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Sheila glanced up from the stack of paperwork on her desk.

"You, again." she sneered.

Xander smiled politely.

"Nice to see you too, Sheila."

He was going to win her over even if he had to kill her with kindness.

"Yeah, right." she said going back to her work. "Just go in."

Shaking his head, Xander pushed open the door.

Bianca shushed him before he could speak. He watched the agile woman who stood poised by the open window. Her luminous eyes locked on a sparrow, just outside.

Slender fingers shot out. They came back cradling the frantic bird between two deceptively soft hands.

His gaze never wavered when her face shifted, as she swallowed the bird in two quick bites.

Pulling a wet-wipe form the drawer, she cleaned her face and hands.

"Sorry, just get the urge for a fresh kill sometimes."

She licked her fangs delicately, shifting back.

"How is my favorite student?"

Xander grinned, dropping into the chair across from her. He'd become quickly used to her various quirks in the months since he'd met the regal demoness. Especially since every spare moment of free time was spent with her or Spike. She acted like the mother he'd never really had.

"Well there is..." he began.

She sat eyes fixed attentively on him while he spoke. She was silent for several minutes as if contemplating the fate of the cosmos. Xander pulled out a ho-ho, waiting for her answer.

"I think you should do it."

The brunette choked on the sweet.

//Got to stop eating when talking to crazy people.//

"WHAT?," he yelped when he could breathe again.

"It'd be good for you. All work and no play..."

"Makes Xander a student with a scholarship," he finished.

She pouted then grinned.

"I know just who to call. She's been out of commission awhile, but I'm sure she'd be willing to help."

Xander watched helplessly as the dean began going through drawers.

She stopped, clapping her hands excitedly.

"Oh this will be fun... Maybe we'll finally beat UCLA this year."

The ebony-haired woman danced around her office.

"Umm I did not agree to this."

She went on as if she hadn't heard him, leaving the desk to search the bookshelves.

Xander sat bewildered, and a tad disgusted.

"You can't be serious."

"Hmm..." she said not looking up from the book in her hands.

"Now where was that spell..." she muttered softly.

"Spell," squeaked the suddenly nervous male.

"Well, yes." she said quirking an eyebrow. "How else am I going to get Catherine to help you."

Bianca snorted in disgust.

"Sheesh she had to get a big head. Always knew that ego of her's would get her in the end. Ahhh..."

Xander shook his head.

//No ahhhs. Ahhhs are bad.//


But his small protest was too late. The dean slash demoness was already chanting.


Xander gawked at the flesh and blood woman standing in front of him. She hadn't aged a day since Giles had banished her. Worry finally wormed its way into his brain, and he backed away slowly.

Her eyes turned to track him, as she stepped forward. Then froze not able to move any further. Her eyes snapped to Bianca.

"Donovan, what are you doing..."

The violet-eyed woman smirked. "Don't try it Madison. I know you know what's up, so let's cut the crap and deal."

Catherine Madison stared at the woman whom she'd known all through college.

"All right what's the deal?"

"Simple. Show Xander some moves guaranteed to get him on the squad and maybe beat UCLA. Plus promise to play nice. Or back in the statue you go."

Catherine pondered her options. There was no way she could out magic Donovan. It was either back in the twice damned statue or being good. She really had no urge to regain her youth anymore.

Trapped in a statue, watching a bunch of hormone crazed teenagers for three years had soured her on the whole idea. So...

"Deal," she said holding out her hand.

Donovan shook it breaking the circle.

Xander stood trying to decide who was craziest. The witch, Bianca for setting her free, or him for still being there.

//Me. It's me. Cursed, I am.//

"Xander don't be rude. Say hello to your new coach."

//Sometimes it sucks being Fate's bitch.//


Xander walked to the Magic shop in a daze. Bianca and Catherine had spent the entire afternoon planning his "training" schedule. Between the two of them he hadn't gotten a word in edgewise.

What was even worse was Catherine had taken one look at his supply of sweets and confiscated them... all of them. He'd been informed that he was to have *no* sweets, and he didn't want to know what'd happen if she caught him eating any.

His outraged protests had been met with one concession. He was allowed to drink Coke. *Diet* mind you. Xander paused staring up at the sky wondering how he'd gotten roped into this.

He shook his head in amusement. He knew how. It was the direct result of one Ms. Bianca Donovan: Dean of Students of the College of Liberal Arts. She'd pretty much taken over his life since they'd met.

Two Months Ago

Xander stood fidgeting as he waited for the woman to look up.

Finishing her nails, Sheila finally acknowledged his presence.

"Yes..." her tone one of annoyed resignation.

"Umm... I'm to see Ms. Donovan," he said quietly.

The office unpleasantly reminding him of high school.

"Name," she snapped.

"Alexander Harris," he said quickly.

"Go in. She's waiting."

He knocked politely, walking in.

"Close the door."

He jumped uncertain where the voice had come from but obeying.

Turning he flinched startled by the woman seated behind the desk. He was certain she'd not been there before.

She flashed him a grin full of sharp white teeth.

"You must be Alexander Harris. Pleased to meet you," she said offering her hand.

He stepped forward it. Fingers long, slender and usually soft clasped his then let go.

"Let's get started."


Xander rested his head in his hands. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"So what your saying is... you thought I was a demon."

She nodded.

"So you accepted my application hoping to help your own kind integrate into the human world better."

She nodded again. "Exactly."

"I guess this means I don't get in."

"Not at all. Your a wonderful young man I think you'd be an asset to this college, and the non-human community. We're not *all* bad you know."

He snorted.

"The hellmouth tends to attract the worst elements," she shrugged. "Some of us actually work for the Powers That Be."

He sat motionless trying to process it all.

"I meant what I said, child. You've got a way with words. I'm going to be your advisor, and we'll see about get you started right away."

All his instincts said this woman was sincere. He nodded unable to stop the grin that spread across his face.


He was glad he'd listened to his instincts even if she wanted to humiliate him in public. Xander grinned as he walked into the shop.

//So this is what it's like to have a mom.//

His good mood wasn't to last long.


"Ri is going to get you in and that's it Xander. If you actually tried to try out you'd ruin everything," said Buffy giving an exasperated sigh.

Willow nodded.

"Tara's an alternate. She didn't try out either."

Xander's eyes narrowed in frustrated anger. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. After all their talk about being better friends, they still treated him like shit.

Despite Bianca's evident enthusiasm he'd had no intention of joining the squad but now...

Giles eyed the boy who'd grow into such a remarkable young man. Unfortunately the others couldn't see it.

//Oh well maybe Buffy will finally get that long overdue bitchslap.//

"Well I'm certain you can work this out yourselves. Goodnight."

Knowing an explosion was eminent but for once not caring he left. Ethan was waiting for him.

No one paid attention to the disappearing shop owner. Riley was too busy trying to get closer to Xander without the others noticing.

"What are buddies for, Xan?," said Riley moving to stand only inches away. "I can get you in. No prob."

//Especially if it means getting you in the locker room.//

A sudden image of Xander in the showers filled his head. Riley bit back a groan, fighting the urge to reach out and run a hand down his body.

//Wet, Xander. Hard, slick, Xander.//

Riley shuddered.

//Buffy! Must think about girlfriend. Not her attractive, edible, well-hung.... Gods stop it.//

Panting he backed away from the other man.

Oblivious to Riley's... problem. Buffy and Willow were too busy trying to get Xander to see sense

Xander fumed silently as they told him why he needed Riley to get him on the squad.

"Xander he's already on the squad, and he's the current captain's lieutenant. It'll be so much easier." said Willow sensibly.

"Plus that way they won't see how unco-ordinated you really are," said Buffy picking at her nails.

Both women missed the flash of fury that shot across his eyes.

"Thanks. But I'll take my chances," he said storming out of the shop.

Riley watched him go, hungrily.

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