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Staying in...and coming out...

This page is to let teen Wiccans, and anyone else, share their experiences in, and coming out of, the Broomcloset. It's to give a idea of what other teens do, and maybe help in your own decision making.

I want more experiences! I can never have to many! Write me with them, if you like, and I'll place them here. If you don't want your email address included, please state it so! mail

I don't include any informaiton you don't want me to include, for privacy purposes, and I don't change the original typing of the letter.

Hi, I'm a 17 year old female and I've been interested in Wicca since I was 14.

I think the hardest part of coming out of the 'broom closet' is the fear that people will not understand or like so many others think that what you believe in is evil. I was raised in a strong Christian home so coming was out of the question. I tried to tell my mom when I was 14 but she automatically thought I was following the Christian's 'Satan' and that I was making a horrible religious choice and it made her cry. Seeing her cry nearly broke my heart in half.

My father was no different. I asked them to keep it secret since I might be looked at in a different light by my grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. She told me she would rather accept that I be Athiest before she accepted that I was Wiccan. I finally tried to be Athiest but deep down I knew in my heart that I was Wiccan. After that night I promised myself that when I felt I was old enough to make my own choices and I still believed, I would return to the path were I had left off. Three years later, my father is now out of my life and its just my mother, sister, and I. I sat her down a few months ago and explained to her that "This is who I am and this is what I believe." At first she wasn't very happy but eventually she accepted it and is very open minded and understanding about my choice.

Only my mother, sister, and boyfriend are aware of what I believe in. Not even my friends know. I do not think that I'll ever tell anyone else... but who knows. Maybe in the future I might change my mind but for now I am content =o)

Blessed Be..

hi! i am a 15 year old wiccan. I had been practicing for a little over a year when i told my best friends about my being wiccan and the first thing they asked was " can you get me a boyfriend?" Sometimes it's not always good to tell your friends about your beliefs becasuse they may not understand the rules ( ie. the wiccan rede). Then months later when we were discussing the amendments in school and the topic came to witchcraft, one of my friends someone that i was a witch and by the end of the day u can bet what everyone was asking me. That really wasn't too bad, though, because i met several other wiccans that had been lurking in the broomclost as well!!!

With my parents on the otherhand... mom can't understand how i can't believe in jesus. She thinks this is all hokey and that its just a "rebel phase". well, that's pretty much it.

blessed be, phoenix661

Merry Meet,

I am fifteen years old and a wiccan. My name is _____. My parents don't mind that I'm wiccan and my mom often has me help her with life situations because of my skills.

I am very psychic and my intuitiveness helps a lot. My entire family has psychic skills but not all of them utilize them like my mom and I do. My sister practices regression and helps with past lives. My friends are all wiccans, they attend meditation regularly. Although my boyfriend is not wiccan, I think he's okay with my practices. My ex boyfriend hated it. People at school always ask me for help and most of the in-crowd knows I'm wiccan. Although I've had a few dumb people ask to play with my tarot cards(they pronounced it tarrot, like carrot) and I undoubtedly said NO. I use a celtic spiral tarot deck and my mom uses a rider.

Although I play with ouija a lot, my mother won't go near it. She had a forwarning of death once and her best friend's son died. She isn't firm against my ouija but isn't fond of it either.

I told my parents I was wiccan and my dad still doesn't take it that seriously(although he tries to hide that from me) they pay much attention to me and love that I try new things.

I had better cut this down to size. Come out of the closet, join in the love and respect your parents and they will respect you.

Blessed Be )0(


It is a hard thing coming out about your beliefs, for me, I don't think I'll ever tell my parents. I tried to tell mother, but she's very strict muslum, and father agrees with anything mum says or does. I thought it would be ok, when mother in the end couldn't take it and had a break down.

She started accusing me of bringing witches to harm her, and that I brought the devil home. I was deeply hurt, and from then on I knew I could never trust anyone ever about my bliefs unless they were very close to me or they understood all about Paganism and Wicca. Not people who are so taken over by the superstitious beliefs of closed minded people.

It is very upsetting that Wicca and Paganism and the many other paths are not (we are coming to the next millenium!) excepted as religions. They should be taught to children in Religious Education studies, to be taught to know what a Pagan is really about, and to not attack us. But for all those whose parents have accepted them, I'm very happy for you all. And for those like me, please don't worry, it's ok. We should all stick together as a community and no one should feel alone in this. We're not doing anything wrong, it's our belief and to be honest it's a very beautiful belief at that.Blessed be to you all,

I never intended to come out of the closet as soon as I did. I wore black lipstick to school one day when I was in the 8th grade along with a friend of mine. She is a gothic baptist. She didn't want to wear it alone and since we are such good friends I agreed to also. I didn't have a problem wearing it, but my friend had people ask her questions like did she worship the devil and so on(we all know what thats like at some point in our life or another).

I felt scared that they would ask me if I was a witch(and of course they did). I always said something on the lines of no and walked away. I told some of my friends the truth, but I knew others wouldn't understand yet. My friend eventually stopped getting harrased. It carried over into high school, and when I was confronted by a friend I hadn't told, I said yes. It got around school some and because of this incident, I found fellow wiccans I could talk to. I still get questioned sometimes or get not so nice comments on my choice of religion. My mom thinks it's only an interest of mine and that all teens go through it; now she knows different. Sometimes good can come out of the bad.


I'm sort of still in the broomcloset- on acount of i only told a few people who swore that they wouldn't tell anyone else. i just told my brother yesterday over the phone ( he wasn't to happy to hear about my beliefs ). i'm planing to tell my parents when i'm older ( i'm only 12) like when i'm old enough to make my own decisions. my plan may not work though. my mom seems to be catching on to my "little secret", and since my brother lives with my dad, he shows a close bond and most likely will blab and my family life is over. but even if they do find out to soon, i think my beleifs and i are strong enough to get over it and move on. two of my good friends, S_______. and K_______. are helping me more than anything. i'm moving this summer, and i hope there are wiccans there who are willing to share with me, and are willing to listen.


I am a fourteen-year old Wiccan and I don't think I will soon come out of the Broomcloset! I am scared of the way my parents and family would react. And what about my friends? I think they'd make fun of it. My mother is also strict Christian, my father is not but he just wouldn't understand! I talked about it to a person once, he's muslim(i was chatting), he sais I should find a religion that fits and stay with it. I believe he is right. Maybe I'll come out some day, who knows? If you want to talk to me some time, my ICQ-adress is 71560618.
Please don't abuse it.


I'm scared to tell my mom about my beliefs. She was listening to the radio and a caller called in to this one show and she wanted to tell her parents about her being a witch. The host went all out on her saying she will go to hell and how she worships the devil. That day my mom heard me use the word wicca so she figured she would try to scare the hell out of me saying that I would go to hell and I was the devil, things along those lines. I never even got a chance to defend myself(my moms not the understanding type.) It's been a year and I'm still afraid to talk to her about it. She blows up everyonce in a while about little things and it is really scary. I have told a few of my friends and they are way more understanding than my mom. And a few of my friends started researching wicca. They are genuinly interested in my beliefs. I feel really comfortable around them. It's really great to have such wonderful friends. Who knows maybe with their help I might be able to tell her one day.

Merry meet, I came to the craft be accident, through my friend's cruiosity, but it stuck with me. That was last spring and since then I've searched for everything that I can find on the net and discovered that it's really what I belived all along, only I didn't know the name.

Neither of my parents are religious, they were pretty good when I started to explain wicca to them. My mother was interested and my father had always told my brother and I about the old pagan holidays. I'm still not really sure how serious they think I am about it.

I was really lucky with my friends too. Only one ever seemed a little scared and when I assured her that I wasn't evil, they've all been fine, though I'm not really comfertable discussing it with them yet. I remember one lunch time, when we were in our classroom, along with alot of other people, on of my friends said "Oh yeah, you're a witch, aren't you?", quite loudly. I looked around and was scared that other people would hear. Suddenly the REM song, "walk unafraid" came into my head and I didn't care what they thought. I think that I've been very lucky that I've never really met much negetive reaction to my belifes. Brightest Blessings!

Hello! I am 15, and have been practicing Wicca for two years & a half years. When I fist began to learn and study, I was very much in the broom closet. I live in the Bible Belt of Ohio, therefore being much of anything but a Chirstian is 'bad'. So I did what I could, thank goddess for the internet :).

I felt as if I couldnt tell my parents. My grandmother and grandfather are big time christians. My mother, well she's kinda whatever, I just didnt think I could tell her at the time. One day I was talking to my best friend, who had recently moved from Ohio to Virgina, when "Kim" said: "Heather, I have something to tell you, dont freak out on me okay?" I said: "You have a new religion and its Wicca eh?" Kim was like: "How did you know that?" and I told her I had been studying for about a year and a half.

Kim moved back to ohio right before the start of freshman year in HS. We eventually found a few more wiccans at our school. And so came the time to get everything out in the open with the 'rents. I dont really remember how I came about doing it, though. But I found out my mom had studied wicca when she was my age, and just drifted away. My grandparents are still iffy on the subject. So now, I am very much out and about. Yes, there are some bad points... people at my school like to harass me. I have even been questioned by some as to why they let me "wear my devil symbol" (refering to my pentagram) Kim and I were harassed to the point where we had to go to the principal to defend ourselves. The principal was great, and respected us totally. Over all, I am glad I am out of the broom closet. Yes, there are a few simple minded people whom just cannot accept what they do not understand. My best advise to fellow "fresh outs" is when confronted by these types of people. DO NOT ARGUE WITH THEM. You have nothing to prove to anyone :) As long as you are happy, then thats what is best for you :)

Love, Light & Bright Blessings

Ok, I suppose it's more like I have a foot out of the broomcloset, but isn't that enough?!? I, uh, happen to like the dark...

Anyhoo, I've always been a strange child; talking to trees, talking to animals, and sometimes them talking back to me!!! But of course, this was all before I even knew what a witch was. I knew that I wasn't Christian from the start because of my beliefs- I'm really into nature, and ancient mythology.

I first heard about the word "Wicca" from a friend of mine, and I stupidly replied, "Oh, well that's OK. I believe in earth type religions, I just don't know which type yet." About a month later, I decided to do a little research on wicca and found out that it wasn't some devil worshipping cult or whatnot. In fact, Wicca described what I had already been practicing. I strayed more towards the eclectic side of wicca, incorporating a buncha Shinto, buddism, ancient mythology, and different native american practices.

It was several months later that I told my mother, and her jaw dropped, literally. Well, I gave her some Wicca books of mine and websites, and she seems really OK about the whole thing. I think she was a little more understanding because she was thinking about becomming Buddist at the time.

Of course, she was so shocked at the time that she just HAD to tell my grandparents. Thank the Goddess that my Grandmother had been a Witch when she was younger. Hehehe, lucky break number two.

I know my father knows, but he's never said anything to me directly about it- he knows I've studied pagan-type religions before. He found out when he was checking the phone connectins in my room and kicked me out of my room for a little while. I had accidently left one of my wicca books out in the same exact place he was checking. Figures, later on that day he handed me a leaflet about some religion. I said something about that religion being misunderstood and he relpied "Just like Wicca?" Now, it was my turn to drop my jaw. I didn't know at the time but he worked with a Witch who got mad at her co-workers for teasing her during a meeting. She took the whole meeting to explain what Witchcraft was-so of course he didn't really seem to care. Lucky break number three- Bwahahahaha!!!!

I never told my friends at school- I live in Nebraska, and for all of you non-Nebraskans, Nebraska is HEAVILY CHRISTIAN. Wait a sec, so are a lot of states... Anyway, there's no way I'm gonna tell anyone here. My friends were teasing me one day and made a comment about how my hair made me look like a Witch- it's really long and poofy. They went on to say that I was probably a closet Witch, yadda yadda yadda. They hit that one on the mark. I guess that the whole point of this letter is to tell people that it isn't just what you call yourself, but your general attitude. If you don't think that your parents or friends will accept you for you, then don't tell them. Let them discover your secret by themselves. You don't have to alter your personality- just tell them you're radically different and proud of it. Whenever somebody says you're bizzarre or strange; thank them. In Witchcraft, it's not what you call yourself, it's how you act.

~The priestess of pixie sticks,
Pixie Panther

I am a twelve year old wiccan. I have only told 2 people that I am wiccan, I met them out of chance at a slumberparty. They're wiccan too. You see, my situation is kind of intricate. I go to a Catholic school, so my friends would NEVER understand. My 'rents don't know. They freak out when I say "Jewish", let alone Wiccan.

My aunt is a devout Catholic and sends out rant letters to any article that she sees promoting any other religion. And to make this harder, my somewhat narrow-minded aunt is my favorite, and I don't want her to hate me because of my beliefs. She'd throw holy water or something. So, if I ever come out of the broomcloset(which at this point I doubt I will do)it won't be soon. I hope whoever is reading this has a less complicated situation and is accepted for who they are.
Pure Silverwolf

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