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I'm No Angel


Fandom: Hercules/Xena
Pairing: Ares/Joxer
Category: AU
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: m/m, violence, graphic sex
Disclaimers: The characters aren't mine, but the situation is. No harm intended, no money made.
Notes: Title comes from a song by the Allman Brothers. The Morrigan in my story is not the one from the show but rather the Celtic battle Goddess. Her names translates as "Phantom Queen" and one of her aspects is the striking raven who would choose which warriors would die in battle. Several texts speak of Morrigan's Ravens, warriors chosen and trained by the Goddess. There are also texts that speak of her three aspects. Two being the Vulture and the Frenzy. Morrigan Notes
Series/Sequel: sequel to "The Only One"
Summary: Joxer returns to Greece a changed man.

Joxer looked out over the figurehead on the prow of his ship 'The Raven'. He rested one hand on the carved wooden head that bore a striking resemblance to Morrigan in one of her more playful moods and sent out a silent word of thanks.

He had lived and trained with Morrigan for three years before she had declared him ready. Joxer remembered that day well. It had been a turning point for him.


"Ready for what Morrigan?" Joxer asked when his mentor had made the strange announcement over their noon meal.

"Ready to take on the world young one. You've learned all I can teach you. There aren't many who can best you with a sword and none at all who could take you on the sea."

Joxer grinned at that comment. It hadn't taken Morrigan long to discover that while he may have been totally uncoordinated on dry land, once in or on the water his balance and grace were unparalleled. She immediately began using that fact to train him.

He'd wanted to learn the long sword but Morrigan had talked him out of it. Instead she'd given him two short swords and worked him until they became as familiar to him as his own scarred hands. Now they rode comfortably on his back in the double harness Morrigan had helped him make.

The two finished their meal in comfortable silence and then Morrigan led him down to the cove. And there she was. The Raven.

Joxer looked at the sleek black ship and then at Morrigan, who looked totally pleased with herself and his reaction. "Morrigan, what is this?"

"It's a ship Joxer. The likes of which has never been seen. And it's yours."

"Mine? Morrigan, I..." Joxer sputtered and spewed but couldn't get the words out.

Morrigan burst into laughter and laid one strongly muscled arm over his shoulders. Shoulders that had filled out and now bore heavy muscle of their own. "Yes, yours."

Morrigan turned Joxer to face her and looked deeply into his confused eyes. "You are the best I have ever trained Joxer. And I've trained hundreds. Most people are born to the land, but some are made for the sea. That is where you belong. And you'll carry me and my teachings with you young one. There may be heroes in the world, but there is damned little justice. That is where you come in. You know what is right and what is just. I want you to use that knowledge and do what must be done."

Joxer looked back at the ship and burst into laughter. "I'm no hero Morrigan. You know that."

"And you're no angel either." Morrigan replied with a grin, Joxer had changed a great deal in the last three years and was no longer the sweetly naive man he had been when he'd arrived on her island. "But the world has enough heroes, aye and angels too. But that is cold comfort to those who seek justice."

Joxer thought back to his time in Greece and had to agree with her. "All right Morrigan. I'll take the ship and spread your 'teachings'. But there's one small problem."

"What would that be Joxer?"

"Where am I going to get a crew?"

Morrigan smirked and pulled him towards the ship. "I've taken care of that too Joxer. Don't worry."

"Worry? Why would I worry Morrigan?" Joxer said snidely. The smile on Morrigan's face usually meant trouble for somebody. Joxer just hoped it wasn't trouble for him this time.


Joxer heard his first mates laughing together and turned to face the two trouble makers. Ian and Sean were identical twins. Redheads with tempers to match their flaming hair. They moved like one person and shared each other's thoughts. And fought like possessed demons when aroused.

They were also the people Joxer trusted most to have at his back. Once their loyalty was given they held nothing back. And their loyalty was with Joxer and Morrigan. And in that order.

The first time Joxer had seen the twins was the day he and Morrigan had brought the Raven into port to pick up part of his crew. One of the boys had been tied to a post on the dock and was being beaten bloody. The other laid unconscious on the pier next to him.

Joxer stopped the beating and placed the boys under Morrigan's protection until he could find out just what was going on. He'd soon discovered that the man who had been beating the boy had taken them from their parent's farm in lieu of a debt. He soon discovered that the man had purposefully destroyed crops and killed livestock to get his hands on the two boys. But when they'd proved to be more trouble than he'd anticipated he decided to sell one of the boys and keep the other. They had refused to be separated. A fight had ensued leading to the beatings.

Joxer confronted the man with the truth and he'd been stupid enough to pull his sword and attack the younger man. Joxer removed his head for his trouble and casually stepped over the still twitching corpse. Everyone one in the town was more than happy to give him whatever help he needed after that. Joxer returned the boys to their home and their parents. They were embarrassingly grateful.

Ian and Sean decided to become part of Joxer's crew on the spot and refused to take no for an answer. They also told him of other families in the province who needed his help. Joxer soon had the beginnings of his crew.

That had been two years ago. The boys were eighteen now and Joxer honestly didn't know what he'd do without them. Especially now. He was returning to Greece for the first time in five years. And this wasn't exactly a pleasure cruise.

Several men claiming to be merchants had attacked a small village and captured most of the young people. Joxer had learned from one of the surviving attackers that the captives were being taken back to Greece to be sold as slaves.

Joxer was hoping to overtake the slower merchantman out at sea. His expression hardened, if necessary he'd follow them right into port and burn it to the ground to get the captives back.

Ian grinned at Sean, "Himself has 'The Look' about him."

"Aye. That he does. Do ya think we should be worrying after those poor Greek lads now?"

"Mayhaps. Himself does tend to get a mite testy when people cross him."

"Aye. That he does. That he does."

Joxer shook the dark thoughts out of his head and grinned at the twins. "The two of you cause more trouble than I ever could."

The boys each grabbed an arm and steered Joxer over to his quarters. "Well, now," they said in unison, "you just be paying attention and we'll be after showing you the proper way to cause a mite of mischief."


The Raven caught up with the slaver just outside the port of Athens. People standing on the dock could see the battle raging just out of reach. Later they told stories of the black ship. How it had suddenly appeared and attacked without warning. No quarter was given and few of the crew survived. The story spread like wildfire in a matter of days.

Hercules and Xena were in Delhi when they heard of the merchantman's fate. They immediately headed for Athens, determined to catch the monster who had committed the crime and see him brought to justice.


Joxer ordered the helmsman to bring them about. He wanted to keep his prey between himself and the land. Half of The Raven's crew including Joxer and the Twins boarded the slower ship. Joxer ordered the captain to surrender but he steadfastly refused. The fight that ensued was short and bloody. The Captain of the slaver pulled one of the captives out of the hold and tried to use the girl as a hostage. The Twins got her away from him and Joxer cried no quarter. The Ravens escaped with only minor injuries. The other crew wasn't so lucky.

Joxer released the rest of the slaves from the hold and had them transferred over to the Raven. He then had a long talk with the Captain of the vessel. Seven of the girls and four of the boys were no longer on the ship. And neither were the merchants who'd led the attack. The Captain was reluctant to tell Joxer what he wanted to know but was soon persuaded to change his mind. After Joxer had all of the information he could extract from the older man he set the merchantman ablaze and returned to his own ship. He watched as it burned down to it's waterline. This particular ship would never invade the Isle of Eire again.

Joxer ordered the pilot to plot a course from Cornith. According to the Captain of the slaver that was where he would find the missing captives. They were to be presented to Ares as gifts.


Ares was listening to petitions in his temple in Cornith while Discord cleaned her nails with a dagger and made snide comments about his worshipers. Several Warlords burst into the room and shoved the other worshipers aside to kneel at Ares' feet. "Lord Ares. We bring you this day gifts. Gifts of unusual beauty."

Ares waved one hand at the men kneeling in front of him. "Very well. Present your gifts."

One of the Warlords snapped out a command and several young people bound in ropes were drug over to the base of the throne.

Ares looked over his 'gifts' carefully. They were all attractive. Very attractive. But the look of abject fear staining their faces white did little to appeal to the God of War. He glared down at his expectant Warlords. "What made you think I'd want 'slaves' as a gift?"

One of the Warlords was foolish enough to answer. "You've been alone for a long time Lord Ares. We thought maybe you'd like a companion."

Discord tried to smother the giggle that threatened to erupt. This could be amusing.

Ares stiffened on his throne and sparks of red energy crackled around his head. "You thought? You thought what exactly? That the God of War couldn't get someone in his bed so you bought him slaves?!!" Ares voice was a roar by the time the last word left his mouth.

The Warlords cringed back from their God's anger but the sight of them cowering at his feet merely enraged Ares further. "You will take these slaves and return them to where ever you got them. If you do it quickly enough maybe I won't kill you."

A slow clapping noise came from the open door to the temple. Ares raised angry eyes to see who had the nerve to interrupt him. The person walking down the steps into the temple shock him into silence.


Joxer heard the Warlords offer the captives to Ares and waited to see what the God would do before he made a move. Ares' rejection of the gift and orders to return them to their homes made Joxer smile. This might be easier than he'd thought.

He clapped his hands at Ares' orders, more to annoy the Warlords than gain attention. He slowly crossed the floor and bowed slightly to Ares but didn't kneel at his feet like the others in the room.

"Ares. You're looking well."

Ares inclined his head regally, "You too Joxer. It's been a long time."

"Five years or so. It'd have been longer but I needed to retrieve something."

Ares smirked and leaned back in his throne, "Oh really? Did you misplace something?"

"Not exactly. It seems that some of your Warlords decided to go shopping. They left without paying the bill and I was sent to return the goods to where they belong."

"And what exactly are these goods you're missing?"

Joxer looked at the captives and freigned astonishment. "Why, I do believe these are the missing items right here. You don't mind if I take them off your hands do you?"

"Oh no. Please. Go right ahead."

"Thank you Ares. That's very kind of you."

Jonus of Cornith watched in stunned disbelief as his loser son Joxer cut the slaves loose and several other men came forward to lead them out of the temple while two redheaded men stayed behind with Joxer. Jonus felt a familiar rage overtake him. He'd always hated Joxer. The fact that he was a lousy warrior was bad enough, but now he'd insulted him in front of his God. That couldn't be allowed.

Jonus rose to his feet and yelled loud enough to be heard in the next province. "Joxer!!"

Joxer turned and faced his furious father. "Hello Daddy. Fancy meeting you here. You didn't have anything to do with those slaves did you?"

"Of course I did you idiot! Do you have any idea how long I've planned this? The expense of buying a ship and hiring a crew? And you've ruined everything!"

Joxer gasped in dismay, "That was 'your' ship? Oh I am sorry, but there's been a small accident."

"Accident? What kind of accident?"

"Well, after I killed the crew and the Captain I burned it. There isn't much left I'm afraid."

Jonus drew his sword and advantanced on his son. "You little bastard. I should have killed you when you were a baby."

Ian and Sean drew their swords at the same time. No one spoke to the Captain like that, they didn't care if he was Joxer's father.

Joxer raised a hand and they subsided regretfully. Ian nudged Sean and said in a mock whisper. "Tell me now. Do ya think he'll last long?"

"No. Look at him now. He's old and no doubt slow on his feet. I'd be amazed if he can even lift his sword. The Capt' will have no trouble with him. None at all."

Jonus shook with rage while Ares stuffed a hand in his mouth to stiffle his laughter. Discord didn't bother to even try. Her giggles rang out through the temple and drew the twins attention.

Sean's eyes grew wide and a smile curved his lips. "Tell me Ian. Do you see what I be seein'?"

"Oh aye Sean. That I do. Do ya think such a lovely young thing such as that should be witnessing the bloodshed?"

"No Ian. No indeed. We'd better go protect the lass."

Joxer ignored the twins as they hurried to Discord's side and proceeded to 'protect' her. Ares just gaped at the two men. He'd never heard anyone speak about his sister that way. From Discord's reaction she hadn't either. She blushed.

Ares finally tore his attention away from his sister when the clash of swords rang out. Joxer and Jonus were circling each other looking for weaknesses. Jonus swung a vast overhead blow but Joxer spun out of the way, the edge of his sword slammed into the floor and drew sparks.

He lifted it again and Joxer knocked it away. They traded blows for several minutes and it became obvious to everyone watching that Joxer was toying with his father. But enough was enough.

Joxer drew his second sword and attacked. The blades moved so fast even Ares had trouble keeping track of them. He slashed Jonus across his face, belly and leg. Jonus went down to one knee and Joxer knocked the sword from his hand. Joxer stared down at his father and felt nothing. No anger, no pain. He was just another fight for Joxer to win.

Joxer turned his back on his father then spun on one foot and buried both swords deep into his chest. Jonus' dagger fell from his hand with a clatter. He gasped for breath once and stilled. Joxer tugged his swords free of the corpse and cleaned them on the edge of Jonus' cloak. He slid them back into their shealths and turned back to Ares.

Ares was stunned when Joxer defeated Jonus so easily. And his attitude when his father died on the end of his swords was so cold. Ares didn't know the man standing before him, but he wanted to.

He ordered the temple cleared. Two of the other Warlords grabbed Jonus' corpse and took it with them. Joxer stopped them before they could escape. "I'll be coming to speak with you about the people you took from their homes and the ones you killed to get them. You can run if you'd like. But I will find you." The temple cleared rapidly after that.

Joxer turned to tell the Twins to head back to The Raven and found them crowding Discord. But she didn't seem to mind. Joxer closed his eyes for a moment and prayed to Morrigan for strength. "Ian. Sean. I promised your parents I'd get you home in one piece. Please don't make a liar out of me."

"Now why would we be after doin' that Jox?"

"Boys. That is Eris, the Goddess of Discord, you're messing with."

The Twins exchanged identical expressions of glee and then looked back to the girl they'd been courting. Dark eyes, dark hair, black leather and not much of it. "Sean. I think I'm in love."

"Aye Ian. Me too. Do ya think she'd be willing to marry us?"

"I don't ken. Let's be asking before someone steals her away from us."

Discord blushed harder. Few men wanted to get any where near her once they found out who she was. Except for the psychos of course. She couldn't get rid of them. She looked from one set of dancing blue eyes to the matching pair, "Marry you? Which one?"

Sean brushed his hand through her hair and said softly, "Well lass. Ian and I will be after doing 'everything' together. 'Tis been that way since before we were born. So I guess you'll be have'n to wed both of us."

Discord giggled again and grabbed both their hands. Joxer had to have the final word. "Lady Discord, I need the two of them. Would you return them in one piece please?"

Discord frowned for a second but Ian nuzzled his nose into her ear before kissing her cheek. "All right. I promise." She flashed from view, taking the twins with her.

Joxer turned to Ares and raised a brow at the look of shock on the dark God's face. "What's wrong Ares? You look like someone hit the back of your head with a board."

"You've changed Joxer."

"Yes. I grew up."

Ares rose from his throne and stood directly in front of the mortal but Joxer didn't back away. Ares grabbed him by the hair and tilted his head back. Joxer just smiled up at him.

"Aren't you afraid of me Joxer? Most 'good' people are."

Joxer's deep laughter rang throughout the temple. "I'm no angel Ares." He wrapped one strong hand around the back of Ares' neck and pulled his head down. Joxer latched onto Ares' smiling lips and proceeded to try to devour him.

Joxer finally pulled away and rubbed his groin against the hard bulge straining against the front of Ares' trousers. "Did you miss me Ares?"

Ares growled and moved them both into his bedroom on Olympus. He threw Joxer down on the bed and stood over him. Joxer smiled wider and crossed his arms behind his head. "If you're just going to stand there Ares I'm going to take a nap. I haven't had much sleep and it's been a long day."

Ares removed both of their clothes with a thought and stopped when he saw the tattoo covering Joxer's chest. A striking Raven covered his pale skin from nipple to nipple and seemed to move when the light shifted. Ares stroked his hand across the tattoo and Joxer arched into his touch. "Ares. Quit teasing."

Ares covered the mortal with his body and shivered when Joxer wrapped long legs around his hips and buried his hands in Ares' hair pulling him down for another of those intoxicating kisses.

Joxer moved his lips down Ares' throat and murmured into the salty skin he was tasting. "I've always wanted you, wanted this. I want you to fuck me until I scream."

Ares groaned and his cock grew harder at the words. He grabbed Joxer's hips and thrust their erections together once before reaching for the pot of oil he kept beside his bed.

He coated one long finger and gently slid the tip inside of Joxer's warm body. Joxer growled and thrust back hard, embedding the finger to the knuckle. Ares buried his face in Joxer's neck and worked his finger in and out again and again before finally adding another.

Joxer's moans drove Ares higher and higher. He had to have him, now. Ares smeared a thick coating of oil down the length of his cock then pulled Joxer's legs up onto his shoulders.

He pushed the blunt head of his erection against the tight ring of muscles and slowly worked it inside with shallow thrusts. It seemed to take an eternity but he was finally inside.

Ares stared down at their connection, he couldn't tell where Joxer ended and he began. A tiny roll of slim hips brought his attention back to Joxer. To Ares he was a vision of beauty.

Joxer had one hand wrapped tightly around the bedpost while the other rubbed across the head of his cock. His hair was wet with sweat and his eyes were glazed. Every movement of his heaving chest made the Raven seem alive.

Ares pulled Joxer's hand away from his cock and brought it to his lips. He swiped his tongue across the palm, tasting the precome gathered there. Ares felt ridges of scar tissue covering the hand and opened it to his gaze. The perfect outline of a key graced the palm of that hand. Ares ran his thumb across the scar, knowing full well how Joxer had gotten it.

Joxer pulled his hand away and rested it on Ares chest, "Ares, please. I want you."

Ares pulled almost completely out of Joxer's body and slowly thrust back in. He continued the long torturous thrusts until Joxer was begging for release. Ares picked up speed until he was practically slamming into Joxer with every stroke. Joxer just screamed for more. And Ares gave it to him.

Joxer reached for his leaking cock but Ares caught his hands in an iron grip and held them down at his sides. He leaned forward until Joxer was practically bent double and thrust his tongue into Joxer's gasping mouth.

The friction of Ares' belly against his cock was all Joxer needed. Hot streams of come splashed onto their chests while Joxer's body arched up off the bed.

The muscles clasping Ares' cock spasmed and ripped his orgasm from him. The two men stayed motionless for several minutes, trying to regain their breath.

Ares finally pulled out of the warm haven of Joxer's body and flopped back onto the bed. Joxer rolled over with him and sprawled across his chest, one of his hands resting over Ares' heart.

Joxer was on the verge of sleep when Ares asked the question that had been plaguing him for five years. "Why did you do it Joxer? Why did you risk your life to save me?"

Joxer's reply was a barely coherent mumble, "Because I love you, you idiot."

Ares wanted to ask more but the soft snore coming from the man sleeping on his chest made him keep silent. Ares eventually joined Joxer in sleep, more at peace than he'd been in a very long time.


Joxer and Ares moved to each other again and again throughout the night. They couldn't seem to keep their hands off of each other. But dawn finally came and Joxer rose from Ares bed and dressed. He watched the sleeping God for several minutes before waking him.

"Ares. You need to wake up. I have to go."

Ares opened sleepy eyes and smiled up at his lover. But the sight of Joxer dressed and the look of resignation on his face made Ares snarl. "Leaving so soon?"

Joxer slammed his hand over Ares' mouth before he could say anything else and they both lost their tempers. "You know it's only a matter of time until Zeus realizes I'm here. And I have to get those people back to their homes. Their families are terrified for them." Joxer removed his hands and covered Ares' lips with his own. He broke the kiss to speak directly into Ares' ear. "I want to stay. The Gods know I want to stay. But I can't. And you know it."

Ares dress silently and moved the two of them back to Cornith. The twins and Discord were all ready waiting for them in the temple.

"Remember you two, I can go anywhere there is a shrine dedicated to me. I expect to be hearing from you shortly."

Joxer raised questioning eyes to Ares, the God nodded and smiled when Joxer's face was covered by a wicked grin. Joxer squeezed Ares hand and whispered, "Soon."

Joxer forcibly drug the Twins away from the pouting Goddess and led them out of the temple. Their thickly accented voices could still be heard as they headed back to the docks, along with Joxer's semi-hysterical laughter at the Twin's conversation.

"Now Capt', why were you not telling us how fair the Goddess' in this land are?"

"Aye Capt'. Tis a thing like that a man needs to know."

"Oh aye Sean. You're right about that. And Eris is a wonderful Goddess. And so sweet. Why her fair skin was near covered in blushes. She's a shy one but she likes us."

"You're right about that Ian. Now. Should we be putting her shrine under the window or against the wall?"

"I'm thinking the head board would make a nice place."

"Aye, but yours or mine?"

"I think we'd better be getting one big bed Sean. You know how the lass gets cold in the night."

"You're right Ian. She practically begged us to keep her warm."

"That she did Sean. That she did."

the end

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