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Broken Machine


Email: dyybuk@hotmail.com
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters or the premise of this series, no copyright infringement intended.
Notes: just after Primeval and Blind Date on Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel. (pretty much assumed to happen just before the season finalies)

Xanders eyes hurt. The only reason he could tell they were open was because of how dry they are. His room was dark and shuttered, dank as a basement is, but also heavier. The air was cool and laden with moisture that brushed against every part of his body and mind.He hadn't slept for two days now, he just couldn't. It scared him, it was impossible for him to sleep. He would lie down and shut his eyes and still be awake for hours an hours. The endless awareness and lack of rest was dulling his mind. The thing he feared the most though was the cacophony of voices. They whispered and shouted, beckoned and spat, everything all at once. Xander was terrified, not of any demon or vampire he's afraid he's losing his mind.

* * *

"Xander wake up."

"Get up, you have to get a job so you can buy me things." Anya's voice pierced Xander's daze. He wasn't asleep, but he wasn't awake either.

"Why are you sleeping against the wall? It doesn't look very comfortable."

"Anya, why are you here?" Xander's head hurt and Anya's chatter was making the pounding worse. It felt like something was burrowing out of his temples.

"Hey, that no way to speak to me, I'm your girlfriend." Anya's simple statement of fact and cute outrage probably would have made him laugh on any other day.

"I'm sorry, just had a pretty restless night" He whispered "again" under his breath but Anya didn't seem to hear it.

"What happened to your eyes? It looks like... well like something bad."

"I just had a rough night OK." The voices were still there, and they punctuated everything he heard and felt with a thousand terrible suggestions.

"Fine, but you are getting a job today."


* * *

"Hey Buffy"


"Why is it that boys have to be so... well just... stupid?" Willows voice was sad but still inquisitive.

"It's those gosh-darn chromosomes Will."

"But that's not an excuse, I mean come on us girls have our share of problems and we aren't all idiots... are we. No of course not."

"So you found another picture of OZ huh."


Buffy and Willow bustled about their dorm preparing for their first class. Finally being prepared enough, they open the door and step out.

"Do you think, well maybe that guys are just supposed to stupid?" Willows voice gave away what seemed like genuine concern, and Buffy couldn't help but laugh.

"I think that you just have a skewed perspective, due to recent experience."

"Yea, but that is what you have to base your decisions on right? What you have experienced and know." Willow's voice was starting to get really whiny.

"Let it slide Wills, Oz wasn't and idiot, just made a few choices that were... not good. Think about it. Is Xander a... well OK bad example but how about Giles. He isn't stupid."

"I guess so." They walked off down the hall and into their first class.

* * *

The unemployment office was a government pit of hell. Xander was decided, and he was tired, and this damn place was making him mad. His eyes darted around the board looking for a job he hadn't already had and been fired from. Anya had left after they had had breakfast. He honestly could say that he hadn't had a worse breakfast in his life. The food was all bland, the company annoying. But he felt bad when he thought that. He loves Anya doesn't he? Though he would never say it out loud he was sure that he is.

"To hell with this crap" He threw his hand out as he turned and walked away in frustration and disgust.

He stepped outside, the sun was still low in the eastern sky and the morning was probably beautiful and refreshing. It made his stomach turn. The brightness, the ambient noise, everyone walking by smiling. His head whispered to him what he wanted to do to make them stop smiling. NO!! SHUT UP! He screamed inside his mind. His head was pounding. Then a peculiar feeling came over him, his chest an forearms started to itch. He looked down at his arm and a weird shaped, faint scar was there. He was sure it wasn't there before. He checked his other arm, the exact same. Damn it they itched, he scratched harder. He looked around and saw an alley, dark and shadowy, perfect for his headache and to check the itchy spots on his chest. He stepped into the alley and pulled his shirt up.

"Oh man" he whispered to himself. His chest was a mess of what looked like really large scars. They're all faint and lighter than the rest of his skin. They went all the way around onto his back and, now that he looked they were on his legs too.

"I gotta get me to Giles." For the first time in two days he was actually to preoccupied to notice the voices or the headache and fatigue, as he quickly ran to Giles's house.

* * *

"Yes, Yes hold on." Giles went to his door an unlocked it. When it swung open it almost hit him, and he took a step back.

"Giles you have to help me." Xander looking frantic and scared stumbled in. To Giles he resembled a corpse. Giles quickly shut the door behind him.

"My goodness, Xander what happened?" Giles took Xander's arm and led him over to the couch. They both sat down, Xander on the couch and Giles on a chair across from him.

"What is wrong." Giles stared at Xander anticipating a story about some demon.

"Well, I don't know, but look at these!" Xander grabbed his shirt and pulled it up like a girl flashing someone.

"Oh' dear..." Giles trailed off as he took a closer look at the seemingly random and oddly shaped "scars"

"Xander, where did you get all these?"

"I woke up and they were there I guess, I mean I just noticed them when I was out walking."

"Have you been playing around with magic, or sleeping in poison ivy or something?"

"Of course not, I may be dumb but I learned my lesson the first time. I don't know where they are from, I have done nothing different, and the last time I even came in contact with a demon or anything was with you guys at the initiative."

"Xander you and I are going to be doing a lot of researching. Call Buffy and Willow and whoever else because we are going to need their help

"Damn it Giles this is no time to be British!"

"Beg your pardon" Giles didn't believe he could have heard that right

"Just you and I, I don't want anyone else knowing about... well these." He sounded very exasperated and forceful and Giles had no choice but to concede. He didn't think he would want to share something like that with other people either.

"Alright, but somehow I think we may at least be needing Willow and Tara, especially if we find a magical cure or whatever."

"NO!, absolutely not, at least not until we figure out what it is. "

"Fine, but I think you are being awfully childish. I recommend you go and see a doctor, make sure it is nothing normal..."

"Normal?" Xander said with disbelief

"...yes, we have to know, when your done come right back here, I will be researching."

* * *

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