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Boy Like You


E-mail: Pixiestyx
Pairing: Xander/Doyle
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: They are not mine. Not now not ever.
Distribution: If you want it take it just let me know where it’s going.
Notes: This takes place in the first season of Angel. It is AU. Also Cordelia and Xander never dated.

Summary: Xander is used to bait a demon and things go wrong.


Part 1

"What type of demon is this again?" Xander asked bored. They had been researching for hours and no one could find anything on it.

Giles tiredly looked up from his research, "It is a Mk’Th demon Xander. I have told you that several times tonight."

"Right sorry. Um, I think I found something. It says here that the Mk’Th demons are solitary by nature and only come out of seclusion to mate. They have one eye in the middle of their foreheads, which if looked into by the naked eye, severe consequences can occur. As a mate they take a young human male to breed their offspring. The human then dies after childbirth. Ewww! That is so disgusting. The only way to kill them, according to the book is to stab them in the eye with a silver sword. That doesn’t sound that hard." Xander read from the book.

Giles nodded his head. "Ok then. Here’s the plan. Xander, you’ll be the bait since you are the only young male here. After you draw out the demon, Buffy will kill it. It’s all very simple and nothing can go wrong."

They agreed, picked up weapons, and left The Magick Box.


But things were never simple and it always goes wrong.

Everything was going fine until Xander was left alone in a cemetery. The others hid behind some bushes.

Xander tried to make himself look appealing but he just couldn’t do it scared shitless. If things didn’t he could end up mated to a demon so he had plenty of reason to be scared.

He was startled out of his thoughts when a large purple demon stepped in front of him. He tried to look nonchalant but his quaking knees were giving him away.

"Hello there pretty. How are you?" The demon spoke up.

Xander gulped and kept his eyes to the ground. "Um okay and you?"

The demon smiled showing rows of jagged teeth. "I’ll be a lot better if you look into my eye."

Xander’s eyes were drawn up against his will. The glowing blue eye was the last thing he saw before darkness overcame him.


The gang looked on in shock as Xander fainted. Before they could do anything, the demon had Xander over his shoulder and was carting him off.

Knowing there was no use in following them and that this was supposed to happen, the gang went back to The Magick Box.

As soon as they entered the shop Giles made a beeline for the phone and dialed a number he had memorized before they left.

"Hello Angel Investigations. We help the hopeless this is Cordelia." Cordelia announced over the line.

"Um hello Cordelia? This is Giles. There is something that I am sorry to inform you of. Xander was captures by a Mk’Th demon earlier tonight. It was no use going after him because he is surly dead by now. Goodbye." He hung up the phone. There was no use crying over someone that was useless he thought.


Cordelia sat in shock. She couldn’t believe it.

"What’s wrong Princess?" Doyle asked seeing the shell-shocked expression on her face.

She turned to look at him. "My friend Xander was killed by a Mk’Th demon earlier. I just found out about it from Giles."

Doyle frowned. He knew about Mk’Th demons and knew that Cordelia’s friend wasn’t dead. "Cordelia, are you sure it was a Mk’Th demon?"

"Of course I’m sure. That’s what Giles said."

"Then princess, he’s not dead yet. He won’t be either if we can get to him in time."

"Really?" Cordelia asked hopefully.

"Really. Let’s go get your frie…" Doyle was cut off as a vision hit him.

He saw a Mk’Th demon carrying a young man. They were in a warehouse and he could smell brine and water. The demon laid the young man down and left.

Through the pain he told Cordelia, "I know where he is. Let’s get Angel and go."

"Okay. I’ll go get him."


After explaining to Angel what was going on they jumped into his car and headed towards the place Doyle had seen in his vision. It was in Santa Monica so they knew that the demon had made good time.

Doyle was sharpening the sword they would use to kill the demon when he smelled the same smell from his vision.

"Stop here!" he yelled. As soon as the car stopped they jumped out and headed in.

They spotted Xander easily. He was propped up in a chair in the middle of the warehouse unconscious with a worried Mk’Th demon huddled uneasily before him.

The demon must have been really preoccupied with Xander because he didn’t even notice them until Doyle ran the sword through its eye and it exploded.

They untied Xander and carried him out to the car. Angel started the engine and drove towards LA. Every now and then he’d look into the rear view mirror to see Doyle and Cordelia fussing over Xander. He still hadn’t woken up and that worried him. He pulled up in front of the office and hauled Xander into it. Setting him on the couch they waited for him to wake up.

Next Part

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