Hello! I am involved as the writer of a column at a E-zine called the "Wiccan Star", it is a zine for teen Wiccans, and they just sent out their first zine! I'm so excited to be working on this project, and, as perhaps you can guess, my column is called "A Walk with the Animals" and deals with animals in our spiritual, magickal and everyday lives. I will post my column on this page everytime the zine is published, and will keep past columns archived!
Here is the column for June 2, 2000
In the past several people have asked me about finding Spirit Guides. But what is a Spirit Guide, first? They have different names the world over: angel, totem animal, and many more. Spirit Guides lead one through life, helping, encouraging and offering comfort. Awhile back I stumbled across a meditation on "how to find you animal spirit guide". Needless to say I've never tried it, at lesat, until now. In this article I will detail my experience with this meditation, and include it in the end. I will state now that I do not know where this meditation came from, if it is known I will give due credit in an upcoming article.
First Try: Last night, for the first time, I tried this meditation. I took care to clean my room, take a shower and calm myself. As I cleaned I reapeated a chant: "Spirit Guide find me, protect me and guide me along my path". The meditation said to use two cups of salt, but I only used one. I didn't want to use all my mom's salt! I cast my circle and settled in. As I began to concentrate I heard music. It was strange, and harpsicord like, unlike anything in my house. A certain chord, a pattern of notes, repeated itself over and over. It changed when my thoughts changed, and even when I opened my eyes I heard it. When I broke the circle I still heart it, how odd. I listened closely but couldn't determine it's source. As I left my room and re-entered I heard it no more. I may not have seen my guide physically, but I certainly heard it, even if not in words. I felt very calm afterwards, I will definetely try the meditation again!
Second try: This time I tried this meditation outside on a warm day. Again, I heard music. I can't tell you if it were a radio or piano, or truely in effect of my meditation. All I know is that when I opened my eyes it stopped and when I closed them it started back up. I didn't physically contact my guide, but the meditation certainly opened my eyes.
A bird was singing it's song, and as it stopped, another of the same species would pick it up. They repeated this over and over. I realized that we are a part of something much bigger than ourselves, we make a difference in everything we do, even if we don't realize it. Maybe my guide did contact me in helping me learn this message, one thing I believe I know is that I think my guide is a bird. I have always felt a connection with birds, I actually own two. But now, without further ado, the meditation!
Needed items: salt (2 cups), 1 white candle in sturdy holder, matches or lighter, notebook and pen (optional)
Make sure you have privacy. Give at least a two hour window or opportunity. It's easier, if first, you remove all ties to the human plane if possible. Take a shower and afterwards use no cologne, hairspray, etc. Choose a room in your house, or outside, and make it as clean as possible to work in. Turn off the phone, have no outside interferences.
Pick a spot on the floor and set up candle and have notebook and matches next to you. Take the salt water and sprinkle a circle around you and your tools. Once the circle is cast DO NOT cross out of it. The purpose is to protect you when you raise energy. If you move around the circle, move clockwise. Sit down and get comfortable. Speak or think a small protection verse such as "Please protect me in my sacred circle" elaborate as you wish. Light your candle and first, study it's flickering (have windows and door shut so when it flickers you know if there is spirit energy) When you feel relaxed enough, concentrate on contacting your guide. Don't push yourself to hear anything. It may come as a whisper or thought. If you make contact, ask questions. Take notes! When you feel ready to end the discussion thank your guide, ask them to stay with you or visit often.
Blow out the candle and using your power hand "chop" a opening in the circle and say something like, "I open this circle and thank all the energies that protected me on this night". Afterwards, reflect on what you learned and get a good nights sleep. Feel free to first read or watch TV to reconnect with the human plane. Don't get discouraged if it doesn't work the first time.
I hope you have luck with this meditation!
~Parakeet Hugs and Lovebird Kisses~
A Walk with the Animals
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