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He came awake slowly and blinked at the light. He groaned and looked blearily around the room he was lying in.

Cordelia noticed Xander getting up and ran to the couch.

"Oh my god Xander! I was so worried." She gushed.

He became confused. Who was this girl? "Who are you?" he asked.

Cordelia’s face fell. "What, what do you mean who am I?"

He smiled gently at this girl. "I’m sorry but I don’t who you are. I don’t even know who I am. I can’t remember anything"

"Nothing?" Cordelia asked.

"Nothing. It’s one giant hole in my head. I know what four times four is so I know I remember stuff like that. Just not memory stuff." He explained.

"So you don’t know who I am?"

"No. I’m sorry." He apologized.

"It’s okay. Anyway this will give you a chance to start over. I’m Cordelia Chase."

"Um. I’d introduce myself but like I said I don’t know who I am."

"Your name was Alexander Harris."

"It was? I don’t like that name very much. How about Alex? Is that what I went by before?"

"Alex is fine, and no you went by Xander."

"Xander? That’s a strange name."

"Not really." Cordelia disagrees.

Alex notices a beautiful man walk into the room. He walks over and stands in front of the couch that Cordelia and Alex are sitting on.

"Well hello there. I’m Doyle you must be Xander. Cordelia never mentioned how cute you are."

Alex blushes. "It’s Alex and she never even mentioned you. We could have met before but I don’t seem to remember anything from before waking up here in regards to personal things. I actually don’t want those memories. I don’t want to know that I might have been a bad man. I think this memory loss thing might actually be a good thing."

Doyle gives Alex a small smile "That it might." Turning to Cordelia he asks, "Do you want me to go get Angel?"

Cordelia nods. "Yeah. Explain to him what’s going on too. Ask him if it would be ok if Alex could stay here."

"Okay I’ll be back in a few."

Alex turns to Cordelia and announces, "He’s cute. Is he single?"


Doyle walks into Angel’s office. The vampire gives his seer a half smile. "I heard everything. It’s okay with me if he stays here until he decides to go elsewhere."

Angel then walks back into the room that Doyle just came from, introduces himself to Alex, and proceeds to explain things to him.

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