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~*~What Wicca Is~*~

Written TextsWhy My StoryWheel of the Yearsymbolsrutharmy chaplain'sreincarnationhistorytraditionsmeasure potential

**Many of my personal views have changed since writing this basic explanation of Wicca. For example, I no longer consider myself a "Wiccan" per say, I consider myself more of a Neo-Pagan (new pagan, "neo" meaning "new"). Remember, there is much room for growth, which is what I like to stress the most whenever anyone asks me a question, and you should explore your own needs and beliefs before anything else.


is a religion that is considered a "Earth Religion", it is a relatively new religion, only about 50 years old. It is a branch of Paganism and a type of Witchcraft. Now wait! Don't automatically slam down a stereotype wall! With the word "witchcraft" comes a whole flood of negative thoughts that many of us have learned through childhood. In reality, Witchcraft means to be a healer and bringer of happiness. Personally, I don't believe all Wiccans are Witches as not all Witches are Wiccans. Witchcraft, to me, is just as it says, a "craft". You also ought to know that not all pagans are Wiccans but all Wiccans are pagans. It's like Christianity and it's traditions (sects). All Catholics are Christian but not all Christians are Catholics. Get it? It's like that.

Wiccans recognize that there is a "Universal Energy" afloat everywhere, always. Every object contains this energy. It is also known as "Creative Energy", or the energy that inhabits all objects, in a manner of speaking, it "gives them life". This energy forms the God and Goddess. Wiccans believe in the forms of a Goddess and God, who are equals, a balance of the male and female aspects of life.

The Universal Energy is the highest and purest energy form, it is what is "tapped into" during rituals and is what is worshipped.

Then comes the second purest energy, the God and Goddess. Since the God and Goddess are more easily related to, many people choose to worship them rather then directly the Creative Energy. I see the Goddess and God as "transports" that relay your messages to the Creative Energy, others may see it differently. (!)

The third purest form of energy is a second group of Gods and Goddesses, or deities. These deities specialize in specific areas, such as the Goddess of Love and God of the Hunt.

Now you know WHAT we worship, the question turns to HOW we worship...

Wiccans don't have churches or temples built for the direct purpose of worship. Instead we usually prefer to be outside in a "circle" (which we cast, teeheehee), under the stars or a group of trees. When forced (if "forced" is the right word, then I'm always forced), we'll hold them indoors, but no matter what the circumstance, the purpose is always to communicate, or pray, give thanks, or ask for something from one of the three pure energies. Wiccans often do spellwork (I am not a big "spell-witch") and rituals within their circles.

Wicca doesn't have a special "Arch Bishop", or the like. Each person that pursues this religion, however, has the option of becoming a high Priest or Priestess. We are constantly trying to strive to be more (like) and closer to the Goddess and God, and to be a High Priest/ess doesn't mean your "better" then anybody, but it is to be a servant to the God, Goddess, the community and the world.

Wiccans learn from and worship nature by celebrating the cycles of the sun (the sign of the God) and of the moon (the sign of the Goddess). This belief places a respect for the environment, and for all life. We revere the spirits that create the world: air, fire, water and Earth, which combine to create all creation.

Wiccans follow one written law, the Wiccan Rede, which states; An' ye harm none, do as ye will. Which basically says; Do what you want as long as it doesn't hurt you or anyone else.

Wiccans also believe in the Law of Three Fold (Law of Return), which states that whatever you do, good or bad, comes back to you three times as stron. (That's a warning Wiccans take seriously! But, mind you, you don't have to be completely good. But don't do anything awful!)

In Wicca there is no "sin". Wrongdoing is governed by a person's own conscience. Remember that everything you do, the God and Goddess have already experienced, you can't shock them! Wiccans don't believe in Heaven or Hell, with the belief of the Law of Return, one's actions determine one's future. (Three fold)

Most (but not all!) Wiccans believe in reincarnation. Where, when the body dies, the soul leaves and is born into a new body (That's a really basic explanation!). Personally, I believe when I die I'll go to the Summerlands, a place where my soul will reflect on it's past life. When it's ready it will be born anew. I believe you can be reborn as anything, spider to elephant, even another planet! Because if the God and Goddess created everything, why should the soul be limited just to Earth?!? Especially if the soul is trying to learn all of life's lessons (at least that it can!).

Wiccans don't like to say Wicca is "The only right path", as in the only right, or true, religion. We DON'T (or at least shouldn't) try and convert new members, verbally or through advertisements. Perhaps this is why so many people are misinformed about Wicca. (?) I believe anyone meant for this path will find it through their own search.

Want more? Click here to be transported to another page where there is a very detailed description of Wicca!

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