A BoS is a Book of Shadows, also known as a Grimoire (along with other names). It holds whatever a Witch feels is sacred to him/her. Some think of it as their "spell and correspondence" book, others use it more as a journal, to write their experiences. It really depends on the person, what they will include in theirs. Some put spells, rituals, color correspondences, stories, writings, poems, etc, in theirs. Really, it's whatever you think you'll want to have in the future. No two BoS's are alike, unless in a coven and they have you copy the High Priestess's or Priest's book, so I can't tell you what you have to put in it, it's up to you to decide.
This leads to another question; When does one start their BoS? Well, I started mine right away, so I wouldn't forget everything, I don't have it memorized (which some Witch's do) but I know I have the information handy when I'll end up needing it. Again, start whenever it feels right to you. With some that will be as soon as they read their first book, with others, it will be after their Dedication ceremony.
Watchtowers are the four corners of whatever needs guarding, so, they protect. When a Watchtower is called, they can be visualized as big mean guards with muscles and nasty weaponry. They guard your circle from anything negative entering.
I had to do a bit of research on this one, for your "third eye" can also be known as your "psychic sense". What I found, practice, test yourself, start with little things (there are many different tests one can do) and work your way bigger, some people learn it's easier for them, others find it more difficult, but everyone possesses some psychic ability, no matter how buried it is.
I actually have a meditation on how to do this on my page, as I had the option of emailing me for it and so many people wrote (and it takes awhile to type!) you can check it out below the explanation. A Spirit Guide is one who guides you, as the name suggests, along your life path. It helps you out and gives you suggestions, it could be called a Guardian Angel. There are many different kinds of guides, some see them as animal, therefore this can be how you find your animal totem. Most ways of finding them are through meditation, astral travel and dreaming. Sometimes the simplest messages come in the form of dreams, it can be helpful to record your dreams, maybe you want to try it.
Visit the "Spirit Guide meditation" page here
There are many MANY different methods of casting a circle, some people find one way better or more appealing then another. One question I was asked was, how do you walk around the circle? I replied by stating that if you are the one casting the Circle, then, yes, by all means walk around it in whatever manor your method of casting implies (usually clockwise, unless it's for banishment or something else, I won't get into it though) if it's a group thing, many times the group will stand around the circle and do something to imply where the circle is to be drawn, that's basically what walking around the circle is anyway, as well as to seal in power. I figure you can do it just as good with your mind though, such as envisioning it materializing somehow.
Read, read everything, webpages, books, whatever. But, if you have read a bunch of stuff and are still confused, here's a little bit of an explanation: Many already initiated Wiccans would tell you to study for a year and a day before initiating yourself (there are many ways to do this) though, if you're sure this is right for you, you could dedicate yourself into the Craft, or have your friend do it for you. You could start small, don't jump right into spells and such. Recognize and "celebrate" (this doesn't mean elaborate rituals) the Sabbats, learn how to meditate and center yourself, and form your opinions on how things work in the Craft. Not all Wiccans believe the exact same things, remember, there are different traditions, research them, maybe you'll find one that fits your personality a bit better then another.
I know how hard it can be, sometimes there just doesn't seem like enough time in a day, or your so exhausted you just say "I'll do it tomorrow". There are many, many prayers, chants, invocations, etc. If your looking for something like "a miniature ritual" I would go with invocations. They don't take a long time, and they address much of what is addressed in Ritual form, but are much shorter. There are many small rituals as well, such as a circle casting spell I myself have which states:
"By the air that is in Her breath. By the fire that is in Her spirit. By the living waters in Her womb. By the Earth that is in Her body." The circle is cast, let the ritual begin.
As you can see, a very short, sweet way to cast a circle. Not all rituals have to be an hour, or two hours long. The main thing is to keep the God and Goddess in your heart, there, no one can touch them, and they'll always be around to help you out.
The Pentagram position is used every once in a while during ritual and spell work. Now, if I heard of this and it didn't have a description alongside, I'd be kinda confused. This is what it is:
Raise your arms shoulder height and spread your feet about 2' apart. That's it!
Well, there are such things as Christian Mystics and I don't see why you can't be a Christian Witch. Some people would argue it can't be done, as Witchcraft is a religion. I don't believe this is true, I think Wicca is a religion, witchcraft is just as it says, a craft. A Wiccans doesn't have to be a witch and vice versa. A witch, to me, is just someone who practices magick, they don't necessarily worship a god and goddess.
If you feel you cannot accept our gods and the such, and this is why you feel you can't be a wiccan, fine by me, in the end, I think all gods and goddesses are one "being" anyway, no matter the faith. Here is a Christian Earth Spirituality link... click here and here's another person's opinion, if you'd like... come here
I dedicated myself only about, oh, four monthes ago. It, for me, was a spontainious thing. It's as if something inside me popped and said "Okay, you're ready for this now." I had thought about initiating myself for a few monthes prior, but anytime I came accross a webpage with a initiation rite on it I slinked off, it must not have been time. I didn't even use I written, or formal, rite. I peeked into my BoS, cast a little circle (My favorite whip-cream one!) and basically promised the Lord and Lady that I was ready to learn the Mysteries.
Now, initiation and dedication are two different things, at this time it has been more then a year and a day of my study, yet when I dedicated myself it was about six monthes into it. I am still waiting for the call to be initiated. Dedication means you are devoting your study to the Wiccan Mysteries, but doesn't mean you are automatically ready to practice at the toss of a broom. Initiation is when you are a actively practicing member of the Wiccan faith. I, for one, am not yet at that level, I recognize and celebrate the Sabbats and esbats, but do not perform detailed rituals (They boggle my mind, in truth.). I have not yet cast a spell, I feel no reason to, but I still do study about spell casting, for the time will come when I will need these skills.
So what do I do? I study, I pray, I believe. I just don't practice especially actively, at least not yet.
Now, you say, "Well, I AM ready, so what about me?" Good, you've reached a milestone in your life! There are many written initiation ceremonies, but may I suggest creating your own? Go to someplace you feel "at home" at and simply *touch* the Lord and Lady. Tell them you are ready to study the Mysteries more deeply, and that you are ready to devote you're life to them. I cannot tell you anymore, as I have not reached this point yet, but I did tell you of my dedication, and I have a feeling the same will go for my initiation. Spontainity is what I'm all about!
Personally, I didn't "choose" a magickal name, it just came to me. I was just sitting around, on a rainy night and POW! It was as if a lighting bolt had jolted my head, and left my name. My magickal name is not Chantrea, that's just a screen name, my name is really SilentRayne. If you knew me, you would see this name fits me very well. Many people meditate to find their name, or it will come in a dream or, as it did with me, just "come" to you. Some people just "choose" one that describes them best, this name usually does not ultimately last as the REAL name is found later. I wish you luck with naming yourself!
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