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~*~Our Infamous Broomcloset~*~

Why many Wiccans are still in the Broomcloset

**Personal Experiences from the Broomcloset**

I am looking for your experiences in the broomcloset and coming out of it, please send me them!

What is the broomcloset? Have you told your parents or friends your Wiccan yet? If not, then your in it. Many times people feel they CAN'T tell their parents and friends because they simply wouldn't understand. Perhaps they're strict Christians and believe Wicca is "evil" or perhaps they just don't think it's "socially acceptable". Whatever your case, here are a few pointers for dealing with, and maybe coming out of "the Broomcloset".

First, do you feel you must tell your parents? As if, if you don't, will you feel dirty, that your lying about something? If you feel you can live with "your little secret" and if you feel your parents probably accept your situation right away, perhaps you shouldn't tell them. Especially if your under 18, perhaps you want to wait until your a adult and can do as you wish.

But, then, there are those of us (and me!) that wish we could tell our parents and friends, like we're about to burst keeping such a wonderful (to us) and dirty (to them) secret. Some of us aren't sure how our parents would react, and I suggest testing them. Let them know your 'into' researching other religions, maybe you want to leave your books laying around (make them "appear" slowly) and leave webpages on the computer so your parents might see them. Discuss with them "What they think of other religions", ease them into it.

I have "come out of the closet" with a couple close friends (one of whom is actually Wiccan) and my parents. They learned of it when I showed them this webpage. They really didn't take me seriously, though, so I printed off this wonderful essay about "What Teenagers Wanted", that had to do with religious acceptance. Now they respect my decision. I believe I have accepting parents, I know everyone isn't as lucky.

It never seems like the right time! And it's true, it doesn't, but sometimes it does. Sometimes it feels like your about to spill it all out, and could. Others it feels like "man, I could keep this a secret a bit longer". Either way, follow your instincts! (But first, get to understand your parents and how they'll react).

When someone finds out...

It's tough and rough "coming out of the Broomcloset" un-willfully. There are several experiences on my broomcloset experiences page dealing with this, because I have no experience with it as yet, check out their experiences!

I wish you all "broomcloset Wiccans" a happy future and a bright present.

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