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Becoming the Hawk


Kal'enel materialized in a small clearing in the K'Sheyna Vale. A small child was waiting for her there with an expectant look upon her face. She recognized her immediately, Ghost, the one her Champion had claimed as his own.

"Ghost. You are looking well young one. I see your new family agrees with you."

/I have my Daddy, but I don't have a family yet. Daddy won't listen to me./

Kal'enel raised her brows in surprise, "Won't listen to you about what child?"

Ghost cocked her head to one side, /You know I can 'feel' people, right?/

Kal'enel smiled, "Yes, it is a good gift to have. You will be able to help many people when you get older."

/Well, Daddy won't let me help him. I know he likes Wintermoon, and Wintermoon 'really' likes him. But Daddy doesn't think anyone could want him for himself. Wintermoon doesn't care if Daddy is the Champion, he liked him before. If they would get married, I'd have a family again, and they'd would both be happy. They're going to need each other when the others arrive./

"What others Ghost? I know you have true dreams of the future, what have you seen?"

/Kids, like me. Daddy will bring them here when he finds them. But it won't be for a while yet. He's going to need help, Wintermoon would be a good parent, but Daddy doesn't believe me when I tell him how Wintermoon feels./

Kal'enel sat next to the little girl, and tried to explain, "Ghost, adults do not always do what is best for them. And there are other things to consider."

Ghost started to cry, /But if Daddy doesn't marry Wintermoon he'll go back to the other place and he'll die. I'll be alone again and no one will find the babies until it's too late. The monsters will get stronger and everyone will die. Wintermoon can save him, but only if they're together./

Kal'enel rocked the child in her arms, "I will see what can be done. Do not fear little one, there is still time." Kal'enel waited until the child had cried herself to sleep and went to find her Champion. The future Ghost had seen must not be allowed to happen.


Xander snuggled into the warm body next to him, listening to the strong heart beat under his ear. Strong arms pulled him closer as a deep voice murmured, "Xander."

Xander froze, wide awake now. He peeked up from under his lashes at Wintermoon. 'Good, he was still asleep, with a little luck, I can get back on my own side of the bed before he wakes up and I die of embarrassment.' Xander shifted carefully, freezing back in place when the arms tightened around him. The smell of arousal in the air grew heavier, and it wasn't just Wintermoon's. Xander closed his eyes, fighting for control. They were so tangled together the slightest movement sent a surge of pleasure through his body.

'This is not happening. I am not enjoying rubbing up against a naked man. Nope, I'm having a nightmare, that's what it is.' Xander bit back a moan of pure lust when Wintermoon shifted, causing their erections to brush against the other.

A shudder passed over his body when Wintermoon buried his face in his neck. A calloused hand ran over his back and settled on his hip, pulling him even closer. Wintermoon moaned in his sleep, and rocked against Xander, warm lips nibbling on the side of his neck.

Xander whimpered when Wintermoon threw one leg over his and thrust against him harder. That small sound was enough to wake the other man from his dreams.

Wintermoon awoke to find himself wrapped around a furiously blushing Xander, while his hips thrust mindlessly against the younger man. Wintermoon quickly released his hold on Xander and tried to move away. Even that aborted movement was enough to rub straining flesh together. Both man groaned at the brief contact and Wintermoon decided to take his life in his own hands.

He tilted Xander's face up to his, and looked into glazed black eyes. "Xander, you can end my life if you wish. It is your right as Champion, or you can have me banished from my Vale for all time, but I have to do this one thing. Just this one thing."

Wintermoon covered Xander's lips with his own, pouring all of his desire and need into that kiss.

Xander was beyond caring if Wintermoon was a man, he could be a wyrsa at this point and it wouldn't matter. All Xander knew was that this felt right. No one had ever wanted him this badly, not Anya and definitely not Cordelia. Only this one man.

Xander wrapped both hands around Wintermoon's neck and held on for dear life. He opened his lips to Wintermoon's questing tongue, giving as good as he got. Both men were panting when they broke apart, the need for oxygen finally becoming overwhelming.

Wintermoon took a deep breath and tried to calm his racing heart, "Xander, I..."

Xander put his hand over Wintermoon's mouth, he'd made his decision, it might not be the right one, but it was his. This might be his only chance to have someone who wanted him for him and he wasn't going to blow it. "Wintermoon, has anyone ever told you that you talk too much?"

Wintermoon kissed the palm covering his lips before he pulled it away. "There are ways of making me shut up." Xander laughed and rose up to cover those smiling lips with his own.

The cold and the snow was forgotten as they rocked against each other. Xander let out a muffled scream when he felt Wintermoon's hand touch his erection for the first time. The broad calloused palm gripped him tightly, and began pumping him with a relentless rhythm. Xander returned the favor, matching the other stroke for stroke.

Neither even tried to hold back, they were both too needy. They swallowed each other's moans of completion, then let their kisses slow and become comforting rather than arousing. They fell asleep, limbs tangled together, lips still lightly touching.


Kal'enel returned to the Vale and sought out her Champion's daughter. Smiling, she brushed tears away from dirt streaked cheeks. "I don't think you need to worry anymore little one. I do believe they have managed to figure this problem out without our help."


The snow storm lasted for three days, but the two men huddled together inside the tent didn't really care. They slept wrapped around each other, waking every few hours to eat some of their dried rations and drink the tea that Wintermoon made on their small brazier. The isolation and close quarters eased the awkwardness usually felt in the beginning of any relationship. For them, the outside world didn't exist. They only left the confines of their haven to relieve themselves and to brush the snow off the sides of the tent so it wouldn't collapse from the weight. It was after one such trip that Xander learned the meaning of true love.

Wintermoon pulled the wet clothes from Xander's frozen body and tucked him into their bed. After helping him drink a mug of hot tea, Wintermoon wrapped himself around Xander, never flinching from the contact of icy skin against his own sleep warmed body. The internal heat from the tea and the warmth of Wintermoon soon thawed the younger man's shivering frame. Then the older man added a new kind of heat.

He started by just kissing Xander's stubbled jaw, slowly moving up towards his lips. Slow, teasing kisses that made the younger man shiver and press closer. Icy blue eyes stared into dreamy black for a moment, then Wintermoon settled his long, hard body on top of Xander's.

Wintermoon pulled Xander's left leg around his waist and rested his weight on his right forearm. Leaving his left hand free to roam.

He slowly swept his hand from Xander's shoulder, down his side and leg to his knee, then made the return trip, all the while teasing Xander with quick kisses. Never letting them linger.

He flicked his tongue against the center Xander's upper lip then moved away before returning to swipe another spot. Xander never knew where he would strike next. He squirmed restlessly. He'd never been teased like this before, but quickly decided he liked it.

Xander arched up, moaning, when Wintermoon brushed his thumb across a nipple. The older man smiled and ducked his head down to latch onto the hard nub with hungry lips. He nipped and sucked, chuckling when grasping hands tangled in his hair to pull his head closer.

Wintermoon sat up suddenly, resting on his knees. He smiled down at the panting man beneath him, never braking eye contact as he ran his hands across the heaving chest, down the rippled stomach to rest on shaking thighs.

Strong thumbs rubbed circles on the soft flesh of the inner thighs, the sensation making them move farther apart to allow for greater access.

Wintermoon felt his blood thicken in his veins at the sight of Xander splayed out before him, face flushed and eyes glittering with desire.

Wintermoon bent down and ran his tongue up Xander's erection, lapping at the tip to collect the dew gathering there. He completely ignored the broken pleas and whimpers, totally lost in the taste breaking across his tongue. He mapped every inch with his lips and tongue, refusing to miss anything, lost in his own world, taking his time to learn this part of his lover.

Xander felt like he was dying. His heart pounded and he couldn't catch his breath. He begged and pleaded for more, but Wintermoon didn't stop his slow caresses. He finally snapped, lurching upright, pulling Wintermoon up with him. He latched onto those teasing lips and moaned when he tasted himself on that talented tongue. He broke free and rested his head against a strong shoulder, trying to regain control. His words were broken but their meaning was perfectly clear. "Wintermoon, please, no more. I can't, I need you."

Wintermoon ran soothing hands up Xander's back and whispered in his ear, "SShh, relax, enjoy. It will be all right." He laid Xander back in their bed, using one hand to hold him down. He took the leaking head of Xander's cock into his mouth, sucking strongly. He wrapped his free hand around his own need. Pumping strongly, he used the same rhythm on the hard shaft in his mouth. He bobbed his head, taking more in with every stroke until he had it all. He swallowed once, feeling the flood shoot down his throat at the same time he found his own release. He suckled the slowly softening flesh while continuing to lightly tug on his own spent cock. Xander was almost unconscious when he finally released him.

He settled into waiting arms, drifting to sleep himself, when he heard the soft words he'd waited his whole life for. "Wintermoon, I love you."


Xander and Wintermoon broke down the tent, packing everything back into their packs. Xander slung his spear over one shoulder and the M-16 over the other.

Wintermoon had questioned the wisdom of bringing it and the ammo bag, but Xander was insistent. Vkandis' Spear worked better than anything else on vampires, but there were still alot of other things that a bullet would take care of.

They trudged through the deep snow, deciding to travel back to the Vale in the daytime. It would be too easy to break a leg on unseen obstacles. They hadn't traveled more than a few hundred yards into the forest when Wintermoon suddenly pushed Xander against one of the massive tree trunks.

"Wintermoon, what's wrong?"

The older man smiled, leaning against him, "Nothing." He bent his head to Xander's and kissed him until they were both panting for air. "Good morning."

Xander realized he had a stupid grin on his face, he just couldn't bring himself to care. "Yep. Good." He pulled Wintermoon's lips back to his and returned the favor. The other man was trembling by the time he was released. "Definitely good."

/Hey kid! Get a room! Guess we were all worried for nothing./

Xander groaned and buried his face in Wintermoon's shoulder. "Soldier's back."

"Are Corwith and K'Tathi with him?"

/Are the others with you Soldier?/

/They're on the way, along with a couple of scouts. In fact, here they come now./

Xander heard movement through the trees long before the scouts came into sight. A few brows were raised when they realized that Wintermoon and the Champion NightHawk were wrapped around each other.

Winterlight smirked, he was happy that his old friend had found someone. "Heyla Wintermoon! Should we leave and come back later?"

Wintermoon scowled, and tried to move away from Xander, but he wouldn't let go. "Ashamed to be seen with me Wintermoon?"

"No, never. But I don't not like being made fun of."

"They're just jealous." Xander looked over his shoulder at the smirking scout. "What's wrong, Winterlight? Jealous much?"

The other scouts broke into laughter when Winterlight's face turned red at the teasing.

Wintermoon chuckled, and leaned in for another quick kiss, "Love you."

Xander smiled, "Love you too. Come on, let's go home. If I know Ghost, she'll have all of the Elders waiting for us. Bonding ceremony already planned."

"My parents probably helped." Wintermoon tugged lightly on the thin braids framing Xander's face. "Would you wear my feathers for all to see Xander? Will you be mine?"

Xander grew silent, thinking of his friends back home and the family he'd made for himself here.

"Yes, I will. I love you." Xander smiled a wicked grin at his lover, "If that demon were still alive, I'd send him a thank you card." He then suddenly burst into laughter, "Hey Soldier!" he called. "Get your scrawny ass over here!"

/What is it Xander? And could the two of you please quit with the mating rituals? You're going to make me blush./

"Very funny, bird brain, Wintermoon and I are getting married."

The scouts burst into laughter and shouts of congratulations.

/I would hope so, kid. Congrats./

"Thank you. But Soldier, when people here get married, they wear each other's bond bird feathers in their hair."

/Cheaper than a ring I guess./

Xander was almost hysterical with laughter at this point, "You don't get it Soldier. When Ghost finds out we're getting married, she's gonna pluck you naked looking for the perfect feather."

Soldier let loose an indignant squawk, /Oh hell./


Ghost stood flanked by Starblade and Kethra at the entrance to the Vale, bouncing impatiently. Daddy would be here soon and he said he had something important to tell her. She crossed her fingers, praying silently to the Star-Eyed, hoping it was what she'd asked for.

She saw a faint movement through the trees and strained her eyes trying to see in the gathering dusk. When she finally made out the figure of her father she darted away from restraining hands and launched herself into her father's arms.

/Daddy! You're home! What took you so long? What did you need to talk to me about? Did you kill a lot of monsters? Are you going to stay for a while? Can we have a house now?/

/Ghost, slow down. One thing at a time okay?/

Ghost nodded emphatically and hugged her father as hard as she could.

Xander choked out a laugh, /Not so hard, honey, I can't breath./

Ghost giggled and loosened her grip. /What were you going to tell me Daddy?/

/Well, uh,/ Xander sighed, there was go getting around it. /You were right and I was wrong. I love Wintermoon and he loves me. We want to get married if that's okay with you./

Everyone in hearing distance smiled at the high pitched squeal of glee that erupted from the tiny girl. She hugged her father again and then wiggled out of his arms to jump on Wintermoon. /Wintermoon, you're going to be my other Daddy now, what do I call you?/

Wintermoon was totally unprepared for the question, he looked at Xander with panic in his eyes.

Xander smiled at his lover and shrugged, "Love me, love my kid. You'll learn to deal."

Wintermoon swallowed, he'd never thought to have a child and Ghost's open acceptance of his new place in her life left him at a loss for words.

Ghost giggled, sensing his confusion, /Don't worry Wintermoon, you'll get used to me./ She tilted her head and regarded him curiously, /Maybe I should just call you Wintermoon for now. Having two 'Daddy's' would be confusing./

Wintermoon sighed in relief, "That would probably be for the best Ghost." He gave the child in his arms a small grin. "I've never been called Daddy before, I might not answer."

Ghost giggled harder and slid from his arms to take his large hand into her own tiny one. She drug him over to Xander and grabbed his hand too. Starblade and Kethra were hard pressed to keep their laughter in check at the sight of two large men being dragged relentlessly forward by a tiny child.


Xander fidgeted impatiently, "Are you done yet?"

The Hertasi who was 'trying' to tailor Xander's new robes for the wedding ceremony hissed quietly, "For now. I believe I can finish the rest without you."

"Great!" Xander slid out of the black silk and leather robes with a sigh of relief. "Those things are heavier than they look. Not that they don't look great, they do!" Xander said hurriedly, not wanting to insult him.

The Hertasi wrinkled up his nose and let loose a laugh, "You just want to go practice for the wedding night! You humans! You never stop!"

Xander grinned, "Look who's talking, I saw you with your mate yesterday. You can't tell me you were just taking a bath, I know better. Besides, can you blame me? I mean, have you gotten a good look at Wintermoon?"

"Yes I have, I finished his robes this morning. No tail, no scales and no claws, he'd never win a mate among my people."

Xander clapped the Hertasi on the shoulder as he was leaving, "Lucky for me huh?"

"That is one way to look at it I guess." the Hertasi said to himself, "More likely, it is lucky for him."


Wintermoon and Xander finally managed to sneak away from the Elders and the other people planning the ceremony. They both wanted something simple but if the rest of the Vale had their way the ceremony could take days to complete, if it ever got started.

Xander pulled Wintermoon into one of the shaded bowers decorating the Vale and snuggled into his arms, "I wish we could just elope."

Wintermoon smiled and brushed Xander's hair from his face, "I believe I made the same wish just days ago Ashke, but I also believe you told me that our daughter would hunt us down like rabid wolves if we did such a thing."

Xander sighed and buried his face in the curve of Wintermoon's neck, "And she would. But we haven't been alone together for almost three weeks. I miss you, I miss sleeping with you and I haven't had a kiss in hours."

Wintermoon chuckled and tilted Xander's face up to his own, "That is easily remedied." Warm lips covered Xander's with teasing kisses that soon turned needy. Both men groaned when Wintermoon pushed his hips into Xander's, their erections straining the laces of the their leggings.

Xander started pulling off Wintermoon's vest and shirt, murmuring between kisses, "I have to touch you, now." Wintermoon helped shed his clothing, and moved to divest Xander of the leather and silk that was keeping him from running his hands and lips over the younger man's warm skin.

Xander tumbled them both to the ground, never breaking contact with Wintermoon's lips, and shuddered when Wintermoon's leaking cock rubbed against his own. He wrapped both legs around the older man's waist, pulling them closer together, and thrust up with increasing urgency. The thoughts and feelings Wintermoon sending him making him hotter.

Wintermoon ran his hand down the back of Xander's thigh and up to his ass. One stray finger brushed the sensitive opening, and it was his turn to shudder when Xander whimpered. A gush of precome spurted from his rock hard cock when Xander began to beg. They had never gone this far before but Xander wanted more and he wanted it now. Wintermoon was more than happy to oblige.

He knocked over one of the covered pots always kept in the trysting coves and coated his finger with the thick, fragrant oil. He returned to the small ring of muscle and ran his finger over it in light circles, teasing it into relaxing enough to allow his finger to enter. He covered Xander's lips and swallowed the deep moan when he started thrusting into that tight opening, stretching the muscle to allow him inside. He took his time, enjoying every stifled sound Xander made. By the time he had three fingers inside, Xander was incoherent, thrusting mindlessly back onto those hard fingers, but it wasn't enough.

"Wintermoon, now. Please. I need you in me now." He muttered brokenly.

Wintermoon removed his fingers and carefully coated his cock with the oil before pulling Xander's legs up onto his shoulders. He slowly pushed the wide head inside, stopping every time Xander tensed to allow him time to adjust. They were both panting, sweating rolling freely down their bodies, by the time he was completely inside. He looked down into dazed eyes, the pupils so large they appeared black, "Are you all right?"

Xander nodded and shifted his hips a little, "Yeah, I'm good, really good. Just move. Now."

Wintermoon chuckled, "As you wish, Ashke, as you wish." He pulled back a little, and thrust back in, keeping up a slow, steady rhythm until the muscles clasping his cock relaxed enough to allow him to move freely. He leaned back, wrapping his hands around Xander's hips to hold him steady and moved in short, fast thrusts, the new angle pushing the flared head against the small node in Xander's body.

Xander dug his hands into the ground, desperate to hold onto something. His head thrashed wildly and his lungs screamed for air. Every pounding thrust causing a wave of pure pleasure to roll over him. He couldn't think, he could only feel. He screamed when Wintermoon began pumping his cock in time with his thrusts and came, hard, the evidence of his pleasure spraying up onto his chest. He was barely conscious when Wintermoon's grip on his hips tightened, and with a few hard thrusts reached his own completion.

Wintermoon let Xander's legs slide softly down to the ground. He rested his head on Xander's chest and let the strong beat of his heart lull him to sleep.


Wintermoon and Xander sat and stared in stunned disbelief as their daughter did her impersonation of a field general.

Hertasi and Hawkbrother alike scurried about, her mind voice having the effect of Imperial commands and they being the servants subject to her every whim. She was determined that the ceremony bonding her two fathers together and finally giving her a real family again be perfect. Her ideal of perfect.

Xander tucked his head under Wintermoon's chin, trying to hide a grin, "You know, if we let her loose she could probably take over the whole world in no time flat. She'd even have the baddies doing what she wanted."

Wintermoon laughed, "It is quite probable. The next time the Vale needs to negotiate a treaty we should send her. No one seems to be able to refuse her anything." He frowned slightly when he remembered how much work was to be done to his ekele to make it suitable for the smallest member of their new family. "Even I am unable to say no to her. It is a good thing that she is on our side or we wouldn't stand a chance."

Xander giggled, remembering how easily Ghost had wrapped Wintermoon around her little finger, "Daddies are supposed to pamper their kids, but I think two whole extra floors on the ekele was a little much. Maybe we can convince her that one will do."

Both men looked up in time to see the mage Autumnwing rapidly agreeing with something Ghost wanted. They looked at each other and shrugged, "Guess two floors won't be too bad, she did say our family would be getting bigger." Xander said.

"She did, and she has yet to be wrong." Wintermoon agreed. What ever else he might have said was lost when Kal'enel suddenly appeared in the clearing.

Xander was up and had her in his arms before anyone else could even move. He carefully lowered her to the ground. Her skin was pale and a thin trickle of blood ran from her nose, he ignored everyone else gathering around them, instead concentrating on the Goddess who had become like a mother to him.

"Kal'enel, what's wrong?" he asked softly, cuddling her in his lap the same way he did Ghost.

She coughed weakly, a wet, gurgling sound, "A demon. He is tearing the magic of this world apart. He is trying to merge this world with his own." She started coughing again, unable to breathe.

Xander held her tighter and raised his face to the sun, he built up the energy inside his mind until he couldn't hold it inside any longer and let it loose in one scream, "VKANDIS!"

The Sun God of the Karsites appeared almost immediately and gently took Kal'enel from Xander's arms. He looked little better than she did. Dark, ominous bruises covered his chest and stomach and he swayed weakly for a moment before managing to bring himself under control.

The look upon his face was heartbreaking, "There is nothing I can do for her Champion, the demon has opened a portal and is merging our worlds as we speak. Once it is complete all of the God's of this world will be destroyed."

"Can I stop him?"

Vkandis shook his head, "I don't know Xander. First you would have to find him, I could not. The portal is shielding his presence from us now. But even if you could locate him, you would not be able to reach him. He has wings and seldom lands on the ground."

Kal'enel grabbed the front of Xander's shirt and pulled him closer. In a weak voice she said, "There is a way Xander, but it must be your choice. I can merge you back with Soldier, you would be able to meet him in his own territory. But you must decide quickly, the magic I used to create Soldier is unraveling, he'll be gone soon." Tears of blood welled up in her star-filled eyes. "Xander, this will change you, forvever. If we do this, you will never be the same."

Xander turned to look at Wintermoon who simply smiled and kissed his forehead, "I love you. I will care for our daughter until you return."

Xander returned the kiss and turned back to Kal'enel, "Let's do it."

She smiled sadly at him, "We must move out of the Vale, away from the Heartstone."

He helped her to her feet while Wintermoon steadied Vkandis. They moved through the crowd of people and left the Vale.

Standing in a patch of sunshine, Xander sent out the call to Soldier. /Soldier? Where are you?/

/Xander?/ the mind voice came back weakly, /something is wrong, I don't feel so good./

/I know buddy, but we're going to fix it. It's time for you to come home. We'll be together again./

Soldier read what was happening in Xander's mind and knew what he had to do. He sped as fast as he could through the canopy and headed straight up when he reached the clearing. He flew as high as possible before he suddenly turned, tucking his huge wings in tight to his sides, he dove.

Xander saw Soldier begin the dive and looked once at Wintermoon and Ghost. He smiled at them and turned back to watch the black hawk come down out of the sun.

Kal'enel and Vkandis held each other upright and gathered the power that dwelt in their souls together, holding it in check until the final moment.

Soldier was mere feet away when Xander threw back his head and raised his arms to the sky. He never made a sound when Soldier hit him in the chest at full speed, the magic from Kal'enel and Vkandis striking him at the same moment.

At the moment of impact, all the air and light in the clearing seemed to contract and then exploded outwards. Humans and Gods alike struggled to clear their eyes so they could see. When their vision cleared, they were struck silent by the being that stood in the center of the clearing, face still raised to the sun.

Xander could feel the sun on his face, he slowly opened his eyes, the nictating membrane protecting them until his vision cleared. He stretched out his arms and felt the huge black wings sprouting from his shoulders respond eagerly. He looked down at his hands and flexed the fingers. Inch long black talons extended and retracted with every movement. He ran his tongue over his elongated canines and smiled. But the smile soon faded.

He turned to face the others in the clearing, worry evident in his face, if not in his light spangled black eyes.

Wintermoon and Ghost walked quietly across the clearing to where Xander waited for them. They stopped just short of him and Ghost stared up at her father in awe. Her voice, when she spoke, was rusty with disuse. "Daddy, you're beautiful."

Xander snatched up his daughter and stared in her huge dark eyes. "Ghost, you spoke. You actually 'talked'!"

Ghost shrugged, carefully petting the soft black feathers covering her father's wings. "I didn't want to before, I do now."

Xander kissed the top of her head and turned his face to Wintermoon, almost afraid of what he would see in his eyes. What he saw made his heart beat faster and his lungs work harder. Love, lust, awe and desire battled for dominance on that face.

Wintermoon cleared his throat roughly, "Xander, she's right. You are beautiful." He smiled at the look of surprise on Xander's face. "Xander, I'm a Hawkbrother. I have spent my life surrounded by beings with wings. Until you came through the gate the two beings closest to me had wings. In fact, I'm a little envious. I've always wished I could fly."

Xander wound his free arm around Wintermoon's shoulders and pulled him in close. The older man shivered when Xander's wings curved up and around him, sheltering him in their embrace. They shared a heated kiss, Xander being careful to keep from biting, that was only broken when a sibilant voice said, "I've never ssseen a human with wingsss before."

Xander turned his head to face the owner of that hissing voice and found Gryphons. Lots of them. He'd seen most of them before, but for some reason they avoided him. He'd never actually had the chance to talk to any of them before.

He gently peeled Ghost from around his neck and handed her to Wintermoon, giving her a kiss before letting her go. The two men exchanged a look that promised pick things up later and Xander moved closer to the Gryphons, his wings automatically adjusting with every shift in position.

Tarlac watched him carefully, seeing how at ease he was with his wings and gaped open his beak in the equivalent of a Gryphon grin. "Tell me, Champion, can you fly?"

Xander returned the grin, his canines gleaming whitely and dropped into a crouch while spreading his wings wide. "Oh, I think so." Xander thrust up with his legs and at the same time snapped his wings closed. He was air borne in seconds.

Xander flew straight up until even to his sight the people below became specks. He arched and turned, his body shifting without thought to compensate for the lack of a tail. He made a few sweeping passes before finally settling lightly back on the ground.

Tarlac stalked over to him and those huge raptors eyes racked over his body, noticing how evenly he was breathing and the lack of trembling in his muscles. "I sssee that you can fly, and quite well. Tell me then, Champion, how may we assist you?"

"Why haven't you ever offered before?" Xander asked curiously.

Tarlac would have blushed if he could have. "We do not fly that well at night. And dessspite the word of the Ssstar-Eyed, we did not trust you. We have learned that many humansss ssee uss ass only a meansss to an end. We love our livesss ass much ass you do yoursss. We do not wisssh to wasste them needlesssly."

Xander shrugged, "I can understand that, but what changed your minds?"

Tarlac leaned forward and nudged Xander's wing with his beak, "You are more like us than any other human before you. We will do whatever we can to aid you."

"Thank you." Xander said sincerely. "I can use all the help I can get. Right now, I have to go take care of a little problem and I don't think you should be there. This demon can fly and you guys make pretty big targets."

Tarlac tilted his head in the way only a bird can, "But maybe we can ssscout him out for you. We Gryphons can ssensse magic and have the mage sssight."

Xander thought for a moment before agreeing. "Okay, but only scouting. If you find him, tell me. Don't try to take him on yourselves."

Tarlac bowed his head in agreement and called five of the others to him. They quickly laid out a plan and took to the sky.

Xander returned to Kal'enel and Vkandis' side. They were both pale and shaking and he tried not to show how worried he was. "Try to rest. We'll find him soon and he and I will be having a little talk."

Kal'enel stared into eyes so much like her own and smiled weakly, "Take care Xander. I have never actually had a child before and I do not care to lose you now."

Xander turned red and grinned, "Don't be such a mom, Mom. I'm the Champion aren't I? Demon boy is toast. He just doesn't know it yet."

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