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Oz pulled out his key. "Here please."

"Fare up front," the cabbie said, pushing her hat back. "Twelve bucks."

Oz paid and they were off, the young men sitting as far away from each other as they could. "We were in the wrong place," Oz said finally. Xander simply nodded. "But it was funny that he thought you controlled me."

"I can be dominant," Xander said quietly. "I'm not a doormat."

"No, you're not," Oz agreed. He waited until they were inside their room to add more. "I can see it actually. I don't like to always lead."

"I would like to for once," Xander agreed as he locked the door behind them. "So."

"So." Oz looked around, trying hard not to look directly at the bed, but it was the focal point of the room. "Want the bathroom first or second?" he asked.

"First," Xander said, hurrying in there and closing the door as much as he could. "No peeking," he called.

"Whatever." Oz lay down on the bed, trying to relax and let his mind not settle on what they had seen earlier but the soft noises from the bathroom were about to make him explode where he lay. He closed his eyes, trying hard to find his center of calm to relieve his own erection before it got a life of it's own and went in there. "Xander," he whispered. "So unfair."


Xander blinked as he heard his name, the stroking hand slowing down. He closed his eyes and in his mind the picture from earlier changed. Now it was him on the chair, Oz beside him. It was Oz that was across his lap, ass sticking up and opening for him. The hand on him sped up, his lips spilling his thoughts without his permission. It was Oz who stood up, looking down at him when he asked for volunteers and said one word, ‘you' as he sat down in his lap. Xander whimpered, coming hard as the Oz in his mind sank down onto his suddenly bare body, holding him close as he shuddered.


Oz smelled the cum his friend had released and his own desire surged, the quiet words coming from the soft lips in the next room sending him over the edge as well. "Xander," he murmured, closing his eyes to recuperate until he could have the bathroom.


Xander walked out, blinking as he saw his friend wantonly sprawled on the bed, the wet spot gracing his front telling him all he needed to know. He seemed to drift over to the bed, their clothes seemed to melt away, and they were cuddled together before any version of sense came back to him. "No," he whispered. "Can't do this to him."

"Not," Oz said, opening his eyes to look at him. "Though, the almost asleep look you had when you pulled off my clothes was priceless." He brushed a finger over the pinkening cheeks. "You saw us?" he asked, needing to know.

"I saw us," Xander agreed. "You on my lap."

"That's what I saw too," Oz said, kissing his friend. "Tell me no and I back off," he said at the stiffening body.

"I'm not real familiar with this stuff."

"Neither am I but I've read."

"So, how?"

"Well, first, relax." The hand that had been brushing over a cheek went down to the tense arm. "Know I would never hurt you."

"I know," Xander agreed. "But I'm guessing that would hurt no matter how careful you were."

"Only for the first few seconds," Oz assured him. "From what I've read, I just have to stretch you really well."


"Yes, you. You can do me later, after we've figured it out."

"Okay, reasonable, you have all the knowledge here." Xander flipped onto his stomach. "Like this?"

"Nope, side, and we need slippery stuff."

"Conditioner or soap?"

"Question, how would you get it out?"

"Um, one of us runs to the front desk and asks for vaseline or something?"

"Hmm, almost like the conditioner idea better." Oz got up, heading for his little bag. He came back with a small bottle of scented oil, what he wore instead of cologne. "This work?" he asked, handing it over.

"Should," Xander whispered after testing a drop of it between his fingers. "What else do we need?"

"Depends." Xander looked up at him, handing back the bottle. "Condom?"

"I'm clean," Xander assured. "And couldn't be any other way."

"So am I, I'm tested regularly because of some sophomore naughtiness." Oz lay back down, stroking down the retensing back. "Relax," he told him. "Or I'll stop."

"No," Xander whispered, laying his head down on his arms. "Don't stop. That's nice."

"How drunk are you?"

"Two beers. Not impaired."

"Just checking." Oz leaned down, tasting the skin under his hand. "Hmm, nice," he said, doing it again, this time dragging his tongue all over the back. The bottle of oil was put aside as he got into the mood to explore this new thing, new person. He made it all the way from the back of his friend's neck to the bottom of his knees before heading back up, stopping to nip at a firm buttock that was spread slightly. "Okay?" he asked. Xander nodded, spreading his legs a little more, his flush starting to come back. "You sure?"

"Yup, liked it so far," Xander said, turning his head to look at his friend, shifting one leg so it was hanging off the bed and Oz had absolute access to anywhere on him. "Better?"

"Were fine before," Oz told him, moving closer to the rear pointing up at him. He grabbed the bottle of oil, letting a few drops coat one finger, which he used to tease the dark area between the tight cheeks. "Relax," he reminded.

"Am," Xander grunted, pushing back. "Tease."

"I could," Oz warned. Xander gave him a dirty look. "But I won't." The younger man's head turned again so he let a little more oil drip out, letting it run down his finger to the hole he was going to open next. As the oil dripped, he slowly pushed his finger through the spasming opening, watching as some of the fluid ran down inside. He put the bottle aside, wiggling his finger a little where it lay. "How's that feel?"

"Really good," Xander admitted, pushing back against the finger. "Could you try more?" he asked. The finger in him pushed in a little more and his eyes went closed. "Thank you."

Oz nodded, working the oil back and forth through the little flaps of tissue, then around the walls. "I'm going to switch to my thumb," he warned, doing so. He heard the little gasp so stopped.

"No, more," Xander panted. "Really starting to like this."

The older teen nodded, using his thumb like he had his finger then, not telling him, switched to two fingers which got a loud moan. "I'm guessing it's all good?" he asked.

"Shut up, more," Xander said, wiggling his hips to get them deeper.

Oz tried to wiggle the fingers apart but the muscles surrounding them were too tight. "Relax," he reminded, getting them to move just a fraction of an inch now. Xander had his eyes closed, his whole body vibrating in time with his fingers. "You okay?"

"Very good," Xander mumbled, looking back. "Can we try?" he asked. "Am I ready?"

Oz looked at the hole he was playing in then at his own cock, which looked bigger than his fingers were together. "I'm bigger than that," he said. He tried to move his fingers apart more but they wouldn't budge. "Can't go farther."

"Just push in slowly," Xander told him, going up to his knees. "Please?"

"First times should always been seen," Oz said, pulling his fingers out and patting a cheek. "On your side or your back." The younger man obediently flipped over, looking up at his friend's face. "You're sure?" he asked one last time. "If I start, it'll probably hurt for a few seconds."

"If it gets too bad, I'll tell you and you'll pause," Xander reasoned. "Please? This is cruel to me." He spread his legs, wrapping them around his friend's waist.

"No, on my shoulders," Oz told him, putting them up there. He leaned forward, positioning himself where he needed to go. "Coming in," he warned, starting to push. He stopped when he saw the flash of pain. "No?"

"No, more. Just have to get through that part."

"True, but this is the big part." The older man pushed against the opening again, closing his eyes as he felt it start to give way so he wouldn't have to see the momentary pain he was causing.

"Look at me," Xander whispered, reaching up to rub over the arm holding him up. "Please? Need to see your eyes."

Oz opened his eyes, looking down just as he breeched the opening, both of them gasping at the feeling of him starting to slide inside. He paused to savor it, working his way a little farther in after a few seconds. He savored each new depth to his friend's body, his whole mind opened by the sensations of being in someplace so tight and new. "Tight," he whispered, pulling back to take that all important first stroke. "Ready?"

"Yup," Xander panted with a grin. "But I'm so gonna have you later."

"If you'd like," Oz agreed, pushing slowly back in, only to be met by the hips pushing back. "Okay," he whispered, starting to pick up the pace when he saw the approval and happiness in the expressive dark eyes. "Faster?"

"Yup, please." Xander wiggled off him, sitting up to kiss him. "But I want to try something too." He went back to his knees, wiggling his tight butt at his friend and now lover. "Wanna try it this way."

Oz shrugged, sliding slowly back in, slowing down farther as he felt himself sink in deeper. "Like this," he admitted. He pulled back, going a little faster, a little harder this time, winding himself up to really give him a good ride.

"Oww," Xander complained. "Gentler on my virgin hiney." He looked over his shoulder. "Not so hard."

"Sorry," Oz said, slowing down. "Don't want to hurt you."

"You weren't, it was just a little much. Little stinging and burning when you went that hard."

"Okay." The older man added a little push up at the end, feeling a small bump in the channel, at which point Xander screamed into the pillow, burying his head under it, as his whole body vibrated in pleasure. So he did it again, wanting to see what would happen. What did happen was Xander going over into his orgasm, his muscles clamping him so tightly he couldn't move. He rested against the firm back, placing little kisses on it, waiting until his friend was back down to simply panting. "Okay for me to do more?"

"Please," Xander said hoarsely. "Now?"

"Yup." Oz straightened up, pushing back into the now looser hole, working his way back up to a pleasurable speed for him, grunting as he rode his friend hard. He came with a small growl, resisting the urge to bite by the slimmest of margins as he went back using his friend as a mattress. "Think we like this?" he asked when he was capable of coherent speech.

"Very," Xander said. "Or at least I do. This may have changed me for good."

"Hey, I'm there," Oz said. He pulled out, wincing at the small grunt and the few little traces of blood. "Um, bleeding?"

"Probably just a little bit where you opened me. Like a girl when you pop her cherry."

"Have had those, you didn't."

"But still probably the same," Xander said, flipping over. He pulled his friend down to hold him, stroking over his back. "I'm fine, little sore and feeling really open and vulnerable right now, but essentially the same Xander." Oz nodded. "But I seem to have this problem," he said, putting his friend's hand down on his hard cock. "That last push of yours seems to have done it to me."

"You could fix that," Oz suggested, kissing him lightly before rolling onto his stomach. "Want to experience anything that makes a man scream like that."

Xander grabbed the bottle of oil, following exactly what Oz did to him, working in first one finger, then a thumb, then two, but just barely, raptly watching his own actions. Oz was making little whimpering noises under him, making him worry. "You okay?" he asked, using his free hand to stroke up and down the tense back as far as he could reach. Oz nodded. "You're sure?"

"Just talk to me. I need to hear a voice."

"Sorry, was watching my fingers. This is the *most* amazing thing I've seen since my first magic show." He grinned at the small dirty look his friend sent him. "It is," he said. "My fingers are in you, man, and you're opening to accept me into your body." He pulled out his fingers, grinning at the heady feeling that rushed through him at the small moan of loss. "See? Your body craves me."

"Does," Oz agreed. "Start to push in, Xander." He turned his head back to lay on his arms, biting his wrist to muffle his moans as the thick head started to breech him. "Slowly," he muttered through his flesh as the burning feeling increased. The cock pushing into him slowed down just as it popped through and Xander made the most amazing sound, like Oz had just gifted him with the greatest present in the world. "Please," he moaned, pushing back.

"Yeah," Xander sighed, "push back onto me, Oz," he whispered, leaning down to get next to one of the older man's ears. "Let me see you swallow me." He smiled at the small shudder that ran through his friend but the virgin hole pushed back, swallowing more of him. "Yeah, that's it. Show me you want me." He pushed in a little, meeting the ass cheeks with his hips. "Oh, yeah," he moaned, closing his eyes as he took the first pulled out and hard push back in. "Like this lots, almost most as much as I did you in me."

"Shh," Oz said, getting up to his knees and pushing back. "More," he demanded.

"My turn," Xander told him, pushing his friend's head down as he started to ride him again, going harder like he had been asked for. When the older man started to make the whimpering noise again, he added a little spank, earning a little jump and his cock sank deeper, scaring them both out of their semi-tranced states. "Yeah?" Xander asked.

"No spanking," Oz told him. "Just drive."

Xander grinned, leaning forward to grab his friend's shoulders as he started to pound into him. "Speaking of driving," he said. "If you're too sore, want me too?"

"We'll call if I'm that sore," Oz told him, taking it and loving it, his whole body moving with each movement of Xander's, his moans starting to sound more and more like howls with each second, his whole body arching as he came, head thrown back, eyes shut, a true howl splitting the silence of the air. He felt the younger man's come fill him and smiled, laying back down to rest his now very tired body. "Sleep," he murmured.

"Let me pull out of you and I'll be your pillow," Xander offered, slowly extracting himself. "No blood," he said happily, flopping down to the mattress and sighing as he was covered by his lover's sweaty body. "We're messy," he declared.

"And noisy but I'm too tired to care." Oz closed his eyes, rubbing his head to settle his hair so he could sleep. "Nap," he said firmly. "Or none in the morning."

Xander's grin was still on his face when he fell asleep.

Part 6

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