear it. His cock began drooling and leaking like mad and it was all Harry could do not to cum at the very thought.

"Yes oh yes! *please* now oh now do it now do *me* now!"

Harry wrapped his legs around Chakotay's hips and undulated while he arched his neck up to recapture those wonderfully soft lips in a series of small licks and nips. Chakotay gave vent to a little half groan half chuckle at Harry's lewd display of lust and submission.

Harry trailed his lips along Chakotay's jaw towards his throat. Once there, he licked a path down the muscled column of flesh until his reached the point where it merged into his shoulder. Then he bit down. Chakotay arched against him and their erections brushed together once more. Both of them moaned.

Suddenly, Chakotay pulled away completely and crawled over Harry to reach the bedside stand. Harry whimpered at the separation even though he knew what pleasure was destined to follow. //hurry hurry hurry// He could hear his lover open the drawer and fumble around inside it, searching for some type of lubrication. A soft "Ah hah!" told him that Chakotay had found *something* suitable, but he didn't care about that. He just wanted, no *needed* to be filled, stretched full to overflowing with the big man. He shivered at the images that played across his mind.

The bed by his side dipped slightly as Chakotay made his way back. Harry shifted his long legs around to make it as easy as possible for the Commander to climb back in between them. Not waiting to be asked, Harry bent his legs and pulled them up to his chest, exposing and opening his center to Chakotay. He heard his lover hiss in pleasure at the sight and he wiggled his hips in a blatant invitation.

When Chakotay's oil coated finger pressed teasingly at the opening to his body, Harry pushed back against it, trying to draw it inside. He moaned at the feather light touch.


Suddenly the pressure increased and he flexed his internal muscles, forcibly relaxing them, letting his lover inside. Pleasure sizzled along his nerve endings and he shuddered at the wonderful sensation of being filled. Chakotay wiggled his finger around, coating him with the oil, stretching the muscles.

Harry lost himself in the overwhelming wash of desire and sensation. His mind lost all higher thought processes and he became nothing more than pure sensory input. The pleasure blasted him into a hazy fog of need and want as he mindlessly fucked himself back onto Chakotay's thick hot fingers. //so close so close almost almost//

Harry nearly sobbed at the loss when his lover's fingers left him and he pulled his cloudy thoughts into some semblance of order. He heard a whimpering sound of desperation and vaguely realizedthat it was coming from his own throat.

"Shhh... baby. I'm coming in. Shhh..."

He felt the hot blunt head of Chakotay's cock press against his stretched opening and blindly thrust back. He gasped as the thick crown passed through the ring of muscles. His spine arched and his breath caught in his throat. A strong hand gently petted his thigh, soothing him and relaxing him. His muscles relaxed more and Chakotay slid in a few more inches.

Ecstasy pulsed through Harry from deep inside him and thrummed all along his nerves. His hands clutched at the sheets and his toes curled. He took several heaving gasps and then thrust back against the thick cock in his ass, impaling himself even more. Chakotay groaned deep in his throat and Harry shuddered as his lover pushed in the rest of the way.

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